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The Transformation and Continuation of Literature in Different Medium--Focus on Movie

导  师: 饶芃子;费勇

学科专业: 050101

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 暨南大学

摘  要: 从昔日的纸质媒介,到今天高技术含量、日新月异的电子媒介背景下,社会的兴奋中心已轰轰烈烈地发生了转移。作为一直被视为人类精神食粮的文学,其存在方式,创作、传播、欣赏方式,文学的承载媒介和操作工具,以及文学的价值取向和社会影响力等方面,都发生了或正在发生着诸多的变化。因而,传统的文学观念若是一成不变、固步自封,适应不了这种转移,便会失却为社会和人们代言的资本。当电子媒介猝不及防地走进我们的生活,无所不在地出现在我们视野中时,文学的观念形态也必须在思维方式、概念范畴、理论观点等方面上有所发展和创新。我们最需要做的是打破自身的思维定势,高扬变通意识,重塑电了媒介时代的新文学观。 /_本文将以最早的电子媒介之一——电影为例,着重探讨文学本体和其它要素在电影这种异质媒介影响下的转向与承续进而研究当代消费社会电子传媒下的新文学观。 Since the paper medium of former days, the social exciting center has already transferred under the electro-medium background which is high-technological and new nowadays. The literature, which is regarded as human being's mental food, has changed or is changing a lot in its existing way, its operative instrument, its literary value orientation and social influence and so on. Therefore, if the traditional literary concept didn't change to adapt to the transformation, it would lost its capital spoken for society and people. When the electro-medium comes into our life unexpectedly and appears before us anywhere, our literary concept form should be developed and crated in thinking way, conception category, theory idea and so on. What we need mostly is breaking up our own thinking way, encouraging flexible consciousness and reforming the new literary concept of electro-medium era. The essay would set movie, one of the most early electro-medium, as an example, discussing emphatically the transformation and continuation of the literature noumenon and other essential factors under the influence of movie, then studying the new literary concept which is electro-transmited in the contemporary consuming society.

关 键 词: 文学 电影 异质媒介 转向 承续 新文学观

领  域: [文学]


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机构 暨南大学
机构 暨南大学新闻与传播学院
机构 华南师范大学
机构 中山大学
机构 暨南大学文学院


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