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Bridging Reference in Chinese Discourse: A Pragmatic Approach

导  师: 何自然

学科专业: 050102

授予学位: 博士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 广东外语外贸大学

摘  要: 语言推理的照应/(bridging reference/)/(简称推理照应/),是言语交际中普遍存在的一种现象,意指话语中待释表达法/(bridging expressions/)与语境中/(包括前述话语/(proceeding discourse/)和后述话语/(subsequent discourse/)/)中没有明确表述出的指称对象/(referent/)之间的照应关系。推理照应作为一种意义关系,是话语研究中一个核心概念。不少学者已就推理照应问题做过研究,并取得了一定的成绩。但是,由于其出发点和侧重点各有不一,他们的研究均出现不同程度的局限性。 本文在借鉴和发展前人研究成果的基础上,从认知语用的角度,结合语言的三个层面/(即句法、语义和语用/)来考察汉语中推理照应现象,其基本观点是: /(ⅰ/) 推理照应作为语言表达的一种手段,在话语的实际运作中,是对话语含意或隐性表述/(implicit expression/)的具体内容或对话语的显性表述/(explicit expression/)做出阐释或补足,它使语言变得相对完善,有利于人们进行成功的交际。 /(ⅱ/) 推理照应是人们在言语交际中,以人与人之间、人与事物之间以及事物与事物之间的相互关系来把握世界的一种认知方式和传播媒介。 /(ⅲ/) 推理照应关系可以被认为是人们认知世界的一种方式;可以是人们反思认识事物的具体方法后形成的一种思维方法;还可以是人们自觉或不自觉地用来认识事物的一种视角。 本文的理论框架由人们的交际需求、话语的交互性和语境等要素构成,因为推理照应现象的产生就是基于这些要素。本文研究步骤是:1/)对推理照应与其它类型的照应进行了界定;2/)通过从句法、语义和语用三个层面对推理照应进行描写和分析,来探讨汉语话语中话语的各组成成分、信息分布、句法结构、意义关系及其切分、真值条件、“语境”与“关联”的常项、变项等问题;3/)讨论了汉语话语中词序、语序、逻辑连接词、话语的命题、有生 命性与无生命性(dmateness and nana咖essL常规关系(stereo咖icality) 等等因素对推理照应理解的制约功能,同时也指出了人们对句子意义的理解、 对语境假设的推理以及人们对百科知识的掌握程度是理解推理照应关系的关 键:4)推理照应关系的辨认与理解是人们在祉会语境中进行言语交际的一个 必需的、但非充分的过程(8 eC既S叼 but fiot SuffiCICnt COtlllYll.----CatlVV process)。 本文对推理照应在句法、语义、语用三个层面所做的研究具体表现为: (一)句法层面 通过考察话语各组成成分如逻辑连接词、信息结构和句法形式(包括 Clark ( 977)的“新—一旧信息契约”)等以及他们在话语中所起的作用, 弄清话语的信息分布以及影响汉语话语中推理照应在旬法层的制约因素(如 词序、语序问题等),以确定影响汉语话语中推理照应关系形成的有效性,提 出推理照应的第一假设:有效性假设(the validity hypothesis人 (二)语义层面 通过考察描写和解释话语中推理照应关系的理论、区分两种主要的推理 照应形式、话语中的意义关系(如蕴涵、语义前提)与真值条件以及制约推 理照应的语义因素,如:语句命题以及语句命题间的交互作用、有生命性与 无生命性及其特征等,以确定影响推理照应的可接受性。基于对上述理论的 讨论以及语句命题之间的各种修辞关系对推理照应关系的影响,提出推理照 应的第二假设:可接受性假设(t回e acceptability hypothesis)。 (三)语用层面 通过考察话语中推理照应的语用层面,本文从真值、连贯和关联的角度 来讨论推理照应问题;分析了语用照应(bidging reference)和语用推理 (bndging i毗rence)、语境假设(conteM ass帅iom)和含意(m叩licatUr)、“语 境”与“关联性”的动态性等问题以及对推理照应的影响和制约的几种主要 因素(包括人与人、人与事物之间、两事物间的常规关系等);本文分析了 Erku and Gundel,Sanford and Garrod 的 “场景联想”(scenano-based associatloul、Si恤r的“意想焦点法”(he expected focus algonthln)等现有 理论对推理照应研究的局限性;特别指出关联理论对汉语话语中推理照应的 理解与辨认有极大的指导意义,由此,并提出推理照应的第三假设:适切性 假设(the appropriateness hypotbes’s)。 本研究通过问卷调查的方式,对推理照应理解的三个层面以及三个假设 进行了检验。其结果表明三个层面(包括三个假设)在人们理解推理照应的 过程中是互补的。他们之间相互作用,直接影响交际活动的成功与否。 纵观本文在各层面的阐述和基于这些阐述所提出的假设,以及对推理照 应理解的三个层面和三个假设的检验结果,本文发现: a)没有作为载体的句法形式,推理照应关系无法得以实现; b)按照一定旬法规则表现出来的语句通常是用来表达一定意义的命题。这些 命题受话语的显性或隐性表述的制约,命题本身、或命题之间的交互作用 又可以引起一定的言语行为,并为进一步交际打下一定的基础; C)语言使用的语境具有动态性。有一定的句法结构,且又表达一定字面意义 或命? Bridging reference /(henceforth BR/), which permeates verbal communication, refers to the relationship between a bridging expression and its intended referent not explicitly expressed in context /(including preceding and subsequent discourse/), but can be inferred via the addition of contextual assumptions. As a semantic concept, BR has been extensively researched in the literature and significant insights have been gained through various approaches. However, no single model is capable of handling all the cases of BR interpretation due to the fact that each model approaches the problem either from a different perspective or with a different goal. This dissertation, drawing on current insights and empirical data from various resources /(e.g. academic journals, newspapers, novels, daily conversation, etc./) in the Chinese language, proposes a practical model that incorporates the syntactic, semantic and pragmatic levels in the interpretation of BR. It points out, from a pragmatic point of view, that past studies do not do justice to the way different knowledge resources interact, arguing that the recognition and interpretation of BR is a necessary but not sufficient communicative process in our daily communication. It claims that the rhetorical connections between the propositions introduced in the discourse are crucial in the interpretation of BR. But the work concerned in this dissertation is different from previous studies in that the author demonstrates how this source of information interacts with the usual syntactic and semantic analysis in a pragmatic context. Hence such a language phenomenon is approached from three different levels: the syntacti c, semantic and pragmatic levels. Focusing on internal preferences to these levels, the interpretation of BR is subject to different mechanisms. The observed focusing preferences at each of these levels are modeled syntactically, semantically and pragmatically, along the lines suggested in relevance theory /(henceforth RT/). Thus it provides a new perspective for research in verbal communication. These are some of the basic propositions of the present research: 1/) BR refers to the relationship between bridging expressions and the referents in context. It is used in actual discourse to represent what is implicitly expressed, functioning as an explanation or supplement to what is explicitly expressed. It enriches the dynamic study of discourses and serves as an aid to the success of human communication. 2/) BR is a form of existence that enables people to handle properly different relationships such as the one between bridging expressions and referents in verbal communication. It is also a medium of transmission. 3/) BR can be considered as a way of getting to know the world /(both physical and mental/), or a paradigm derived from reflections upon a concrete method of approaching discourses. Hence it becomes consciously or unconsciously a tool for forming a world view. The theoretical framework of the dissertation consists of various factors /(e.g. communication needs, interaction between the propositions introduced in discourse, context, etc./) that influence the establishment and interpretation of BR. As a point of departure, this dissertation distinguishes BR from other types of reference. Then it discusses such a relationship from three different levels, followed by a unified account, and focuses on issues such as the linguistic components of a discourse, the distribution of information, syntactic structure, meaning relations and truth conditions, context and relevance, etc. It tries to demonstrate how the interpretation of sentence meaning, bridging inference of contextual assumptions and encyclopedic knowledge, constrains the interpretation of BR. These and some other arguments, together with the research findings and their contribution to other branches of sciences, will be briefly discussed below: The syntactic level: Issues such as linguistic elements and their functions in discourse, logical operators, information structure of discourse /(including the giv

关 键 词: 逻辑连接词 语用层面 语境假设 照应关系

分 类 号: [H13]

领  域: [语言文字]


作者 夏年喜
作者 刘英杰
作者 邹清华
作者 孙世明
作者 曹素玲


机构 广东外语外贸大学
机构 华南师范大学外国语言文化学院
机构 华南师范大学
机构 广东财经大学
机构 暨南大学


作者 彭川
作者 彭晓春
作者 徐云扬
作者 成海涛
作者 曾小敏