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导  师: 陈佳民;诸孝正

学科专业: 050106

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南师范大学

摘  要: 长期以来,人们往往简单地把写作(特指文学创作)看作一 项技能和技巧,而忽略写作对写作主体个人生命的治疗功能。本 文试图在前人感性认识的基础上,借鉴现代心理学、生理学、医 学各方面的知识,从以下三个方面对写作自疗这个课题进行尝试 性的研究。 一、写作——自疗的需要 写作是写作主体体验到身心变化的最初征兆而产生警觉后采 取的自发的防御行为。我从写作主体和写作动机两个方面出发去 获取这个结论。 (一)写作主体 (二)写作动机 二、写作自疗的可能 写作出于写作主体自疗的需要,但写作自疗是否具有可能 性?为了深入探讨这个问题,我先介绍两种理论: (一)基本需要理论 (二)应激反应学说 根据上面两个理论,写作是这样一门医学艺术: 1、补偿基本需要的缺乏 2、缓解过度应激反应 三、写作自疗的实践 鉴于写作自疗课题的复杂与深奥、本文篇幅和自身才力的限 制,我仅选取在写作自疗方面深有体验的作家为例来看写作自疗 在实践中的可行性及可行的原因。 (一)实践中的可行性 (二)可行的原因 1、自传性思维写作 2、充分自由地表达 3、自我实现的满足 总之,写作自疗课题的研究不仅为精神疾病的研究与治疗提 供了启示,也为我们渐入困境的写作课程及教学提供了一种改革 的新思路。我坚信这个领域的研究有着广阔的前景。 For a long time ,people usually look writing as only a skill and techniqul,but overlook writing's therapeutic function for writing subject.On the basis of the past study ,this paper intended to research the subject on writing's self-treatment from three aspects ,using the knowledge of psychology,physiology,medicine for refrence . 1, writing-the need of self-treatment When writing subject observe and learn from the first omen of the change of body and mentality ,they often take spontaneous action to defense disease.I draw the conclusion from two aspect of writing subject and writing motive . 1.1 writing subject 1.2 writing motive . 2, the possibility of writing self-treatment Writing is the need of self-treatment for writing subject,.but if writing self-treatment has therapeutic effect? In order to reseach the subject,I first introduce two theary . 2.1 the theary of basic need 2.2 emergency reaction According to the two theary,writing is a medical art : 2.2.1 compensate the lake of basic need 2.2.2 lysis excessive emergency reaction 3, The practice of writing self-treatment Considering the complicated and absruse of the subject ,the length of this paper ,the restrictions of my ability,I only take several authors who have profoud experience on writing's self-treatment to study the feasibility and the reason. 3.1 the feasibility 3.2 the reason 3.2.1 writing by the thinking of autobiography 3.2.2fully,freely express 3.2.3 satifaction of self-realization In a word,the study of the subject bring inspiration not only to the study and treatment of mental disorder ,but also to the reform of writing course and teaching .I believe the subject will have wide prospect.

关 键 词: 写作 自疗 基本需要 应激反应

领  域: [文学]


作者 聂艳红
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机构 华南师范大学
机构 广东外语外贸大学
机构 华南理工大学
机构 广州大学
机构 暨南大学新闻与传播学院


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