导 师: 任正隆
学科专业: 090102
授予学位: 博士
作 者: ;
机构地区: 四川农业大学
摘 要: 在作物基因工程的研究中,组织培养技术起着重要的作用。而且, 转基因研究的成功与否与受体系统的性质有极大的关系。用作为转化 受体的植物的基因型的作用是非常显著的。某些农作物在遗传转化中 因其基因型依赖,转化效率很低,是目前公认的植物基因工程发展的 主要限制因素之一。评价一个转基因系统,必需考虑它是否高效。一 个成熟、实用的转基因系统,必需是高效、重复性高、快速、简易、 适用性广的等等。其中特别重要的是转化效率高。为了选育商业应用 价值好的新品种,作为受体的植物还需要农艺性状好,育种价值高。 一个关键问题是,遗传转化技术是建立在植物的细胞和组织通过组织 培养过程再生植株的技术体系上。因此,受体植物对组织培养的反应 的遗传差异,将对转基因系统造成极大的影响。过去的研究已发现, 在组织培养中,有的基因型的出愈速度和植株再生能力明显高于其它 的基因型,指出选育在组织培养中表现高效的小麦基因型是可能的。 但是,由于迄今已发现的在组织培养中反应能力强的小麦品种资源太 少,对它们的遗传学基础也了解太少,对选育在组织培养中表现高效 的小麦新品系造成了很大的困难。为此,本研究拟作一些基础的工作: 对大量小麦亲本材料作一筛选,以便对小麦的组织培养能力,特别是 四川小麦品种资源的组织培养能力作出评价。在此基础上,研究组织 培养特性的遗传学。获得了如下的结果。 1.本研究采用适当的培养条件,以使品种间的遗传差异能充分显 示。在分析的101个地方品种,83个栽培品种,和72个新品系中,小 麦幼穗的脱分化能力和愈伤组织再分化能力表现了基因型间的广泛变 异。3个品种群体中的变异趋势表现一致。 2.在地方品种、栽培品种和新育成品系中,半愈期都表现了广泛 的变异。最短的6天就达到半愈期,最长的直至4周的培养试验结柬, 都没有达到半愈期。在不同的品种群体中,半愈期呈现了连续的分布, 并在 12天和 20多天处形成两个分布高峰。 3.在不同的品种群体中,成愈率显示了基因型间的显著变异,在 地方品种、栽培品种和新育成品系群体中的分布范围分别是 16.7刁%, 18.31o和41.7刁o。显示了基因型间的广泛变异。 4.在再分化能力方面,大多数分析的品种(系)的愈伤组织都能 形成根。在地方品种、栽培品种、和新育成品系群体中,成根愈伤组 织率分别分布在0-70.97o(平均 13.19o),0-48.3州平均 12.92o)和 0J7.42%(平均 14.50%),显示了基因型间的广泛变异,同时在应用上有 较大的选择余地。 5.在不同的品种(系)群体中,成芽愈伤组织率显示了较低的诱 导频率。在地方品种、栽培品种、和新盲成品系群体中,仅有u.84%、 14.15%、和18.05%的品种(系)的愈伤组织能成根;在3个品种(系) 群体中,平均成芽愈伤组织率依次为 1人 1%、0.84%和 1石6o/。 6.半愈期和成愈率显示了高度的相关性,在地方品种、栽培品种 和新育成品系中,相关系数分另为{.7689””,-0厂506“”,-0.6778””,显 示半愈期越短,成愈率越高。半愈期、成根愈伤组织率、成芽愈伤组 织率之间没有检测到显著的相关,指出它们可能受不同的遗传基础控 制。 7.用中国春单体系列作基因的染色体定位,结果指出,半愈期受 SA,IB,ID染色体上的基因控制,其中ID染色体上的基因作用最强; 成根愈伤组织率受ZA,ZD染色体上的基因的控制,ZD染色体上的基 6 因作用最强;成芽愈伤组织率受3A,3B,3D,7A和4D染色体上的 基因的控制,其中3A、3B、3D起促进的作用,7A、4D起抑制的作用。 8.筛选到一些在组织培养中表现良好的品种(系人 如多花白, 成芽愈伤组织率高达22.58%;新品系R1395半愈期、成愈率和成根愈 伤组织率都表现了较高的水平。本研究揭示,由于组织培养能力的有 关特性是独立遗传的,在品种中存在较大的遗传差异,因此,选育组 织培养综合性状好的品种(系)用于转系统研究是可能的。 Tissue culture is a basic technique in the study on gene engineering. In study on transferring alien genes into wheat using a transgenic system, the receptor plant is veiy important for its capability in callus induction and plant regeneration. Now it is known, that the major present limitation to the genetic engineering of many crop species is the lack of regeneration and transformation systems, because the capability of transformation and regeneration of many crop species including wheat is highly genotype-specific. The present study was made for selection of excellent germplasm which should exhibit high tissue culture response and good agronomic characteristics. In the study 101 local varieties, 83 modern cultivars, 72 new families of wheat were analysed for the days of callusing at 50/% /(DCH/), the number of callusing in 4 weeks /(NCW/) in callus induction; and rate of Calli of root formation /(in /%, RCRF/) and the rate of calli of shoot formation /(in /%, RCSF/) in differentiation culture. The gene location was made using Chinese Spring monosomes for DCH, RCRF, and RCSF. The results indicated: 1. An extensive variation was found in DCH, NCW, RCRF, and RCSF among different wheat genotypes. The same trend of variation of these characters was observed in the three populations of local varieties, modern cultivars and new families of wheat. 2. The days of callusing at 50/%/(DCH/) was observed to 8 distribute from 6d to over 28d. The distribution of DCH was continuous in the three populations. In the distribution wave two peak values were observed at 12 days and 26 days. 3. The Numbers of callusing in 4 weeks /(NCW/) exhibited extensive variation from 16.7-100/%, 18.3-100/%, and 4 1.7-100/% in local, cultivars and families populations, respectively. 4. The rate of calli of root formation /(RCRF/) exhibited broadly variation and RCRF are from 0-70.97/%, 0-48.39/%, 0-77.42/% in local, cultivar and family populations, respectively. 5. A low frequency of the rate of calli of shoot formation /(RCSF/) was found in all three populations with the average at 1.4 1/%, 0.84/%, and 1.66/% in local, cultivar and family populations, respectively. 6. A high correlation between DCH and NCW was found with the correlation coefficients of ?0.7689, ?0.7506 and ?.6778. No correlation was observed among DCH, RCRF, and RCSF. The results suggested that the DCH, RCRF and RCSF were controlled by different genetic background. 7. The gene location was made by using Chinese Spring monosomes. The results indicated that the genes for DCH were located on chromosomes of 5A, 1B, 1D, in which 1D chromosome exhibited the most strong effect. The genes for RCRF were located on chromosome 2A and 2D, of which the gene on 2D is more strong. The genes for RCSR were located on chromosome 3A, 3B, 3D, 7A, and 4D, in which the genes of 3A, 3B and 3D exhibited stimulative effect and the genes of 7A and 4D represented a suppressive effect. 8. Several excellent parents of wheat with high tissue response, such as Duohuabai, R1395, were screened from these varieties and families in the present study.
关 键 词: 小麦 基因型 幼胚培养 愈伤组织诱导 再生能力 基因定位
分 类 号: [S512.103.5]
领 域: [农业科学]