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Identity Portraying /& Cross-Cultural Mentality Penetration

导  师: 饶芃子

学科专业: 050101

授予学位: 博士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 暨南大学

摘  要: 本论文分总论、分论和结论。总论/(第一章和第二章/)提纲挈领地说明本文总体学术意图、基本学术分析框架、研究方法论和现实语境;分论/(第三章至第五章/)分别对当代海外华人英文文学创作中的复杂问题——中国形象书写、文化身份重写、个体命运转换、后殖民语境中的叙事模式等重要现象做出深度分析;结论/(第六章/)则提出自己的学术意见,评估海外华文文学英文写作的正负面效应,力求对当代比较文艺学的发展做出意义的新阐释和学理的新推进。 第一章“绪论”——海外华人英文写作的学科意识。强调研究的原初动机以及研究的方法论。不仅说明选择本论文题旨的学术意向,而且描绘出海外华人文学的特征及其学科定位意识,对论文的基本研究方法加以说明,注重将现代西方理论的重要方法论,运用于中国文学与海外文化碰撞和现代性冲突中的海外华人的非母语写作心态研究中。重视文学创作个案研究,注重理论框架下的文本研究,以使方法的多元性展示出文本解释的多元性和写作的多元性。 第二章,当代海外华人英文写作的语境与关键词。通过历史与逻辑展开的研究方式,透视海外华人现实生存的语境,进而对海外华人文学研究的新理论关键词/(后殖民主义、全球化、本土化、文化中国、文化身份、母语与非母语写作、“看与被看”等/)加以梳理。强调海外华人的非母语写作是遭遇现代性以后新出现的问题。 第三章,中国形象书写与文化身份重写,进入海外华人作家小说文本分析,阐释两代华人移民的中国经验与历史叙事的意义,揭示两代人的对话与现代中国历史的内在血肉联系,从中西两种文化的冲突隔阂和心灵相通中,考察几代华人移民的中国经验与历史叙事中的记忆和反思,并通过两代人的对话展现现代中国历史中的民族创痛问题。 第四章,个体命运与中国形象书写。提示文革灾难与个体孤叶般的命运,分 析作者以独特笔调所作的政治叙述,尝试从日常生活的叙事中看现代编年问题, 分析几位女作家的世纪性命运。主要针对海外华人文学中的话语呈现方式以及他 们所描述的基本价值取向做出分析。 第五章,后殖民语境中的叙事模式分析,主要分析内容:中国现代史中的家 族和国家命运的纠缠,中西合壁中的“母亲”形象,新世界中的意识形态问题反 省,父亲形象与中国家族权力分析,红色叙事与亲历文革专制主义,反省文革个 体苫难与中国形象的重塑,海外华人与中国本土身份的差异性认识。对文本的细 读,需要从文学的角度来分析后殖民语境中海外华人文学具有哪些文学类型。 第六多,分析海外华人文学的正负面问题。对海外华人文学的正负面的问题 进行深入的分析,对其批评中生发出来的问题进行问题史的清理,可以使今后文 学的发展变得更加具有精神的自觉。 This dissertation is constructed out of three main parts, viz Introduction, Detailed Analyses, and Conclusion. The Introduction, chapter 1 /&2, brings out the essentials on the general objectives, the analytic framework, the research methodology, and the situational context of this study. The Detailed Analyses, chapter 3, 4 /& 5, provide in-depth analyses of the perplexing phenomena having been speculated on in the English creative writings by contemporary overseas Chinese, namely the portraying of Chinese imagery, the reinterpretation of cultural identity, the transformation of personal fate, and the narrative modes in post-colonial context. In the Conclusion, chapter 6, speculative viewpoints are put forward and merits and drawbacks are evaluated in the hope of providing fresh impetus to contemporary comparative literary studies in terms of its redefinition and its further theorization. Chapter 1, "Introduction: disciplinary ideology of literary works in English by overseas Chinese", emphasizes the primary motives and research methodology. Being an exposition of the objectives of the dissertation, this chapter describes the characteristics of overseas Chinese literature as well as its disciplinary orientation. It also states the basic research methodology, which exercises western modern theories in the study of literary works in non-native language by overseas Chinese. Importance of case-study is highlighted and theory-frameworked textual research is stressed in pursuit of unveiling the versatility of both textual interpretation and 'writing per se. Chapter 2, "Context and keywords in contemporary overseas Chinese literary works in English", penetrates the actual living context of overseas Chinese through a historical and logical research mode, and therefore marshalling the new theory-bound keywords of overseas Chinese literary studies, namely post-colonialism, globalization /& localization, cultural china, cultural identity, writings in native /& non-native language, and "looking /& being looked at", power discourse, etc. This chapter accentuates that non-native language writing by overseas Chinese is a newly emerged phenomenon after confronting modernism. Chapter 3, "Chinese imagery portraying and cultural identity reinterpretation", steers the study into textual analyses. Chinese experiences and historical narrative linking two generations of Chinese immigrants are expounded so as to reveal the unbreakably interwoven ties between the dialogue of two generations and modern history of china. In the conflict, misunderstanding and harmonization of Chinese /& western cultures, this chapter examines the Chinese experiences of overseas Chinese and their memories and reflections shown in historical narrative, and thus unscrolling the national trauma in modern history of china. Chapter 4, "Personal fate and Chinese imagery writing", speculates on the calamitous Cultural-Revolution and individual fate, and analyzes the writers' distinctively penned political narratives. Trying to re-look at modem chronology in a context of everyday-life narrative, it aims at an analytic study of discourse representations and the primary disposition to value. Chapter 5, "Analyzing narrative modes in a post-colonial context", draws attention to: the entanglement with clan and national fate in modern Chinese history, the Eurasian 'mother' image, the ideological reflections in the new world, the 'father' image and the power of a Chinese clan, the 'red' narrative /& personal experience of Cultural-Revolutionary autocracy, the reflection on personal trauma and Chinese imagery re-portraying, and the recognition of the difference between overseas Chinese and Chinese native identity. Chapter 6, "Evaluating the merits and drawbacks in overseas Chinese literature", gives in-depth analyses of the merits and drawbacks. It marshals the questions emerged in the process of analyzing so as to bring forward a more problem-aware development in overseas Chinese literature.

关 键 词: 后殖民主义 全球化 本土化 文化中国 文化身份 非母语写作 权力话语

分 类 号: [I106]

领  域: [文学]


作者 李贵苍
作者 余惠芬
作者 郑晓娇
作者 刘凤娇
作者 周凌敏


机构 暨南大学
机构 广东外语外贸大学
机构 华南理工大学
机构 中山大学
机构 广东技术师范学院


作者 张坤
作者 徐丽华
作者 曹金蓉
作者 李娟
作者 李晓青