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A Study on the Writing Techniques of Katherine Mansfield's Short Stories

导  师: 戴伟华

学科专业: 050201

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 暨南大学

摘  要: 短篇小说作为一种独立的、生命力十分旺盛的艺术形式在十九世纪英国的成熟是以凯瑟琳.曼斯菲尔德的出现为标志的。她的短篇小说作品在创作形式上将现代主义、印象主义成功地熔于一炉,发展了一种以客观化、不依赖情节、注重人物心理、细节描写、通过平凡小事探索深层的社会及政治背景的创作技巧,扩大了短篇小说的影响,把短篇小说的审美意识带给了读者。这不仅使得她在英国文学史上享有极高声誉,而且对短篇小说作为艺术形式在文坛的确立也起到了极大的推动作用。她也被广泛认为是在文学作品中体现契诃夫风格的第一位英国作家,并通过其作品对后代作家产生了非常深远的影响,从客观中起到了对这种风格承上启下的作用。 本篇论文摒弃了以往的研究中往往着重从她的生平中去寻找影响其作品因素的惯例,阐述了曼斯菲尔德的写作理论,以举例的方式对其作品所表现出的卓越的写作技巧及独特的创作风格进行了研究和探讨。通过其主要作品的考察,还发掘了其在短篇小说领域的创新:她对英语词汇的新颖的表达力度和表达方法使英语语言的内在潜力得以极大的拓展,形成了一种与众不同的、洋溢着诗意的风格。 Katherine Mansfield is generally held to have revolutionised the 20th Century English short story. Her best work shakes itself free of plots and endings and gives the story, for the first time, the vastness of the interior life, the poetry of feeling and the blurred edges of personality. She has successfully melted modernism and impressionism and developed a new poetic distinct form in her writing. She is known worldwide because of her achievement in raising short-story to a new level of artistry. She is widely recognized as an original and experimental writer, whose stories were the first in England to show the influence of Russian short story writer Chekhov, whom she greatly admired. This paper stresses the need for a more critical approach to the writing techniques and styles of Katherine Mansfield, casting aside the chronological description which tends often to rely on purely biographical material. The paper stresses the importance in her development of fiction theory and practice, illustrates her writing techniques and styles by citing examples of her major works. This paper also stresses the distinct characteristics of Mansfield's writing techniques and styles in her short-story writing which have far-reaching influence on the later short-story writers. With a well-documented influence of Chekhov, she has avoided an overdependence on plot, she reveals the facts and events of her stories partly and leaves the rest for the readers to speculate. Besides, she is also a genius and innovator in exploring new expressing dynamics and methods of English language.

关 键 词: 凯瑟琳 曼斯菲尔德 短篇小说 创作技巧

领  域: [文学]


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机构 广东外语外贸大学
机构 华南师范大学
机构 吉林大学珠海学院
机构 广东培正学院
机构 深圳大学


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