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The Study of Agricultural Land Contracting Right

导  师: 薛庆林

学科专业: 0951

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 河北农业大学

摘  要: 家庭联产承包责任制在一定时期内激发了农民的生产劳动性,提高了农业生产效率,促进了农业的生产。但是随着生产力的进步,经济的发展使家庭联产承包责任制的弊端不断显现出来:生产经营规模的细碎化、分散化,不利用农业的机械化作业,不利于农业生产的规模化,不利于农业生产的规模化经营管理,不利用农业生产的标准化,对农业现代化的发展造成了一定的阻碍。现行的土地制度下,完善农用地承包经营权流转制度,是实现土地的高效利用必要措施,是实现农业现代化的重要途径。本文的研究主要是通过对河北省沧州市肃宁农户的调查,了解农户土地流转现状和态度,为提高土地流转率提供切实可行的建议。同时,通过对肃宁县的实地调查分析,为其周边地区乃至河北省的土地流转提供经验和借鉴意义。 2012年12月,肃宁县被国家农业部认定为“全国农村土地承包经营权流转规范化管理和服务试点县”,为河北省唯一试点。本文以河北省肃宁县6个乡镇中13村调查数据为依据,根据经济水平和农用地流转情况的不同化为一般区和示范区进行调研。在论述农用地流转的理论基础以及国内学者从不同角度的调研分析上,采用文献法、调查分析法、比较分析法、SWOT分析法、Logistic回归分析法对调研区农户农用地流转意愿进行研究分析。运用SWOT分析法从内部条件和外部条件两个方面进行分析,利用肃宁县进行农用地流转的内部优势和外部机会,克服内部劣势和外部威胁,进而促进农用地流转。运用Logistic回归模型分析法,一方面根据调研的统计数据分析出影响农户进行农用地流转意愿的主要影响因素;另一方面进一步分析年龄、性别、种植作物种类、非农收入所占比重、耕地数量、对政策的了解程度、保障制度7个影响因素与农户进行流转的意愿的进一步关系,即正负相关关系。通过分析得到以下结论:文化程度越高,对于农用地承包权流转的意愿越强烈;政府支持力度越大,农户对相关政策了解程度越深,农户流转意愿越强烈;男性农户较女性农户流转意愿强烈,年轻农户较年长农户流转意愿强烈;种植瓜果蔬菜农户流转意愿比种植粮食作物农户流转意愿强烈;非农收入比重越大农户流转意愿越强烈;耕地数量较大的农户流转意愿低,耕地面积小的农户流转意愿高,与本文假设不一致。 针对农用地流转整体特点和肃宁县自身特点提出以下建议:完善农用地流转法律法规,明晰土地产权;规范农用地流转市场,创新流转模式;进一步建立土地承包经营权中介服务机构,提供有利于促进农户进行农用地流转的有利信息;建立土地承包经营权中介服务机构,加强政府监督管理;促进农村劳动力转移,健全农村社会保障制度。加快农用地流转,是农业规模化生产的重要途径,是提高农用地资源高效利用的有效办法,是发展市场经济和现代农业的客观要求。 Household contract responsibility system have been greatly inspired the farmers'production during a given period of labor, improve the efficiency of agricultural production,promote the agricultural production.But with the progress of productivity and the economicdevelopment of the economic,the disadvantages of the household contract responsibilitysystem constantly emerge: finely, the diversification of production and operation scale,don't take advantage of the agricultural mechanization operation, is not conducive to thescale of agricultural production, is not conducive to the scale management of agriculturalproduction, does not use the standardization of agricultural production, caused certainobstacles to the development of agricultural modernization.Under the current land system,improve the system of agricultural land contracted management rights, necessary measures,is to achieve the efficient use of land is the important way to realize agriculturalmodernization. Suning county circulation of farmland in Hebei province in this paper, based on theinvestigation and study analysis, the purpose is to through the study on the current status ofthe Suning county farmland circulation, according to the survey statistics analysisinfluence farmers are the will of the main influencing factors of farmland circulation, forpromoting Suning county farmland circulation countermeasures for reference.Text usingthe method of literature, investigation, analysis, comparative analysis, SWOT analysis,Logistic regression analysis, discusses the theoretical basis of agricultural land circulationand domestic scholars from different angles on the research analysis of main SWOTanalysis, Logistic regression analysis is used to influence Suning county farmlandcirculation condition analysis of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats, influencefarmers are the main influencing factors of circulation.SWOT analysis mainly from the twoaspects of internal and external conditions were analyzed, and transfers of agricultural landuse Suning county internal advantage and external opportunities, overcome the internaldisadvantage and external threat, thus promote farmland circulation.Logistic regressionmodel analysis, on the one hand, according to the research of the statistical data analysis,the influence of the will of peasants for agricultural land circulation main influencingfactors; On the other hand, further analysis the age, planting crop varieties, agricultural production inputs, non-farm income proportion, agricultural land conversion price, thestandardization of the agricultural land conversion program, the security system of sevenfactors affecting flow will further relations with farmers, namely the positive and negativecorrelation. The end of this article, according to the influence factors of farmers' willingness to putforward the perfect agricultural land contracted management of relevant laws andregulations and establish stable, complete, clear land property rights system, and providelegal and institutional guarantee for the agricultural land transfer; Establish standard ofland circulation market, various forms of circulation pattern, innovation to promote thefarmland circulation to provide favorable conditions. Further set up right to the contractedmanagement of land intermediary service institutions, to promote the peasant householdsof transfers of agricultural information, at the same time, strengthen the supervision of thegovernment's guarantee of farmland use, as well as the quantity and quality. Promote rurallabor transfer and improve the rural social security system, prompting peasants off the land,promote farmland circulation.

关 键 词: 土地制度 农用地流转 土地承包经营权流转 农民意愿

分 类 号: [F321.1]

领  域: [经济管理]


作者 郝丽丽
作者 陶娟
作者 薛葵
作者 曲昊月
作者 黄智饶


机构 华南农业大学经济管理学院
机构 暨南大学
机构 中山大学
机构 华南农业大学
机构 中山大学地理科学与规划学院


作者 廖刚
作者 张为
作者 张丽丽
作者 张丽娟
作者 张丽娟