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Narrative Research in the Kazak Traditional Family Education

导  师: 沙景荣

学科专业: 0304

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 西北民族大学

摘  要: 教育本质上是文化的传承与习得,民族教育以传承民族文化为己任,对于少数民族来讲,家庭教育是传承民族文化的最主要途径。哈萨克族是一个有着悠久历史和文化的少数民族。在历史上,学校教育不发达的情况下,家庭教育成为传递本民族文化的最主要方式。以口头传授与实践示范相结合为特点的家庭教育,在传承哈萨克传统文化中起着不可替代的作用。有效保存了自身独特的民族文化并维持了社会的和谐与稳定。 在现代化和文化多样性冲击下,少数民族传统文化的民族特色正逐渐消退,这引起人们极大的关注。在现代化进程中,研究哈萨克族传统家庭教育对继承传统文化,保持民族特色具有重要意义。 本文以新疆阜康市三工河哈萨克民族乡大泉村为个案研究对象,从文化人类学的视角研究哈萨克族传统家庭教育。对一些哈萨克族族牧民等进行访谈来收集资料,并分析所收集到的资料,据此来解释某些历史现象。 The education is to convey and acquire culture essentially.The education of nationality regards conveying national culture as its own responsibility. Family education is the main way of inheriting national culture to the Ethnic minorities。 The Kazak nationality is a minority which has a long history and profound culture. In history, family education has become the main way of inheriting national culture when the school education was undeveloped. Family education which combines characteristics of oral teaching and practice demonstration plays an irreplaceable role in the heritage of Kazakh traditional culture,and preserves their unique culture and maintains social harmony and stability. Under the impact of modernization and cultural diversity, the phenomena that the characteristics of Ethnic minority traditional culture is gradually subsided has caused considerable attention of people. In the process of the development of modernization,the Kazakh traditional family education has important meaning in inheriting traditional culture and maintaining ethnic characteristics. With the viewpoint of anthropology,I choose the village named Da Quan of the three river Kazakh national township Fukang City of Xinjiang as the subject of study in this paper. For some family of Kazak herdsmen and interview to collect data, and analyze the collected data, on the basis of explaining some historical phenomenon.

关 键 词: 哈萨克族 家庭教育 叙事研究

分 类 号: [G122 C95]

领  域: [文化科学] [社会学]


作者 艾德来提
作者 陈祥军
作者 蒋志远
作者 陈秀红
作者 黄伦生


机构 华南师范大学
机构 中山大学
机构 广东外语外贸大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 中山大学社会学与人类学学院人类学系


作者 施瑞瑜
作者 柯婷
作者 王润萍
作者 詹佳佳
作者 刘燕萍