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Guangzhou Panyu District Research Problems of the Rural Social Endowment Insurance

导  师: 王厚俊

学科专业: 120301

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 仲恺农业工程学院

摘  要: 人口老龄化是我国面临的一个重大的社会问题。从古至今,中国农村主要是通过家庭方式养老,如果解决不好,势必影响到社会稳定和全面建设小康社会的进程。当今农村社会养老保险是农村经济和社会发展的重要保障,并且担当了农村市场经济方面的安全阀和稳定器的角色。对农村社会养老保险进行深入的研究,并着力解决好农民的养老保障问题,不仅关系到农村的稳定,还可以加快农村经济的发展,更能促进农村计划生育政策的推行,从而缩小城乡的差距。决定养老的问题,还兼有土地养老的方式,但以目前的时势来看,两种农村的养老方式均面临着较大的考验,渐渐已经不太适应当前农村的变化。当前,番禺区农村人口步向老龄化,农村家庭土地保障功能日益减弱,以及政府对农村社会养老保险问题的关注力度尤为薄弱的情况下,能探索出一条适合番禺区农村社会养老保险的道路,是具有非常重要的意义。在国内,许多的学者都对农村社会养老保险的问题作出较多的研究,致使当前农村问题成为研究的热点,这些学者对我国农村社会养老保险的不足之处提供了大量的、有意义的政策建议。 农村社会养老保险政策自推行至今已有30年之多,不仅在实践上取得了丰富的经验,同时在理论上也积累了大量的文献资料。对于此类文献中所研究的焦点问题,有如:农村社会养老保险建立特点、模式、来源和对象,还有实践中的区域差异,以及今后发展的对策、建议等进行了整理和总结,并对有必要进一步研究的问题作出分析,这对于农村社会养老保险今后的发展或许会起到一定的启示和借鉴作用。 通过对番禺区农村地区的社会养老保险的实证分析,首次从政府方面对广州市番禺区农村养老保险的营运欠缺科学性作出研究,并提出相应的对策,总结出番禺区农村社会养老保险是一个综合性问题的结论,应从筹资模式、基金筹措与运用、等方向去分析、解决该问题,这也正是本研究的创新之处。 本文基于国内外农村社会养老保险的现状和番禺区农村养老保险的问卷调查,采用实证、对比、规范分析法和文献研究法,一方面找出了目前番禺区农村社会养老保险存在问题,其主要体现在被征地农民失地后的养老问题,农村养老保险与城镇的差异问题,养老保险基金保值问题等。本文认为导致诸多问题主要原因在于三方面:一是农村经济滞后与农民传统思想;二是政府对农村养老保险的思维缺陷;三是养老保险基金缺乏科学的运营。这三方面问题能否得到解决,会直接关系到广州市番禺区农村社会养老保险的发展和完善。因此,在借鉴国内外成功经验的基础上,对番禺区农村社会养老保险的对策提出了完善、建议。本文拟通过对番禺区农村老年人养老保障现状的分析,以引起政府部门对番禺区农村老年人养老方面政策的重视。 An aging population is facing a major social problem in China.Historically, China's ruralmainly by way of family pension, if the solution is not good, is bound to affect the socialstability and the process of building a well-off society in an all-round way.Today's rural socialendowment insurance is the important guarantee of rural economic and social development,and bear the safety valve of rural market economy and the role of stabilizer.For in-depth studyof rural society endowment insurance, and solved the farmers old-age security problems, notonly relates to the stability of the countryside, can also speed up the rural economicdevelopment, more can promote the implementation of the rural family planning policy, tonarrow the gap between urban and rural areas.Decided to pension problems, but also bothland endowment way, but at the present time, both rural pension mode are facing a bigger test,has not adapt to the change of the current rural gradually. Currently, panyu district, the ruralpopulation to aging, rural household land safeguard function increasingly weakened, and thegovernment's attention to the problems of rural social endowment insurance under thecondition of strength is weak, can find a suitable for panyu district of rural social endowmentinsurance, is a very important significance.At home, many scholars have made more on theissue of rural society endowment insurance research, the current rural problem is becoming ahot spot of research, the scholars of the deficiencies in China's rural social endowmentinsurance provides a lot of, meaningful policy Suggestions. The rural social endowment insurance policy since the implementation of it has beenmore than30years, not only has gained rich experience in the practice, in theory, they haveaccumulated a wealth of literature.For such studies in the literature of focal point, like: ruralsociety endowment insurance is set up, source and object characteristics, patterns, and theregional difference in practice, as well as the countermeasures and Suggestions for futuredevelopment of sorting and summary, and to make analysis, it is necessary to further study forthe future development of rural society endowment insurance may play a role of certainenlightenment and reference. In panyu area, an empirical analysis of the rural social endowment insurance, for the firsttime in guangzhou panyu district from the aspects of the government of rural endowment insurance operation of the lack of scientific research, and put forward the correspondingcountermeasures, summarizes the panyu district of rural social endowment insurance is theconclusion of a comprehensive problem, should from the financing mode, fund raising anduse, such as the direction to analysis and solve the problem, which is the innovation of thisstudy. At home and abroad in this paper, based on the current situation of rural socialendowment insurance and panyu district rural endowment insurance of questionnaire survey,using the empirical analysis and literature research, comparison, specification, on the onehand, to find out the current panyu district of rural social endowment insurance problems,mainly reflected in the landless farmers lost ground after the pension problem, and differencesof the town of rural endowment insurance, endowment insurance fund value problems.Thispaper argues that leads to many problems in the main reason lies in three aspects: one is thelag of the rural economy and farmers' traditional;2it is the government's thinking defects ofrural endowment insurance;Three is the endowment insurance fund is lack of scientificoperation.The three aspects of problem can be solved, will directly related to the guangzhoupanyu district development and perfect the rural social endowment insurance.Therefore, onthe basis of successful experience at home and abroad for reference, in panyu district of ruralsocial endowment insurance countermeasures and Suggestions were put forward.This paperthrough analyzing the current situation of panyu district rural old-age security, in order toattract the government department to the attention of the panyu district rural elderlyendowment policies.

关 键 词: 番禺区 农村养老保险 城镇的差异 农民失地 对策

分 类 号: [F323.89 F842.67]

领  域: [经济管理] [经济管理]


作者 叶少芳
作者 王涛
作者 刘钊
作者 郑庭义
作者 陈光良


机构 华南农业大学公共管理学院
机构 东莞理工学院政法学院
机构 中山大学社会学与人类学学院
机构 仲恺农业工程学院
机构 华南师范大学经济与管理学院


作者 廖刚
作者 张为
作者 张丽丽
作者 张丽娟
作者 张丽娟