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On the Writing Postcolonial Homestead of V.S. Naipaul

导  师: 黄汉平

学科专业: 050108

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 暨南大学

摘  要: 近年,诺贝尔文学奖倾向于褒奖那些关注人类生存问题的作家作品,而奈保尔作为当代著名的后殖民文学家,在2001年最终获得这项世界文学的崇高荣誉。 奈保尔近五十年来创作了三十多部作品,这些作品或者是根据作家在特立尼达后殖民地的生活经历,或者是来源于作家回归印度故乡的旅行考察,或者是取材于作家在亚非拉广大第三世界后殖民地区的旅行生活,作品的背景十分宽广,涉及了曾经遭受殖民统治如今深处后殖民境地的国家和地区。他的作品文体混杂,作家运用了虚构和非虚构两种方式,涉及长篇小说、短篇小说、游记、日记、历史研究、随笔等多种书写方式,并且用带有浓厚自传色彩形式书写了作家在后殖民世界的生活、旅行和思考。本文沟通作家文学创作的整个历程,通过对作家一生具有特色和代表性作品的梳理和考察,并且在较为详细的国内外奈保尔研究梳理的基础上,运用后殖民理论和社会学等方法,分析作品中突出的家园意识和家园观念,探讨作家对后殖民家园的书写问题。 本论文主要分为四大部分来展开论述。第一章是导论,主要介绍奈保尔的后殖民家园书写背景及其具体创作情况,介绍国内外的奈保尔研究。第二章论述奈保尔对特立尼达后殖民家园的书写,特立尼达是奈保尔的生养之地,也是他写的最多的地方,他书写了特立尼达后殖民家园的孤独和没有希望的边缘化生存状态。第三章是论述奈保尔对印度后殖民家园的书写,印度是奈保尔作为血缘和种族的家园,是他祖先的故乡,他在印度三部曲中书写了后殖民印度家园的混乱和贫穷以及无序景况。第四章是论述奈保尔对亚非拉后殖民家园的书写,奈保尔的家园观在此获得扩展和升华,他书写了亚非拉后殖民家园的现状与� In recent years, those writers who care about human being have won the Nobel Prizes. V.S.Naipaul, as a famous contemporary writer in postcolonial literature, have also won the prize in 2001. Naipaul has published more than 30 works in 50 years. All these works are from his experiences in postcolonial Trinidad, or his travels in the postcolonial Indian motherland, or his travels in the postcolonial Third World. The background of his works is very wide. His style has fiction and nonfiction, including long stories, short stories, travel writings, notes, history study, essays and so on. He writes his life, travel and thought in postcolonial homestead with the autobiographical way. This paper will analyze his homestead idea and his writing the postcolonial homestead in those representative works in all his works with postcolonial theory and sociology knowledge. The paper is mainly composed of four chapters. Chapters 1: introduce to Naipaul. It will introduce the background of writing postcolonial homestead of Naipaul, his general works and the foreign and domestic studies on Naipaul. Chapter2: it will discuss the writing the postcolonial Trinidad homestead of Naipaul. Trinidad is the place where Naipaul has his young life and writes more times, he writes the marginal lives in postcolonial Trinidad homestead. Chapters: it will discuss the writing the postcolonial Indian homestead. India, as his race homestead, is his homeland. Naipaul discloses the poor and the confusion in postcolonial Indian homestead in his India trilogies. Chapter4: it will discuss the writing the postcolonial homestead of the Third World. The homestead ideas have transcended here, and Naipaul tells that people live at loose ends in the contemporary postcolonial homestead.

关 键 词: 奈保尔 后殖民 家园 特立尼达 印度 第三世界

领  域: [文学]


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机构 中山大学
机构 华南师范大学
机构 华南师范大学文学院
机构 广东外语外贸大学英语语言文化学院
机构 东莞理工学院外语系


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