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Research on Collection Development Mode of Public Library Service System

导  师: 肖希明

学科专业: 120501

授予学位: 博士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 武汉大学

摘  要: 世纪之交,普遍均等、惠及全民图书馆服务理念的复兴与图书馆自动化、网络化技术的日臻完善,共同推动了我国公共图书馆服务体系建设的兴起和发展。继“十一五”规划提出“逐步形成覆盖全社会的比较完备的公共文化服务体系”之后,“十二五”规划将“建立健全公共文化服务体系”列为发展目标,预示公共图书馆服务体系建设将迎来一个新的高潮。公共图书馆服务体系建设的核心内容是整合不同图书馆各自为政的信息资源建设业务,优化信息资源建设的成本效益,提高公共图书馆服务体系的整体效能。信息资源建设模式涉及到经费来源、人事安排、业务规范,以及信息资源产权、整合、物流等信息资源建设的各个方面,是公共图书馆服务体系建设的一个核心问题。 本文介绍和分析了图书馆事业发达国家和地区公共图书馆服务体系的信息资源建设情况。以信息资源建设的经费来源和实施主体为依据,提炼出我国大陆地区公共图书馆服务体系信息资源建设的主要模式。系统探讨了不同规模的公共图书馆服务体系适宜采取的信息资源建设模式,并以山西省为例进行具体分析。展望了公共图书馆服务体系信息资源建设模式未来的发展趋势。本文的主要内容如下: 第1章,公共图书馆服务体系及其信息资源建设。我国大陆地区的公共图书馆服务体系建设主要集中在东南沿海等经济发达地区,但已在全国形成蔓延之势;公共图书馆服务体系的服务区域以城市为主,但已开始向农村延伸;按照服务的覆盖范围,公共图书馆服务体系包括省级、市级、县级等不同的规模;地方政府主导与图书馆自发推动两种公共图书馆服务体系启动模式并行。公共图书馆服务体系建设变革了信息资源建设的模式,改进了信息资源建设经费投入机制,创新了信息资源产权解决方式,促进了信息资源的流通和利用。 第2章,公共图书馆服务体系信息资源建设的理论基础与指导原则。公共图书馆服务体系信息资源建设理论研究与实践活动的稳步发展需要建立在坚实的理论基础之上并坚持科学的指导原则。集群理论、长尾理论、劳动分工理论、资源配置理论是公共图书馆服务体系信息资源建设的理论基础。全局导向原则、协同合作原则、各尽所能原则、用户参建原则应是公共图书馆服务体系信息资源建设坚持的指导原则。 第3章,发达国家公共图书馆服务体系的信息资源建设模式。美国公共图书馆服务体系信息资源建设的特点是拥有完备的法律保障体系,多渠道的经费来源,完善的理事会制度和图书馆协会标准条例的规范。英国公共图书馆服务体系的信息资源建设以全面的用户需求调查,严格的评估制度,详细的发展规划,细致的建设标准为特征。澳大利亚的州政府和市县政府共同以实物或经费划拨的方式,州立图书馆以配置图书或参与书目加工等方式支持各级公共图书馆服务体系的信息资源建设工作,但各州的具体实施方式又不尽相同。 第4章,港澳台公共图书馆服务体系的信息资源建设模式。香港公共图书馆服务体系的成员馆被划分为不同的层级,信息资源实行分层收藏;建立中央备用书库作为贮存图书馆;通过专业公司和审计署等第三方组织对信息资源建设工作进行严格审计。澳门公共图书馆服务体系的成员馆分工收藏文献,通过法定收藏制度全面收藏本地出版物,注重馆藏资源保护与特藏开发。台湾总分馆体系由总馆承担信息资源建设业务,按照学科专业特色为分馆配置馆藏。台湾公共图书馆服务网的信息资源建设有专门的法规保障,并且非常强调馆藏统计工作。 第5章,大陆公共图书馆服务体系的信息资源建设及其模式。大陆公共图书馆服务体系信息资源建设的特点是多元化的经费投入主体,多样化的资源采编方式,因地制宜的文献物流方案等。根据公共图书馆服务体系信息资源建设的经费来源和实施主体,可以把大陆公共图书馆服务体系的信息资源建设模式划分为统一建设模式、委托建设模式、联合建设模式、自主建设模式。从信息资源建设经费来源、信息资源产权解决方式、保障措施等方面归纳了各种模式的特点。从地区经济发展水平、地方政府财政能力、公共图书馆服务体系的覆盖范围、公共图书馆的基础条件等方面对各种模式的适用性进行了分析。 第6章,公共图书馆服务体系信息资源建设模式的选择。按照覆盖的行政区等级,公共图书馆服务体系可划分为省级、地级、县级服务体系。不同等级的服务体系适用不同的信息资源建设模式。同一等级,不同面积和结构的行政区的服务体系适宜采取的信息资源建设模式也各不相同。在省级服务体系层面,分别分析了面积较大的省级行政区和面积较小的省级行政区的公共图书馆服务体系适合的资源建设模式。在地级服务体系层面,分别分析了混合型和单一型地级行政区范围公共图书馆服务体系适合的资源建设模式。在县级服务体系层面,分别分析了县、县级市、市辖区范围公共图书馆服务体系适合的信息资源建设模式。以山西省为例,在细致分析了各个行政区的面积、经济状况、政府财政能力、图书馆基础条件等主客观因素的基础上,提出了各地适合采取的信息资源建设模式。 第7章,公共图书馆服务体系信息资源建设模式的发展趋势。公共图书馆与高校图书馆、科研图书馆合作构建跨系统的图书馆服务体系是大势所趋。公共图书馆服务体系的信息资源建设模式将与其他系统图书馆服务体系的信息资源建设模式融合,从而转变为更高层级的跨系统图书馆服务体系的混合型信息资源建设模式。实现模式转变的需要满足的条件包括政府部门提供政策的保障,统一管理机构的统筹协调,信息技术平台的强力支持。 第8章,结语。系统归纳本文的主要研究结论,分析研究中存在的不足之处,提出未来的研究展望。 At the turn of this century, public library service system was promoted by two factors, one is the renaissance of library service concept of "universal equality" and "benefit all", the other is the improvement of automation and networking technology in library."Twelfth Five-Year Plan" suggested the goal of "set up perfect public culture service system" after "Eleventh Five-Year Plan" proposed "gradually establish fully-fledged public culture service system that cover the whole society", foreshowed public culture service system would obtain a quicker development. The central content of public library service system is to integrate the collection development works of member libraries that "each does things in his own way" before. Integrated the collection development works would optimize the cost effectiveness of collection development, improve the overall effectiveness of public library service system. Collection development mode consists of source of funding, personnel arrangements and business standard of collection development, property right, integration and logistics of collections, so collection development mode is a stock issue of the construction of public library service system. This paper introduces and analyzes the collection development of public library service systems in those countries and regions which have the most developed library undertaking. This research refines the main collection development modes of public library service system in China Mainland based on the source of funding and implemented subject of collection development. Then this paper researches on the selection of collection development modes for different public library service systems systematacially, and analyzes Shanxi Province for instance. At last, the development trend of collection development mode of public library service system is prospected. The main contents of this paper are: Chapter1Public library service system and its collection development Most of public library service systems in China Mainland are centred on economically developed areas such as Southeast coastal area, and public library service systems have distributed throughout the our country. Public library service systems would be classified as provincial system, municipal system and county system based on service area. There are two launch models of public library service system, they are government sponsored model and library driven independently model. Public library service system changed collection development modes, improves mechanism of funds investment for collection development, innovates solution to the property rights problems of literature resources, facilitates the circulation and utilization of collections. Chapter2Theoretical underpinnings and guiding principles of public library service system collection development Collection development theoretical research and practical activity of public library service system must be based on solid theoretical foundations and scientific guiding principles. Cluster theory, long tail theory, theory of labor division and theory of resources allocation are theoretical underpinnings of public library service system collection development. Guiding principles of public library service system collection development are global oriented principle, collaboration principle,"from each according to his ability" and "user involvement". Chapter3Collection development mode of public library service system in developed countries The collection development characteristics of public library service system in America are complete legal system, a multi-channel source of funding, perfect council, sound standards and regulations formulated by library associations. The collection development characteristics of public library service system in United Kingdom are broad-based user investigation, strict evaluation system, detailed development plans, exquisite development standard. In Australia, state governments and county governments provide literature resources or funds for public library service systems, state libraries allocate books to the local public library service systems or participate in collection development of public library service systems. Each state has their own support way to help local public library service systems to develop collections. Chapter4Collection development mode of public library service system in HKMacTW Member libraries of Hong Kong public library service system are divided into different levels, information resources are collected hierarchically. Central reserve stacks is set up served as storage library. Collection development work is audit by a third party, such as specialized company and Auditing Administration. Member libraries of Macao public library service system collect literature resources dividually. The public library service system would collect local publications comprehensively by means of legal collection system, and it pays attention to conserve collection and develop special collections. The collection development work of central and branch library system in Taiwan is undertaken by central library, central library allocates collections to branch libraries according to disciplines structure of them. The collection development work of public library network in Taiwan is guaranteed by special laws, and the collection statistics is emphasized. Chapter5Collection development and collection development mode of public library service system in mainland The collection development characteristics of public library service system in mainland are diverse investment subjects, various acquisition and cataloging ways, multiple fundamamental collection logistics schemes, and so on. According to source of funding and implemented subject of collection development, collection development modes of public library service system would be divided into four types, they are uniform mode, precative mode, associated mode, autonomous mode. The characteristics of different public library service system collection development modes are generalized in the respects of source of funding, solution to property right of literature resource, supporting measure. The feasibility of every collection development mode is analyzed systematacially from perspective of regional economy development level, financial ability of local government, coverage of public library service systems, foundation conditions of public libraries. Chapter6Selection collection development mode for public library service system In accordance with the coverage of public library service system, public library service systems insist of provincial system, municipal system and county system. Different public library service systems needs select appropriate collection development modes. Public library service systems that service for the same class of district would select different collection development modes based on their areas and structures. In the aspect of provincial-level administrative region public library service system, adaptive collection development mode for public library service system that covers large region and small region both are analyzed. In the aspect of prefecture-level administrative region public library service system, suited collection development mode for mixed type public library service system and unitary type public library service system both are analyzed. In the aspect of county-level administrative region public library service system, adaptive collection development mode for county public library service system, county-level city public library service system, municipal district public library service system are analyzed separately. Taking Shanxi province as a case, this research suggests the suitable collection development modes for different administrative region public library service systems in Shanxi, based on analyzing their size, financial situation, fiscal capacity of local government and foundation condition of public libraries thoroughly. Chapter7Development tendency of public library service system collection development mode Public libraries cooperating with high school libraries, research libraries to build library public service system represents the general trend. Collection development mode of library service system will merge with the collection development modes of high school libraries and research libraries to transform into mixed collection development mode. Only if government department provide special policy guarantee, unified management institution plans the collection development works of any member library and there is an efficient information technology platform, this transformation could realize. Chapter8Conclusion Research conclusions of this paper are summarized systematacially, limitations of the research are analyzed, research prospect in the future are proposed.

关 键 词: 信息资源建设 公共图书馆 服务体系 模式 信息资源共享

分 类 号: [G258.2 G253]

领  域: [文化科学] [文化科学]


作者 姜志芳
作者 喻战书
作者 张琦
作者 王蕾
作者 赖伟权


机构 中山大学
机构 华南师范大学
机构 中山大学资讯管理学院信息管理系
机构 华南师范大学经济与管理学院
机构 暨南大学图书馆


作者 庞菊香
作者 康超
作者 廖燕萍
作者 廖荆梅
作者 张丽娟