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Research on the Business of Overseas Chinese Postal Agencies in Chaoshan

导  师: 马明达

学科专业: 060105

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 暨南大学

摘  要: 广东潮汕地区侨批局是专门经营海外华侨华人寄回国内的简短家书及汇款的民营机构。从清末到新中国建国后的70年代,潮汕侨批业经历了从产生、变化发展到最终结的过程束,期间历经了中国近代历史上最为混乱动荡的年代。侨批业是在19世纪水客业的基础上产生的,于20世纪30年代前后形成了功能齐全的、纵横交错的经营网络:紧接着中国进入抗日战争时期,侨批业随着进入艰难维持、开辟新汇路的新阶段,抗战结束后侨批业又出现了短期的畸形发展、批款套汇等特殊情况。在此期间,侨批业在自身发展的同时,不可避免地与国内政府、侨居国政府以及民信局、客邮等发生了千丝万缕的联系。新中国建国后,政府逐步对侨批业进行改造,将其业务逐步归口国家银行,到70年代末,私营侨批局彻底结束。侨批业存在的百余年间,对当时潮汕地区社会经济产生了很大的作用和影响。 The Business of Overseas Chinese Postal Agencies came into being in Chaoshan-the east area in Guangdong Province. From the end of the Qing Dynasty through 1970s, the business of overseas Chinese letters and remittance experienced processes of emergence, development and termination ,undergoing the most chaotic time in Chinese modern history. Based on the business of Shui-ke in nineteen century, a operating network in this business came into being and soon grew up into a perfect and complex one in the 1930s. Then the War of Resistance Against Japan pushed this business into a hard situation and the new remitting approach had to be exploited. After the war, special affairs like abnormal development and exchange arbitrage appeared. During this period, this business got inevitably involved with domestic government, governments of residing countries, private mail offices and foreign post offices in China while developing. After the foundation of new China, the government reformed this business and incorporated it into the central bank gradually. Yet the private Overseas Chinese Postal Agencies had not ended until the late 1970s. The business of Overseas Chinese Letters and Remittance had played an influencing and effective role in the social economy of the Area of Chaoshan in more than one hundred years during its existence.

关 键 词: 侨批业 侨批局 潮汕地区 东南亚

领  域: [历史地理] [历史地理]


作者 张小欣
作者 陈斯燕
作者 黄泽纯
作者 何敏波
作者 程兰岚


机构 暨南大学
机构 中山大学
机构 汕头大学法学院
机构 汕头大学商学院
机构 汕头职业技术学院


作者 徐佳宁
作者 曾彧
作者 杨卫华
作者 欧阳娟
作者 武小平