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Safety Evaluation of Geological Environment in the Process of Waste Water Reinjection

导  师: 黄炳家

学科专业: 0701

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 中国石油大学华东

摘  要: 在污水回注过程中,地层孔隙压力、温度是不断变化的,这将导致地层多孔介质的变形,而地层的变形又会影响地层孔隙压力以及温度的变化;同时回注污水中的化学物质将会影响地层介质的物性参数,从而引起地层应力、温度以及孔隙流体渗流的变化。反过来,地层应力、温度以及孔隙流体渗流的变化又会影响污染物的运移。地层中孔隙流体渗流、地层变形、温度变化和污染物运输的过程是相互影响、相互作用的,这就是常说的热-水-力-化/(THMC/)耦合问题。THMC耦合问题研究在石油工程、地下核废料存储等很多领域有着非常重要的实用价值。由于THMC耦合模型的形式随着研究对象的不同而有所差异,因而建立符合实际工程情况的THMC耦合模型非常困难。本文以饱和多孔介质作为研究对象,采用混合分析法,建立了小变形情况下的THMC全耦合数学模型,通过数学解析解和数值模拟对所建立数学模型进行了验证。 本文在连续介质力学理论基础上,针对多场耦合问题,特别是THMC耦合问题,开展了以下研究工作: /(1/)利用等效连续介质理论,根据质量守恒方程、动量平衡方程、能量守恒方程以及相应的基本方程/(状态方程和本构方程/),推导THMC多场耦合数学模型,模型中重点考虑了化学场与其它各场的耦合作用; /(2/)通过有限Fourier变换求解一维情形下的THMC耦合控制方程组,并与已有的Terzaghi理论解进行比较验证,验证结果说明了所建立模型的合理性; /(3/)利用Comsol multiphysis软件对注水井热-流-固耦合及污水回注过程中的THMC耦合问题进行数值模拟,对地下岩层位移、孔隙压力、温度以及浓度等参数各个时刻的变化进行对比分析。在此基础上,得出一系列有意义的结果,具体说明THMC耦合问题研究的重要性,进一步对多场耦合问题� During the course of waste water reinjection, the pore pressure and temperature arealways changing, this would cause the porous media to deformation, and the porous mediadeformation would also influence the pore pressure and temperature. And chemicals in wastewater will affect the physical parameters of stratum, leading to the changes of reservoir stressand temperature. In return, the changes of reservoir stress and temperature will affect thetransport of pollutants. Formation fluid flowing, temperature, strata deformation andpollutants migration are interacting and inter-influencing, this is so-called Thermal-Hydrological-Mechanical-Chemical coupling. It has extremely important application value inconcerning the THMC coupling functions researches in many domains such as the petroleumengineering, the underground nuclear waste storage security and so on. As a result of thedifferences of the research object, the forms of the THMC coupling models exist differences,it is extremely difficult to establish the coupling model conforming to the actual problem.Therefore, the saturated porous media is taken as the research object in this paper, with mixedanalytic method, and the THMC coupling model is established based on the smalldeformation situation, and calculated to be confirmed through Mathematics analytic solutionand numerical simulation. On the bases of the theory of continuum mechanics, aining at the queation of multi-fieldcoupling, especially the THMC coupling, this paper developed the following research work: /(1/) Using the equivalent continuum model, according to the linear momentum balanceequation, mass conservation equation and energy conservation equation and thecorresponding physical equation /(state equation and constitutive equation/), THMC couplingmathematical model is derived. The chemical field and other fields coupling effect is the keyconsideration in the model. /(2/) By finite Fourier transformation to solve the one-dimensional case of THMCcoupling equations, and comparing with existing Te

关 键 词: 多场耦合 饱和多孔介质 数学模型 有限 变换 解析解 数值模拟

领  域: [环境科学与工程] [环境科学与工程]


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机构 中山大学
机构 广东工业大学


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