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A Study on the Relations of Paternalistic Leadership,LMX and Emplyess' Voice Behavior

导  师: 周霞

学科专业: 120202

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南理工大学

摘  要: 随着社会经济化的发展,组织机构的经营管理越来越具有竞争性和复杂性。在这样的经济环境之下,单纯依靠企业的管理层来解决企业面临的问题是不利于企业长足发展的。越来越多的企业开始采取措施来激发企业员工的主动性和积极性,鼓励员工为了企业的长久发展而出谋献策,而不仅仅是完成本员工作。因此,作为角色外行为员工建言开始受到学者们的广泛关注。如今,管理学的研究越来越具有文化间的差异,要想研究我国企业的员工建言行为,就要从中国的文化背景出发,因此本文引入家长式领导,来探讨该领导模式下的仁慈领导、德行领导和权威领导在中国文化的特定背景下,对员工建言行为的影响。 本文通过对以往文献的梳理,提出了研究模型和研究假设,通过发放调查问卷的方式收集数据,共收集有效问卷306份。利用SPSS17.0和MPLUS6.0统计软件对数据进行信度效度检验、相关分析、回归分析和中介效应分析,以此检验本文提出的假设。 实证结果表明:员工的年龄、文化程度、职位、工作年限、和领导上下级关系年限水平的差异对员工的建言行为均有影响。仁慈领导和德行领导对抑制性和促进性建言均存在显著的正向影响作用,权威领导仅对促进性建言存在显著负向影响作用;仁慈领导、德行领导和权威领导对领导部属交换存在显著影响作用;领导部属交换对抑制性和促进性建言均存在显著正向影响作用;领导部属交换在仁慈领导和德行领导与促进性和抑制性建言均起到中介作用,在权威领导与促进性建言起中介作用。 文章最后对实证结果进行了讨论,并且对企业提出了以下管理启示:1、树立良好的领导风格;2、把握好恩威并施;3、建立高质量的交换关系;4、塑造良好的建言氛围;5、建立多渠道建言机制;6、建立建言激励制度。 With the development of social economization, organization operating management hasbecome increasingly competitive and complex. In this economic environment, to solve theproblems faced by enterprises merely dependent on enterprise management level isdetrimental to long-term corporate development. At present, more and more enterprises startto arouse employees·initiative and enthusiasm by adopting measures, encouraging the staff tooffer advices for long-term corporate development rather than just to complete their ownwork. Therefore, staff·s voice behavior, a kind of extra-role behavior, has drawn extensiveattention from scholars. At present, cultural diversity has got increasingly involved inmanagement research, so to study the employees· voice behavior in Chinese enterprises, it·snecessary to proceed from China·s cultural background. For this reason, this paper introducespaternalistic leadership, to discuss the impact of the benevolent leadership, moral leadershipand authoritative leadership in this leadership pattern on employees· voice behavior in thespecific context of Chinese culture. After a summary of the previous literatures, this paper proposes a research model andresearch hypothesis. Then, questionnaires are issued for data collection. Finally,306effectivequestionnaires are taken back. Such statistical software as SPSS17.0and MPLUS6.0are usedto make credit analysis, validity analysis, correlation analysis, regression analysis andmesomeric effect analysis, to test the hypothesis proposed in this paper. The empirical results indicate that staff·s different ages, educational levels, positions,work seniorities and relations with leadership all have impacts on their voice behavior. Bothbenevolent leadership and moral leadership have significant positive impacts on inhibitoryand facilitative suggestions, while authoritative leadership only has significant negativeimpacts on facilitative suggestions; benevolent leadership, moral leadership and authoritativeleadership have appreciable impacts on leader-member exchange; leader-member exchangehas significant positive impacts on both inhibitory and facilitative suggestions;leader-member exchange serves for an intermediary not only between benevolent leadership/&moral leadership and facilitative suggestions/&inhibitory suggestions, but also betweenauthoritative leadership and facilitative suggestions. At the end of this paper, the empirical results are discussed and the followingmanagement implications are proposed to enterprises:1, set up a good leadership style;2,temper justice with mercyμ appropriately;3, build a high-quality exchange relation;4, createa good voice climate;5, establish a multichannel voice mechanism;6, establish an incentivesystem for voice behaviors.

关 键 词: 家长式领导 领导部属交换 建言行为

分 类 号: [F272.92 F272.91]

领  域: [经济管理] [经济管理] [经济管理] [经济管理]


作者 景保峰
作者 田在兰
作者 王嘉庆
作者 凌敏
作者 张鹏宇


机构 华南理工大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 中山大学
机构 华南理工大学工商管理学院
机构 中山大学岭南学院


作者 廖刚
作者 张为
作者 张丽丽
作者 张丽娟
作者 张丽娟