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Heyuan Hakka Cultural Tourism and Rural Community Development Research

导  师: 王明星

学科专业: 120301

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 仲恺农业工程学院

摘  要: 河源市是广东唯一一个纯客家地区,客家民俗文化历史悠久,文化遗产众多,开发河源市客家文化能够促进当地旅游产业发展,并且有利于传承和保护河源客家文化;同时,由于大部分客家遗迹都分布在农村地区,所以合理开发客家文化旅游项目对当地农村社区基础设施建设、人文社会构建、经济发展具有显著的推动作用。因此,科学、合理的开发客家文化旅游项目对农村社区建设具有理论及现实意义。 本文在查阅大量客家文化、客家文化旅游研究文献的基础上,采用社区参与旅游理论、旅游生命周期理论作为理论基础,对河源地区的佗城古镇、苏家围等几个主要客家文化旅游景点进行深入研究探讨,深入走访了解有关企业和周围社区居民,认真分析研究客家民俗文化的特点及优势,科学整合客家民俗文化旅游产业结构及旅游资源,同时从经济、建设、生活习惯等方面收集数据,对河源市客家文化旅游项目进行分析总结,发现问题并提出解决问题的对策和建议。具体内容为:要持续发展客家文化旅游项目,改善农村社区现状,首先,要通过政府引导、企业经营、社区居民参与的方式,合理利用各方资源,为旅游项目在农村地区发展提供政策、资金、管理技术的保障;其次,要使项目能促进当地农村社区的发展,必须制定长期有效的保障机制,保障农村社区居民对项目的参与权、管理权、选择权;最后,要制定合理、科学的规划指导思想,保障文化旅游项目不盲目发展,同时防止出现以牺牲当地自然环境为代价的恶性循环。 Heyuan is the only prefecture-level city of Guangdong province, where the majority of the people are Hakka. In Heyuan, Hakka folk culture has a long history, with abundant cultural heritage. To develop Heyuan's Hakka culture can not only promote the development of local tourism industry, but also is conducive to the inheritance and protection of Heyuan Hakka culture. As most Hakka monuments are located in rural areas, the rational development of Hakka culture tourism can also significantly develop the construction of local rural community infrastructure and the local economy. Therefore, the scientific and reasonable development of Hakka culture tourism has theoretical and practical significance for the construction of rural community. By consulting a large number of Hakka culture and documents about the Hakka culture tourism, the author conducted researches in some of the main Hakka culture scenic spots in Heyuan, such as the ancient town Tuocheng, Sujiawei. The theories used to support the researches are the Community Participates in Tourism Theory and the Life Cycle of Tourism Theory. By visiting some relevant enterprises and the surrounding community residents, the author carefully studied and analyzed the features and advantages of the Hakka folk culture, so as to fully collect the data of Hakka folk culture tourism industry in terms of local area's economy, development and life styles. Further more, after analyzing local Hakka culture tourism, countermeasures of the development problem and some suggestions are put forward, to sustainably develop the Hakka culture tourism and improve the rural community's current situation, suggestions are specified as follows. First, the government, enterprise and community residents need to work collaboratively to ensure the policies, capital, management technology needed to develop the rural tourism. Secondly, to make sure that the rural tourism have the positive effect on the development of rural community, a long-term effective mechanism have to be made to guarantee local residents'rights of participation and management of the rural tourism. Finally, a reasonable and scientific planning guidance needs to be made to make sure that the culture tourism won't be blindly develop to avoid the vicious circle of developing the tourism at the expense of the local natural environment.

关 键 词: 河源市 客家文化 文化旅游 农村社区发展

分 类 号: [F592.7 F327]

领  域: [经济管理] [经济管理] [经济管理]


作者 骆帅
作者 苑振柱
作者 罗朝印


机构 华南师范大学
机构 仲恺农业工程学院
机构 吉林大学珠海学院
机构 广州工程技术职业学院
机构 嘉应学院图书馆


作者 廖刚
作者 张为
作者 张丽丽
作者 张丽娟
作者 张丽娟