导 师: 隋广军
学科专业: 120202
授予学位: 硕士
作 者: ;
机构地区: 暨南大学
摘 要: 本论文以案例形式编写,分为“案例描述”和“案例分析”两部分。 “案例描述”首先回顾了新联公司在过去七年的发展历史,描述了公司抓住机会快速发展,顺应市场形势的变化,调整战略,不同阶段采取相适应的发展模式,积极进取,伴随中国信息产业的迅猛发展,新联公司不断持续发展的过程。介绍了新联软件公司通过采取业务迭代发展模式,与世界领先公司建立战略联盟,平稳过渡、迅速发展的过程。 “案例分析”首先回顾了国内IT行业的各个阶段的发展状况,分析了国内IT行业现有的状况和发展趋势。然后通过分析新联公司的成长过程,阐述战略的制定需针对实际,适应形势的变化进行战略调整的观点,同时对于中小企业发展的途径进行了探讨。通过分析国内外软件行业发展的趋势,对今后软件企业发展的方向和模式提出了自己的建议。最后,对于新联软件公司今后的发展和所面临的困难进行了分析和评估。 This thesis is consists of two parts:Case Description and Case Analysis. The Case Description presents the Newlink Co.,LTD have been developing quickly in the past 7 years, taking right strategy in different stages, getting good performance. It describes the course of Newlink Co.,LTD growing up and the development pattern of the company. The pattern's core is building strategic partnership and continuing evolution. The Case Analysis, is started by reviewing the IT developing stages in China and then analyzes its status quo and the trend. Secondly, it presents that the strategy should adapt to practice and should be changed as the status changed. The development direction for SMB/( Small-and-Mid-sized Business/) is discussed. Thirdly, based on analyzing the international and domestic software company developing trend, the Case Analysis gives some suggestion on direction and pattern for software companies in the future. Finally, it gives company situation analysis for Newlink Co.,LTD and sets up the company vision and evaluate its company weakness in the future.