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Mapping of a Restorer Gene for the Rapeseed /(Brassica Napus L./) Cytoplasmic Male Sterile Line 681A

导  师: 刘忠松

学科专业: 090102

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 湖南农业大学

摘  要: 油菜/(Brassica napus L/)是一种具有显著杂种优势的作物,利用细胞质雄性不育/(CMS/)三系制种是油菜杂种优势利用的主要途径。近年来,玉米、水稻等作物的细胞质雄性不育机理及其育性恢复研究取得了长足的进展。甘蓝型油菜细胞质雄性不育系681A是湖南农业大学油料作物研究所选育的新型雄性不育系,并选育成了其稳定的保持系681B和恢复系714。本研究以甘蓝型油菜CMS系681A、保持系681B、恢复系714及其杂种后代为材料,对育性恢复进行了遗传分析,对育性恢复基因进行了分子标记,取得了以下结果: 1 对甘蓝型油菜CMS系681A、恢复系714及其杂种F/_1、F/_2代育性分离观察初步分析表明,控制该细胞质雄性不育性育性恢复的基因为单一显性基因。 2 以甘蓝型油菜CMS系681A、恢复系714及其组合681A×714 F/_2群体110株为材料,利用群分法/(BSA法/)进行细胞质雄性不育恢复基因定位。通过500个10-mer随机引物的PCR扩增分析,发现16%的引物在雄性可育、雄性不育两池间表现出多态性,并找到了一个与甘蓝型油菜CMS恢复系714中的恢复基因紧密连锁的分子标记S1039/_/(520/),该标记与恢复系714的恢复基因的交换值为5.45%,遗传距离为5.47cM。 Rapeseed /(Brassica napus L./) demonstrates remarkable heterosis. Hybrid seed production with the help of cytoplasmic male sterility is one of the most important ways to utilization of heterosis in rapeseed. In recent years, basic researches on the mechanism of cytoplasmic male sterility and its fertility restoration have advanced greatly in such crops as maize and rice. A new rapeseed double-low CMS line 681A , its maintainer 68IB and its restorer 714 were developed by the Institute of Oil Crops, Hunan Agricultural University. Using CMS line 681A and its maintainer 68IB, its restorer line 714 and 681 AX714 FI, FI as the materials, we carried out the genetic studies of fertility restoration and molecular mapping of the restorer gene. The following conclusions could be drawn: 1. Observation on male fertility of the CMS line 681 A, the restorer 714and681AX714 FI and ? populations showed that fertility restoration of the CMS line 681A is controlled by a single dominant gene. 2. The CMS line 681 A, the restorer 714 and FI populations of 681 AX 714 consisting of 110 plants were used for molecular mapping of the restorer gene by bulk segregant analysis/(BSA/). 500 10-mer random primers were chosen for polymerase chain reaction /(PCR/) amplification. It is found that the polymorphism between the two bulks male fertile and male sterile could be detected by 16/% of the primers, and the RAPD marker S1039s2o was tightly linked to the restorer gene of the restorer 714 with the crossover of 5.45/% and genetic distance of 5.47cM.

关 键 词: 甘蓝型油菜 恢复基因 分析

领  域: [农业科学]


作者 林显颖
作者 王景
作者 张智德
作者 景保峰
作者 杨谦


机构 华南理工大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 中山大学
机构 华南理工大学工商管理学院
机构 广东外语外贸大学


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作者 吴晨
作者 张琳
作者 丁培强
作者 吴肖林