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The Historical Impact of the Nascent Divergence of Great Classics on Chinese and Western Cultures and Symbolic Thinking

导  师: 蒋述卓

学科专业: 050101

授予学位: 博士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 暨南大学

摘  要: 文化传统作为人类精神文明的集中表现,尤其是萌生于民 族早期的诗歌作品所蕴含的传统文化精神与艺术思维原生模 式,是探究一种文化特质的关键。在这方面,《诗经》与《圣经》 可以说是无可替代的权威性文本。 虽然,中西方学术界对这两部经典历来予以高度重视,对 它们各自在文化、社会、历史、文学等领域的研究也早已成为 专有课题,并取得了丰硕的研究成果。然而,对这两部经典作 横向的比较研究和考察,目前仍有尚待探索的空间。 本文试图通过对《诗经》和《圣经》这两部中西方文化发 展史中具有起源地位的经典进行文本的比较研究,通过对《诗 经》与《圣经》产生的社会历史环境、表现的内涵主旨的探讨, 辨析两者在文化定位、叙述特征、内容题材及表达方式方面的 各自特色和异同,探寻蕴藉其中的中西方传统文化精神与艺术 思维的原始差异,揭示这些差异对中西方文化发展所具有的深 远影响。 本文共分六部分。引言说明研究题目的学术意义和研究方 法;第一章论述《诗经》与《圣经》在中西方文化史上的地位 及影响;第二章阐释两部经典不同的叙述特征及内涵;第三章 剖析两部经典不同的歌咏题材特征;第四章探讨两部经典的不 同艺术表现方式及思维特征;结语对全文观点作了概括性总结。 Culture is the quintessential manifestation of a civilization. In its nascent form, culture and symbolic thinking as embodied in the early poetry of a people provide the key to exploring the cultural metaphysics of a society. In this regard, The Book of Songs and Holy Bible, each in its own historical context, are two most authoritative and irreplaceable testimonies. While a great deal of research has been devoted to the study of The Book of Songs and Holy Bible, respectively, by Chinese and Western scholars, resulting in a wealth of understanding of the social, cultural, historical and literal contexts of the two works, much remains to be studied of the two in a comparative mode. This thesis intents to make a comparative study of the two classics as the headsprings of two cultures, and through an analysis of the social, cultural and historical peculiarities surrounding the birth of the two classics, to highlight the characteristic diversities on the social and cultural background, narrative pattern, themes, content and symbolic representation skills. These diversities have produced far-reaching impact on the subsequent development of the two cultures. The thesis consists of six parts. The introduction discusses the meaning and methodology of the thesis; Chapter one focuses on the position and influence of the two classics on Sino-West cultural history; Chapter two analyses the different narrative ways and intentions; Chapter three explains the themes and contents of the two classics; Chapter four describes the differences of symbolic representation and thinking formation by the early poetry. In conclusion, the author provides a summary of the major themes of the thesis.

关 键 词: 诗经 圣经 比兴 象征 文化精神 艺术思维模式

领  域: [文学]


作者 李金坤
作者 邱世友
作者 谈春蓉
作者 朱红荣
作者 李小楠


机构 中山大学人文科学学院哲学系
机构 中山大学人文科学学院中文系
机构 暨南大学
机构 华南师范大学
机构 华南师范大学文学院


作者 张坤
作者 徐丽华
作者 曹金蓉
作者 李娟
作者 李晓青