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Effect of Antioxidant and Exercise Training on the Antioxidant Ability in Myocardium and Muscle of Rats

导  师: 徐晓阳;邓树勋;黄圆

学科专业: 040302

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南师范大学

摘  要: 大负荷运动将导致机体运动能力下降,产生运动疲劳。但不同项目或者不同的训练模式及训练方法所导致的自由基损伤有无项目特异性,纵观国内外研究,当前尚缺乏对于不同运动形式下自由基代谢深入系统的比较研究。 目前,市场上注明具有抗氧化抗疲劳的保健品或者中药很多,也的确有不少真正的好药,而对这些产品开展进一步的实验/(包括动物实验和人体实验/)是必要的,使这些药能够对号入座,/(确定哪些药适合有氧运动,哪些药适合无氧运动,哪些药适合持续训练,哪些药更适合间歇训练。/),更科学地发挥它们的作用,为运动员服务。 本研究以将8周龄SD大鼠为研究对象,分别进行一次性间歇运动、耐力训练、间歇训练,并在每组设补充PX/(注:PX为国家自然科学基金项目研制的新型抗氧化药物。/)和补水对照,于最后一次运动的运动后即刻、运动后24h和运动后48h分别宰杀。选取血乳酸/(Bla/)、血红蛋白/(Hb/)、血肌酸激酶/(CK/)和血尿素氮/(BUN/)四个血液生化指标对实验动物的运动负荷进行评定;同时选取骨骼肌和心肌的SOD、MDA和GSH—PX三个抗氧化指标进行测试,观察不同形式训练对机体抗氧化功能的影响,探求间歇训练对机体抗氧化酶活性影响的关系,比较它与一次性间歇运动和耐力训练两种训练模式的区别,并试图找出它们的相关性;比较服用抗氧化剂后不同训练组SD大鼠的训练效果及恢复情况,从而探索体育锻炼对机体的抗氧化意义和服用PX的积极作用,为运动训练服务。 实验结果显示: 华南师范大学体百科学院2002届硕土学位论文 陈亚军 1.运动后48h,三种运动模式中,一次性间歇运动大鼠心肌和骨骼肌 的孤D Exercise appears to increase reactive oxygen species, which can result in damage to cells and decrease the performance. From the research on free radicals, internal and external, we find that data are not sufficient to show if the different styles of exercise training can lead to different changes in free radical metabolism. So, some researchers pointed out that the contrast research of different exercises training style is necessary. Now, manufacturers have touted antioxidant supplements as a means for athletes to perform better, recovery more quickly and fully from vigorous exercise, or allow them to train more strenuously. In fact, there are lots of good antioxidant medicines in markets, but the overall role of which is not clear. Some speacialist suggested that to make the different medicine act as then' responding position is to be done for researchers. Our research subjects are SD rats with 8 wks ages and we selected the following blood index as the certificates of exercises training stress: Bla, Hb, CK and BUN; We selected three tissue indexes /(myocardium and muscle/) as antioxidant state of the rats after different exercise training in different times. Our studies are to find the effects of different training and the antioxidant medicine-PX-on antioxidant state and recovery speed of SDrats. We have drawn the following conclusions: 1. Three types of exercise training in calm state. One internal exercise: the activity of SOD and GSH-Px in myocardium and muscle is found lowest and the MDA content of myocardium is highest, but the MDA content of muscle is similar to that of the endurance training and internal training style. Maybe one internal exercise cannot lead to good adaptive changes in the antioxidant state of rats' tissue. 2. Internal training: the activity of SOD in myocardium and muscle is lower significantly than that of endurance training group. The MDA content in muscle is higher than that in endurance tra

关 键 词: 大鼠 运动方式 抗氧化剂 自由基 心肌 骨骼肌

领  域: [文化科学] [文化科学]


作者 黄颖峰
作者 凡启为
作者 徐礼晳
作者 董合玲
作者 王珅


机构 华南师范大学
机构 华南师范大学体育科学学院
机构 广州体育学院
机构 广州番禺职业技术学院
机构 广州体育学院运动人体科学系


作者 庞菊香
作者 康超
作者 廖燕萍
作者 廖荆梅
作者 张丽娟