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On Job Bornout of M Construction Scientific/&Technical Company Staff

导  师: 卢纪华

学科专业: 1201

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 东北大学

摘  要: 工作倦怠被视为现代生活的疾病,并日益成为现代社会中的一种通病。我国有关统计表明:70/%的中国职场人士出现不同程度的工作倦怠。工作倦怠对社会组织中的每一个细胞都有很大的负面效应,会诱发和产生一系列负性的心理症状和身心疾病,会使员工产生缺勤、工作效率低下、工作消极等现象。现已成为组织和个人必须正视的问题,有必要对其深入研究,力求将工作倦怠的消极影响降至最低。 本文以M建设科技公司为研究对象,运用工作倦怠国内外的相关理论,通过调查分析,对M建设科技公司人员构成、工作状况等相关问题进行分析,把工作倦怠引入人力资源领域,从人力资源管理中来探索性研究工作倦怠可能产生的原因、表现、危害和应采取的干预措施。本文通过调查分析,表明M建设科技公司人力资源管理对员工工作倦怠有一定影响,其中包括薪酬制度、绩效管理、员工招聘、职务晋升和不当的工作负荷等。除此以外企业文化、员工个人工作和生活方式对工作倦怠的产生也存在隐性影响。 本文经过员工工作倦怠产生原因的分析,提出了完善公司的人力资源管理制度、激励机制和企业文化,指导员工形成科学健康的工作和生活方式等倦怠干预对策。 Job Bornout has been considered a disease from modern life, and become a common ailment increasingly. Statistical results show that70/%of incumbency personnel have different levels of job burnout in China. Job Bornout has a significant negative effect on every social organization, and it can induce a series of negative psychological symptoms and somatopsychic illnesses, what leads the staff absenteeism, inefficiency and passivity. Now Job Bornout has become an inconvenient problem to organization and individual. So it is necessary for lucubrating research on Job Bornout, in order to reduce negative influence. In this paper, M Construction Scientific/&Technical Company is regarded as research object. According to correlated theory, through the investigation of personnel compositions, working conditions and so on, analyze and solve the relevant issues of M Construction Scientific/&Technical Company. On this basis, lead Job Bornout in the field of human resources, from which make an exploratory research on possible reason, performances, hazards and intervening measure to Job Bornout. Diagnosis result shows it is related to Job Bornout and human resource management of M Construction Scientific/&Technical Company, including payment systems, performance management, personnel recruitment, promotion and unmerited workload, etc. In addition to that, it also influences recessively Job Bornout through corporate culture, personnel work and life style. Through analyzing the cause of Job Bornout, in this paper, we raised the perfect human resource managerial system, excitation mechanism and corporate culture, and guided the staff to form the scientific and healthy style of life and work to intervene Bornout.

关 键 词: 员工 工作倦怠 人力资源管理

领  域: [经济管理] [经济管理]


作者 李玲
作者 郑田
作者 朱力
作者 储晶
作者 谭红秀


机构 华南理工大学
机构 中山大学
机构 华南理工大学工商管理学院
机构 暨南大学
机构 华南师范大学


作者 廖刚
作者 张为
作者 张丽丽
作者 张丽娟
作者 张丽娟