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A Study on Judicial ADR

导  师: 章武生

学科专业: 030106

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 河南大学

摘  要: 司法ADR是多元化纠纷解决机制中的一个重要组成部分,是近年来国际上兴起的在司法程序内迅速解决纠纷的一种新的方法和手段,它对于降低当事人的诉讼成本、减少当事人之间的对抗、节约国家司法资源以及缓解诉讼迟延具有重要意义。我国目前还缺乏国际上广泛流行的司法ADR制度,理论上对于司法ADR的研究也只是刚刚起步。因此,加强对司法ADR的研究非常必要。本论文以司法ADR为主要的研究对象,研究的目的在于:通过对司法ADR性质、特征、功能等一系列基本问题的考察,以及在对世界范围内司法ADR制度运作状况进行比较研究的基础上,明确这种新的纠纷解决方法的完整内涵,它的产生原因、发展状况以及在当前社会条件下对它的合理评价。并在此基础上,对我国的司法ADR制度的建构进行分析和论证。全文共分四部分,约三万余字。 第一部分,司法ADR基本问题的考察。首先对司法ADR的内涵和性质进行了界定。认为司法ADR是以法院为主持机构,具有准司法性质的替代性纠纷解决方法。其次阐述了司法ADR的特征和功能,最后分析了司法ADR与其他纠纷解决机制的联系与区别。 第二部分,司法ADR引起的争论与思考。司法ADR的产生和发展,对于法官和理论研究者提出了一系列值得关注的问题,例如法院是否应该引入ADR?司法ADR怎样才能最有效地发挥作用?在司法ADR中如何保持基本的公正?在该部分,笔者总结了各国理论与实务界对司法ADR的诸多争论,也从不同角度阐明了自己对法院引入ADR的若干思考。 第三部分,两大法系代表性国家或地区的司法ADR及其利用状况。在该部分,笔者对两大法系代表性国家的司法ADR制度进行了较为系统的介绍。通过这一介绍,使我们了解到国外丰富多彩的司法ADR制度,以及� Judicial ADR is an important component in the pluralistic dispute resolution mechanism. It has been raised in the world in recent years and is a kind of new method and means of solving disputes rapidly in the judicial process. It is of great significance in reducing lawsuit cost of parties, decreasing confrontation between parties, economizing national judicial resource and alleviating lawsuit delay. Our country is lacking in such a judicial ADR, which is a widespread popularity in the world at present. Besides, the research of judicial ADR has just started and undertaken in our country on a theoretical level, therefore it is very necessary to strengthen the research of judicial ADR. Judicial ADR is the keynote of the paper. The purpose of the research is as follows: making clear of the connotation of this totally new dispute resolution, the reason for its appearance, state of development and rational appraisal of it under present social conditions through an investigation of a series of basic questions about the nature, characteristics and functions of judicial ADR and a comparative study of judicial ADR in the world. Based on the above discussion, the author analyses and proves the construction of judicial ADR system in our country. The full text falls into four parts and has more than 30,000 words altogether. The first part: Investigation of the basic problem of judicial ADR. Firstly, the author defines the intention and nature of judicial ADR. The author regards judicial ADR as quasi-judicial dispute resolution method, which has court as its presiding organ. Then the author explains characteristics and functions of judicial ADR. Finally in this part, the author analyses the connection and difference between judicial ADR and other dispute resolution mechanisms. The second part: Dispute and thinking caused by judicial ADR. The production and development of judicial ADR put forward a series of questions that should be paid attention to by the judge and the

关 键 词: 司法 调解 仲裁

领  域: [政治法律]


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机构 中山大学
机构 华南理工大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 华南师范大学法学院


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