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Study on Physiology of Seed Dormancy and Identification Techniqueof Protein RP-HPLC Biochemistry Marker of Rhodiola.L.

导  师: 颜启传;尹经章

学科专业: 090102

授予学位: 博士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 浙江大学

摘  要: 红景天为景天科红景天属/(Rhodiola L./)多年生草本或亚灌木植物,常具肉质。民间多以其匍匐的根状茎作为药用。该属植物全世界有96个种,我国有73种,中国天山地区是红景天植物主要分布区之一。据药理学研究发现,红景天具有抗衰老作用、抗缺氧作用、抗不良刺激作用、对机体双向调节作用、抗病毒及抗肿瘤作用、抗疲劳及对学习记忆的影响等许多新的药用机理,并已开发多种以红景天为主要原料的功能性保健饮料,据最新研究,红景天药物具有很强的抗辐射功能,俄罗斯植物志曾介绍,该国宇航局利用红景天根为原料制成宇航员专用抗辐射保健饮料。红景天具有很高的科学与应用研究价值,因此我们选题对野生红景天种质资源的特征特性、种子休眠和发芽生理、蛋白质HPLC生化标记鉴定等方面进行研究。 本论文的研究,首先对中国新疆天山地区分布的红景天种质资源进行采集、整理、特征特性描述及实地植株形态照相,并选择红景天的主要药理学成份红景天甙/(salidroside/)及其前体甙元酪醇/(tyrosol/)和毒理学成份百脉根甙/(heterodendrin/)为代表红景天的主要质量性状指标,建立红景天甙、甙元酪醇和百脉根甙的快速、准确、高效的HPLC分析方法,对分布于中国新疆天山地区的10个红景天的种质资源利用价值进行综合评价。其次,采用发芽温度调控、4℃预冷处理和外源植物激素刺激等组合处理方法对红景天种子休眠和萌发的生理特性进行研究,探讨其内源性植物激素受外源调节刺激后发生变化的规律与种子休眠之间的关系,揭示其休眠及破除休眠的生理机理,找出红景天解除休眠、促进发芽和实生苗平衡生长的最佳技术。最后采用RP-HPLC方法对所收集到的10个种的红景天种子醇溶蛋白进行分离鉴定,寻找不同种而独特的� The plant of Rhodiola.L has been widely used as traditional herb medicine in china for a long time. Rhodiola.L contains more than 90 species and grows quite widespread all over the mountain areas of northern hemisphere, of which 76 species are present in china, Tianshan Mountain area of Xinjiang is one of main distribution area of this plant in China. Its extracts from roots possess the effects of anti-viral, anti-tumur, anti-aging, anti-oxygen deficiency, anti-fatigue and other pharmacological properties. It had developed many kinds of health drink that content Rhodiola. L. According to the latest research, this herb medinice posse the function of anti-radition, Planta record of Russian introdued that Astrogation Bureau of Russian used the root of Rhodiola.L to make health drink for astronant that can resist high radiation in outspace, Rhodiola.L has high value of science and application research. So we choosed wild Rhodiola.L as our research material, assessed the plant genetice resource, researched physiology of the seed dormancy and germination, identified of the seed protein RP-HPLC biochemistry marker and so on. In this thesis, the first thing we did was gather, rearrangement, characteristic description and plant morphological photograph for the Rhodiola. L plant that distribute in Tianshan mountain area, Xinjiang China. Salidroside and its precursor tyrosol that are the most important biologically active compounds in dry roots of the Rhodiola L.and heterodendrin that is the main poison compound in this plant were chosen as the main character indicator of the Rhodiola. L. It established a HPLC method to determine the contents of salidroside, tyrosol and heterodendrin; the method is simple, sensitive and accurate. The aim of this investigation was to screen the elite species with higher IV salidroside and tyrosol contents and lower heterodendrin content in ten species of which are present in Tianshan mountain area. The second thing was that we us

关 键 词: 红景天 资源评价 激素调控 种子休眠 休眠解除 品种鉴定 生化标记

领  域: [农业科学] [农业科学]




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