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A Study on the Application of Topical Structure Analysis as a Revision Strategy in Chinese College English Writing

导  师: 何广铿

学科专业: 050201

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南师范大学

摘  要: 从对比修辞学的角度看,学习者第一语言的写作传统往往会影响他以另外一种语言进行写作的方式。中国学生的英语作文,受汉语行文传统的影响,在目的语语境中往往显得缺乏语篇连贯性和段落统一性。而这些不足之处却很难为学生所发现并修改。因此,如何提高学生对英语语篇结构特点的敏感度,指导他们发现自己英语作文语篇结构中存在的问题并有效地进行修改,成为本研究的中心议题。 由芬兰语言学家Lautamatti创建的“话题结构分析”法侧重分析和检查语篇内句子话题的发展、句子话题之间以及句子话题与语篇主题之间的关系。该分析法将语篇内句子话题的推进方式界定为三种:平行推进、顺序推进和扩展平行推进。人们通过分析和检查句子话题的推进方式,可以了解语篇内容的组织形式,从而考察其语意连贯和统一的情况。这一方法为学生发现英语作文语篇结构中存在的问题提供了便利。 本研究将该分析法运用于教学实践,指导学生运用“话题结构分析”法检查并修改自己习作中的话题推进方式,从而提高语篇连贯性和段落统一性。本研究拟定回答的问题为: 1.“话题结构分析”法能否有效帮助学生进行英语写作修改? 2.中国学生如何通过修改句子话题改善英语作文的内容结构? 3.较之常规训练,修改策略训练是否更加有助于大学英语学生英语写作水平的提高和写作学习观念的改进? 为验证利用“话题结构分析”法检查并修改英语作文的教学效果,本研究以大学英语教学为背景,设计了包括试验组和控制组在内的为 A StUdy on theAPPlieationofTSAasARevisionStrategyinChineseCollegeEnglishWriting 期三个月的教学试验,细致分析了试验组试验对象所完成的作文初稿 以及相应的修改稿的话题结构,比较了试验组和控制组试验前后的写 作水平,并在试验后,以问卷调查的形式比对了试验组和控制组写 作学习观念的差异。试验结果证明: 1.“话题结构分析”法能有效帮助学生进行习作修改; 2.试验对象主要通过减少顺序推进和增加平行推进提高语篇 连贯性和段落统一性。 3.较之常规练习,修改策略指导和训练能更加有效提高大学英 语学生的英语写作水平。 4.修改策略指导和训练有助于学习者写作学习观念的改进,使 学习者在学习写作过程中更加注重修改,更加注重全面考虑 语篇的内容和结构,而不仅仅局限于语法和词汇。 此外,笔者还讨论了研究结果对大学英语写作教学的启示。笔者 认为,“话题结构分析”法能对大学英语学生的英语写作有所帮助。 乙二 From contrastive rhetoric point of view, writing in a second language is likely to be influenced to some extent by the linguistic and cultural conventions of the writer's first language. Under the influence of Chinese discourse structures, Chinese ESL students tend to produce the ESL writings that seem incoherent and disuniting in English context. But on account of the limited knowledge of the target language, they are incapable of recognizing the improprieties in discourse level. How to develop the students' awareness to the features of English texts and how to help them figure out the improprieties in their own ESL writings and revise accordingly, become the focus of the present study. Topical structure analysis /(TSA/), originally developed by the Finnish linguist桳autamatti for describing coherence in texts, provides a way for recognizing the discourse improprieties in ESL writings. It examines how topics repeat, shift and return to earlier topics in a text in three different types of progression: parallel progression, sequential progression and extended parallel progression. By focusing on the semantic relationships between sentence topics and the overall discourse topic, TSA shows its promise in helping ESL learners figure out incoherence and disunity at discourse level. The present study concentrates on the application of TSA as a revision strategy in College English writing. Questions raised for the study are: 1. Is TSA as a revision strategy helpful to the students' revision on ESL writings? 2. How do Chinese College English students revise their ESL writings under the impact of TSA? 3. Compared with common practice, can the revision training and instruction better help College English students improve their ESL writing performances and their perceptions on ESL writing? To testify the effects of applying TSA as a revision strategy, a three-month teaching experiment with both the experimental and the control groups was designed and conducted. The students in this experimental group were instructed and trained to revise their ESL writings in the light of TSA. The statistical analyses were conducted concerning the variations of the overall scores, the t-units and the topical progressions between the 1st and the 2nd drafts produced by the experimental group, the differences in writing achievements between the two groups shortly before and after the experiment, and the post-experiment questionnaire investigation to both groups, as well as the differences in the perceptions on ESL writing revealed by the post-experiment questionnaire investigation to both groups. The results of the experiment prove that: 1. TSA is beneficial in facilitating students' revision on their ESL writings. 2. The subjects tend to decrease sequential progressions or//and increase parallel progressions to improve the coherence and unity of their writings. 3. Specific and well-planned revision training and instruction can better help College English students improve then- ESL writing performances. 4. The revision training and instruction positively affect the learners' perceptions on ESL writing, altering their attitudes to ESL writing process in favor of revising and overall consideration of content and organization rather than simply grammar and vocabulary. Besides the discussions of the experimental results, the pedagogical implications as well as the limitations of the present study are also dwelt on. The conclusion drawn from the present study is: the application of TSA as revision strategy of ESL writing can be beneficial for the Chinese College English students.

关 键 词: 大学英语写作 英语作文 英语写作水平 结构分析 写作学习 英语学生 对比修辞学

分 类 号: [H315]

领  域: [语言文字]


作者 张革承
作者 周珞
作者 张巧霞
作者 蔡歆
作者 黄国君


机构 暨南大学
机构 华南师范大学
机构 广东交通职业技术学院
机构 广州大学
机构 暨南大学外国语学院


作者 彭川
作者 彭晓春
作者 徐云扬
作者 成海涛
作者 曾小敏