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The Study of Social Work Intervention for Aged Service

导  师: 方长春

学科专业: 0352

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 南京大学

摘  要: 自上个世纪以来,我国就已经迈入老龄化队伍。近些年随着老年人口的不断增加,我国的老龄化程度越来越严重。由此带来的养老问题逐渐引起社会各界人士的注意,养老这个话题也成了世界各国瞩目的焦点。人口老龄化首先给我国养老保障体系带来了巨大挑战,因为目前我国的养老保障体系还存在很多问题,诸如覆盖面小、保障力度低、养老资源类型单一并且匮乏等一系列问题,很难应对当前我国老年人口的增长速度,除此之外,我国当前的养老方式单一,家庭养老功能弱化,机构养老发展局限性都给我国养老问题带来重重阻力,另一方面传统的养老方式将关注的焦点往往放在老年人的基本的经济供养上,而对于老年群体的精神需求以及能力建设需求、人际交往需求都忽略了。面临这些问题,我国的养老问题应该如何解决?怎样才能为老年群体提供更合理、更专业的服务?怎样才能在现有的经济、资源基础下提高老年人的生活质量?作为社会工作这一特殊的群体,他们应该怎样介入到这场洪流当中发挥自己的作用?社工介入老年服务的切入点又在哪里?这样做的预测性效果会是怎样?这些都是值得我们深入思考的问题。本文是从目前存在的几种主要养老方式入手,多方位的分析其发展现状跟各自在养老服务上所存在的缺陷,并试从社会工作的视角探求介入路径,以寻求解决未来养老问题的途径。 本文共分为六个部分:第一章指出了课题的研究背景、研究的目的及意义、研究方法及文献综述;第二章分析了当前老年群体作为社会一个特殊群体他们的需求评估;第三章是文章提出问题的关键,着重分析了当前三种主要的养老方式的发展现状及各自存在的困境;第四章以社会工作为视角探讨了社工介入养老服务的必要性跟可行性,这是文章研究的理论根据;第五章是文章的重点,结合案例分析详细总结分析了社工在介入养老服务过程中的具体内容及可能的介入方法,这是文章研究的关键,只有分析出社工这一群体在养老服务中可能发挥的作用及介入空间才能为养老问题做出一定的贡献;文章的最后总结反思了社会工作这门专业在当前社会背景下存在的问题及介入养老服务面临的困境。 文章以社会工作为视角,试图将社工专业的知识与方法同我国的养老问题结合起来,寻求解决养老问题的途径,为减轻当前的养老压力做出贡献。但由于个人缺乏大量的实务经验,在总结归纳的内容上可能存在局限性,这是文章的不足之处。 Since the last century, China has entered the aging team. In recent years, as the elderly population continues to increase, our country's aging degree is more and more serious. The old-age problem gradually caused personage of social all circles attention, endowment this topic has become the focus of attention of all countries in the world.The aging of the population to the first old-age security system in our country has brought enormous challenges, because at present our country pension system has many problems, such as small scale, low security, pension resource type single and a series of problems such as deficient, it is very difficult to deal with the current China's elderly population growth rate, in addition, I current pension mode is single, the weakening of the function of family pension, pension institutions development limitations to our country's old-age problem brings heavy resistance, on the other hand, the traditional pension mode will be the focus of attention is often placed on the older basic economic support, and to the old people's spiritual needs and capacity building needs, interpersonal communication needs are ignored. Facing these problems, China's pension issues should be how to solve? How can the older age groups to provide a more rational, more professional service? How can the existing economic, resource base to improve the quality of life of the elderly? As social work of this special group of people, how they should be involved in the tide play their role? Social work intervention of elderly service entry point in where? The predictive result will be? These are worthy of our in-depth thinking problems. This article is from the current several main pension means proceed with, comprehensive analysis of the development status and the respective in nursing service on the existing defects, and from the perspective of social work intervention path to explore, to seek a solution to the future pension problem. This paper is divided into six parts:the first chapter points out the research background, research purpose and significance, research methods and literature review; the second chapter analyzes the older age groups as a special group they needs assessment; the third chapter is this article put forward the key issues, focused on analysis of the current three main pension development status and their existing predicament:the fourth chapter to social work perspective on social workers involved in the care of necessity and feasibility, it is studied in this paper according to the theory; the fifth chapter is the focus of the article, by analyzing the case of detailed analyzed the social worker in the interventional nursing services in the process of the specific content and possible interventional method, it is the key, only the analysis of the social work this group in nursing service may play a role in space and to make some contribution for the pension problem; finally, summarizing the social work profession in the current social background problems and intervention service pension dilemma. The social work perspective, trying to be professional social knowledge and methods with our country's old-age problems together, seek solve the problem of old-age care pathways, to alleviate the current old-age pressure initial contribution. But because of personal lack of substantial practical experience, in summarizing the content may have limitations, it is the deficiency of.

关 键 词: 老龄化 养老方式 养老服务 社工介入 社工方法

分 类 号: [D669.6 C916]

领  域: [政治法律] [政治法律] [经济管理] [社会学]


作者 宁玉梅
作者 郑俊亮
作者 詹育红
作者 池晓鸣
作者 张金雁


机构 广东金融学院
机构 华南理工大学
机构 华南农业大学
机构 中山大学
机构 华南农业大学公共管理学院


作者 张平芳
作者 俞仲文
作者 陈枫
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