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Study on the Development of Creativeagriculture in Shanxi Province

导  师: 王厚俊

学科专业: 120301

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 仲恺农业工程学院

摘  要: 创意农业起源于上世纪90年代后期。狭义上看是伴随创意产业的发展而发展起来;广义上看创意农业则是当代社会进入知识经济、信息经济和文化经济时代政治、经济、科技、文化发展的必然结果。创意,是通过人的创造性思维活动,进而实现某一特定设计目标的创新性工作过程;创意产业,是从事创意产品生产(包括创意信息服务、创意咨询服务、创意设计服务、创意产品生产与经营)的同类属性的企业经济活动的集合;创意农业是由农业生产组织者以市场需求为导向,以生态化经营为前提,秉持创意理念、运用创意方法、使用创意工具,实施一系列农业生产与经营行为的过程中所呈现的新兴农业形态。从国际上看,发达国家和地区的创意农业是以创意产业的兴起与发展而形成的。对创意农业的研究源于对创意理论以及创意理论产业的研究。从国内来看,到目前为止对创意农业的研究集中在创意农业的概念、特征、属性、类型、发展模式以及个案研究等方面。我国农业目前正处于传统农业向现代农业的转型时期。党的十八大明确提出要“加快发展现代农业,增强农业综合生产能力”如何有效利用农村的生产、生活、生态资源,汲取文化产业特别是创意产业的思维逻辑、运营理念、推动方略,充分发挥市场的决定性作用,以科技为创新驱动力,以文化为要素凝聚力,将科技、人文等知识资源以及创新、创意等创造性思维成果作为生产要素,投入到农业全产业链的打造之中,从而形成可持续发展的新型农业形态,已经历史性地摆在人们面前。山西有得天独厚的自然条件和悠久厚重的历史人文资源,新的历史条件下,如何在保护这些资源基础上,生态化地运用好这些资源,充分发挥资源潜力,形成农业经济发展的内生机制,已经历� Creative agriculture, originated in the late1990s, in the narrow sense, is developedwith the development of creative industries. And in the broad sense, creative agriculture is thelogical outcome of politics, economics, technology and culture development in the era ofknowledge economy, information economy and cultural economy. Creativity, throughcreative idea and activities, is to realize specific certain designing goals by innovativeworking process. Creative industry includes all of the economic activities of enterprisesengaged in producing creative products /(including creative information service, creativeconsulting service, creative design service, creative products production and management/).Creative agriculture, which agriculture producers taking the market demand as the guidance,taking ecological management as the prerequisite, upholding the creative principle, usingcreative methods and tools, is the new agriculture form with the process of implementing aseries of agricultural production and operational behaviors. Creative agriculture in thedeveloped countries and regions is emerged with the rise of creative industry. The study onthe creative agriculture is based on the study of the creativity theory and the creative industrytheory. The study of creative agriculture in China is focusing on the concept, characteristics,properties, types, development models and cases study etc. Agriculture in China is in thetransition era of transforming itself from traditional agriculture to the modern one. The18thNational Congress of the Communist Party of China has explicitly proposed "speeding up thedevelopment of modern agriculture, strengthening the comprehensive production capacity ofagriculture ". How to effectively use the rural production, living and ecological resources,learning the culture industry and especially learning the way of function, operationphilosophy, developing strategy of the creative industry, giving full play to the decisive roleof the market, taking science and technology as the innovative drivi

关 键 词: 创意农业 休闲农业 运营模式 山西

领  域: [经济管理]


作者 黄东升
作者 罗滔
作者 黄爱莲
作者 陈锐彬
作者 黄明元


机构 华南理工大学
机构 广东科学技术职业学院
机构 仲恺农业工程学院
机构 华南农业大学
机构 华南师范大学


作者 廖刚
作者 张为
作者 张丽丽
作者 张丽娟
作者 张丽娟