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Design of Automatic Monitoring and Early Warning System for City Road Stagnant Water Based on ARM and GPRS

导  师: 郭勇

学科专业: 080902

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 成都理工大学

摘  要: 目前由强降雨造成城市立交桥或下穿隧道低洼处出现大量积水的现象时有发生,给行人和车辆的出行带来了极大不便和安全隐患,且现阶段各个城市都尚未建立完整的城市道路积水自动监测与预警系统。也正是因为如此,在每年的多雨季节,各个城市都时常出现道路严重积水影响正常交通的现象,甚至引发财产损失或人员伤亡事故。综上所述,建立完善的城市道路积水自动监测与预警系统已迫在眉睫。 本系统选用基于ARM(Advanced RISC Machines)Cortex-M3内核的微处理器EFM32为系统监测站点的核心处理器,选用具有测量精度高、稳定可靠、抗干扰能力强等特点的TC401感应式数字水位传感器(即电子水尺)作为系统的水位监测传感器,选择JDZ05-1不锈钢翻斗式雨量传感器作为系统雨量监测传感器,由水位传感器和雨量传感器得到的实时水位信息和雨量信息都通过CAN总线传送至监测站点的核心处理器。 本系统主要通过以下三种途径实现水雨情信息的发布。第一,通过LED显示屏将水位数据信息就地实时显示;第二,以GSM短消息的方式将水位信息实时发送至相关道路负责人;第三,以GPRS无线传输方式将水位信息传送至城市道路监控中心。同时联合广播电视台和各大FM调频电台实现全天候全方位的信息发布,实现能为每一个普通民众、汽车驾驶人以及城市道路交通负责人提供实时可靠的水雨情信息的目的,从而建立起完善的城市道路积水自动监测与预警系统。 考虑到道路上行使的车辆的涉水能力不尽相同的问题,本系统针对不同的车型提出了分级设置警戒水位的想法,在大量收集各类车型的最大涉水能力后,按照涉水能力不同将道路上行使的车辆分为普通轿车和SUV越野车两类,并根据此分类将本系统的警戒水位分为三个不同的等级。同时对采集到的雨量数据与当前水位信息进行处理,并与历史数据比对分析,同时结合短期预测算法,推算出一段时间后的水位信息,从而为决策者提供道路交通管制与疏导的时间,有效避免因积水造成的道路拥堵与各类交通事故的发生。 本文以成都市为例,选取成都市内6处下穿隧道为监测站点,搭建起了城市道路积水自动监测与预警系统WebGIS平台,在此平台上能实现城市道路水雨情信息的实时监测、定点监测、定值查询以及滚动监测等功能,同时能实现警戒水位参数设置、自动报警等功能。 本系统可以有效解决传统人工观测道路积水反应迟钝、速度慢、信息发送滞后等问题,同时根据不同受众对水位数据信息的不同要求,采用多种信息发布方式相结合的方式来实现水位数据信息发布,以同时满足普通道路交通参与者与道路交通管理者的需求。警戒水位的分级设置也能在保证车辆安全的情况下缓解交通压力,对水位数据的提前预测不仅仅能为普通道路交通参与者提供可靠的数据,也为决策者提前对相关道路实施交通管制与车辆疏导奠定了基础。从而为市民安全出行提供切实保障。 At present, there is often a lot of waterlogging caused by heavy rainfall in urbanoverpasses or under-crossing tunnels, which brings great inconvenience and potentialsafety problem to pedestrians and vehicles traveling. Besides, at the present stage,each city has not yet set up a complete urban road water automatic monitoring andwarning system. Because of this, in the annual rainy season, the phenomenon thatserious waterlogging affects normal traffic often appears in many cities, which evenleads to property damages or casualties accidents. Above all, to build perfect urbanroad water automatic monitoring and warning system is imminent. This system is based on ARM /(Advanced RISC Machines/) Cortex-M3kernelmicroprocessor EFM32as the core processor system of monitoring site, choosinginductive digital water level sensor TC401/(i.e., electronic gauge/) with thecharacteristics of high measuring precision, stability and reliability, stronganti-interference ability and so on as the water level monitoring sensor of the system,and choosing stainless steel tilting JDZ05-1tipping bucket rainfall sensor as therainfall monitoring sensor of the system. The real-time information of water level andthe information of rainfall from the water level sensor and the rainfall sensor both aredelivered through CAN to the core processor of monitoring site. This system publishes the information of water and rainfall mainly through thefollowing three ways to realize. First, display data information of water level inreal-time through the LED; Second, send the water level information to relevantofficials of the road in the form of GSM short message in real-time, Third, transmitthe water level information to urban road monitoring center in GPRS wireless. At thesame time, joint broadcasting stations and FM stations to realize the release ofall-weather all-around information, and to achieve the purpose of providing real-timeand reliable rainfall information to each ordinary peop le, car drivers as well asprinciples of the urban road traffic, so as to establish the perfect urban road waterautomatic monitoring and warning system. Considering the vehicles’ different wading ability on the road, this system, inview of this, puts forward the idea of hierarchically setting the warning level. After alarge collection of maximum wading ability of various cars, according to the differentwade ability, vehicles on the road are divided into two categories--ordinary cars andSUV s, and according to the categories, the warning level of this system can bedivided into three different levels. And then, process the collected rainfall data withthe current water level information and have comparative analysis with the historicaldata. At the moment, combine with the short-term forecasting algorithm to calculatewater level information after a while so as to offer the decision makers the time of theroad traffic control and guidance, effectively avoiding congestion and all kinds oftraffic accidents caused by waterlogging. Choose Chengdu as an example. This article selected6different under-crossingtunnels as monitoring sites in Chengdu, where the city road water automatic monitoring and warning system Web GIS platforms have been set up. The real-timemonitoring, fixed-point monitoring, constant value query, scrolling monitor of urbanroad water rainfall information can be implemented on the platforms and the warninglevel parameters settings and automatic alarm and so on can also be realized. This system can effectively solve the problems of slow reaction, slow speed,lagging information etc. in the traditional manual observation about roadwaterlogging and meanwhile, according to the different requirements of water leveldata of different audience, use a way that combines a variety of ways of disseminatinginformation to realize the release of water level data information, in order to satisfythe requirements of both the ordinary road traffic participants and managers of theroad traffic. The classification settings of the warning level can also ease trafficpressure in the case of ensuring the safety of vehicles. Early prediction of water leveldata not only provides reliable data for ordinary road traffic participants, but also laysa foundation for policymakers to control the road traffic and guide vehicles in advance.Thus, it provides effect protection for public safety travel.

关 键 词: 城市道路 自动监测 预警

分 类 号: [U418.42]

领  域: [交通运输工程]


作者 余志晖
作者 蒋怀远
作者 唐金莲
作者 李小琼
作者 王晓晶


机构 中山大学
机构 华南师范大学经济与管理学院
机构 华南理工大学工商管理学院
机构 广东体育职业技术学院
机构 广东培正学院会计学系


作者 张滨
作者 王丽娟
作者 罗谷松
作者 吴敏
作者 周晓津