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The Intruder in the Strange World: On the Sense of Loneliness in Joseph Conrad's Novels

导  师: 黄汉平

学科专业: 050108

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 暨南大学

摘  要: 陌生世界的闯入者:论约瑟夫·康拉德小说中的孤独意识 在十九世纪术二十世纪初英国小说家约瑟夫·康拉德的作品中,表现出强烈的孤独意识。从自然环境上来看,康拉德小说中的人物大多背井离乡,生活在一个陌生的地域之中,从社会环境上来看,康拉德小说中的人物大多与社会相脱节,内心世界不为人所知。 孤独是文学的一个母题,文学史上对于孤独的表现古已有之,但处于十九世纪末二十世纪初西方社会转型期的康拉德笔下的孤独反映出那个社会时代的心念变化。经济的发展,社会旧体制的打破,导致现代社会是一个日益个人化的世界,但随之而来的是更为深切的孤独;他的小说展示出人与自然、人与人、人与社会之间的深刻隔阂,不仅如此,小说中的孤独意识也折射出东西方文明与文化的对立与冲突。 每当一个世纪之交,总会引发人们的心理焦虑及其反思,尤其是人们同益深切的孤独感受。康拉德的作品不仅对他那个时代的社会现状做了忠实记录,同时也深刻揭示与探讨了人性。他的作品在现代社会受到日益广泛的关注,是因为他的作品中所展示出来的人性的焦虑与痛苦与当代人们的心灵世界产生了共鸣。人类在历史进程中的孤独不可避免,孤独涉及到现代人的生存根本处境,对于这个问题的思索与探讨有着重要的意义。 The novels of English novelist Joseph Conrad of later nineteenth century and early twentieth century express strong sense of loneliness. In the view of the natural environment, the characters in Conrad' s novels are always far away from their homeland and live in a strange environment. In the view of social environment, the characters in Conrad' s novels do not identify with society, and their inner worlds are unknown to others. Loneliness is an important topic in literature history, and the expressions of loneliness have existed for a long time. But the works of Conrad in the social transitional period of later nineteenth century and early twenty century expresses the changes of social mentalities. The development of economy and the collapse of old social intuition make a more individualized world, however the deeper loneliness follows. His novels reflect the deep gaps between man and nature, man and man, man and society. Besides these, his novels express the confrontations and conflicts between easten and westen culture. Every transition of centuries always intrigues people' s anxiety and retrospection in, especially more feel ing of loneliness. Conrad' snovels not only record the situation of that period exactly, but also discuss the human nature deeply. His novels receive more and more attention nowadays, because his novels express the human anxiety and pains in modern world. Loneliness can not be avoided in human' s history, and loneliness involves the fundamental situation of modern lives. To study and discuss this problem is greatly significant.

关 键 词: 约瑟夫 康拉德 孤独意识 他者

领  域: [文学]


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机构 广东外语外贸大学
机构 中山大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 华南师范大学
机构 华南师范大学文学院


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