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Application of an Extended TOPSIS with Inter-values on the Production Equipment Supplier Evaluation of Company B

导  师: 叶飞;徐明

学科专业: 1201

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南理工大学

摘  要: 随着经济社会的进步,制药业得到了迅猛发展,制药企业的规模越来越大,制药企业之间的竞争也越来越激烈。由于供应商提供的原材料、设备等的价格以及质量等对企业最后产品的价格以及质量等有着重要的影响,因此企业之间的相互竞争已经由过去的单个企业与单个企业之间的竞争转化成为企业供应链之间的竞争。因此,为了提高企业的竞争力,制药公司将一如既往地专注于建立长期、稳定的供应商合作关系,加强与供应商的战略合作,实现企业的可持续发展。为了对B公司的生产设备供应商做出正确的评价,本文采用区间值与TOPSIS方法相结合的基于区间值的TOPSIS方法对B公司的生产设备供应商进行评价。 本文在深入的文献研究基础之上,首先阐述了目前在企业当中,最常使用的一些供应商评价指标体系,然后结合B公司对生产设备的要求、B公司现有生产设备供应商的现状以及B公司在生产设备供应商评价过程中所存在的问题,建立了适用于B公司生产设备供应商评价的评价指标体系。该指标体系包括企业情况、交货能力、服务水平、价格水平、质量及EHS以及技术水平等6个方面,具体的可以分成26个指标,建立的该指标体系具备很强的企业适应性和可操作性。为了获得指标权重,本文以问卷调研的形式获得45个制药行业专家对26个评价指标重要性的打分。为了降低调研问卷打分过程中的主观性,调研过程中要求问卷参与者将指标分数以区间值的形式给出。在收回问卷后,运用熵值法以MATLAB编程的形式计算26个属性的权重。在确定了B公司生产设备供应商26评价指标的权重后,通过对比分析目前较为常用的供应商评价方法,结合B公司供生产设备供应商自身的特点,选取了实用性较强的TOPSIS法对B公司的生产设备供应商进行评价。为了验证基于区间值的TOPSIS方法的实用性,本文将该方法运用到B公司搅拌罐供应商的评价中。首先,以问卷的形式获得B公司负责生产设备供应商评价相关的6个负责人对3个搅拌罐供应商的评分;然后,运用MATLAB对数据进行处理计算决策者权重;最后运用TOPSIS方法对3家搅拌罐供应商进行排序。对比分析B公司原有生产设备供应商评价体系,基于区间值的TOPSIS方法给出的评价结果更加准确、更加具有说服力,从而有力的证明了该方法在B公司生产设备供应商的实际评价过程中的广泛适用性。 In the past few decades, pharmaceutical industry has a rapid development with theadvancements of economic society. These developments have led to the increasing size ofpharmaceutical enterprises and increasing competition among them. Due to the significantimpacts of the quality of raw material and equipments of suppliers on the costs and qualitiesof final productions, the competition among pharmaceutical enterprises have moved fromsingle enterprise to supply chain. Therefore, to raise the competitiveness of the enterprise,pharmaceutical enterprises will pay more attentions to construct long-term and stablecollaboration with their suppliers to enhance the strategic cooperation between them andrealize the sustainable development of enterprise. In this paper, an extended TOPSIS methodwith interval value is proposed for the evaluation of the production equipment suppliers ofcompany B. On the basis of literature research, this paper first analyzed varies evaluation index systemsused in the process of supplier evaluation and selection by now. Then, by combiningrequirements of production equipments with status quo of production equipment suppliers andproblems in the process of production equipment supplier evaluations, an evaluation indexsystem of company B is constructed. This evaluation index system has strong adaptability andmaneuverability and is composed of the following six aspects: situation of enterprise, deliverycapacity, service, price, quality and EHS and technical skill. These six aspects can be furtherdivided into26indexes. To determine the weight of these indexes,45experts inpharmaceutical industry were required to grade these indexes in the form of questionnaire,and grade each index in the form of interval values to decrease the subjectivity of grade. Oncethese questionnaires were retrieved, entropy method was applied to calculate the weight ofindexes in MATLAB programming form. After determining the weight of indexes, bycomparing and analyzing the currently used approaches of supplier evaluation and analyzingthe characteristics of production equipment suppliers of company B, TOPSIS was selected toevaluate the production equipment suppliers of company B. To verify the practicability of theextended TOPSIS method with interval value, this method was adopted to evaluate the mixingtank suppliers of company B. Firstly, six people in charge of production equipment supplierevaluation of company B were required to grade the three mixing tank suppliers of companyB in questionnaire form; secondly, MATLAB was applied to calculate the weight of these sixpeople; finally, TOPSIS method was adopted to sort the three mixing tank suppliers.Compared with the existed production equipment supplier evaluation system of company B, the evaluation results of the extended TOPSIS method with interval value proposed in thispaper are more accurate and more persuasive, which strongly proved the extensiveapplicability of this method in the procession of production equipment supplier evaluation ofcompany B.

关 键 词: 生产设备 供应商评价 区间值 评价指标体系

分 类 号: [F274 F416.72]

领  域: [经济管理] [经济管理] [经济管理]


作者 覃丽萍
作者 徐云飞
作者 彭辉
作者 陈伟泉
作者 王霖


机构 华南理工大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 广东工业大学
机构 广东工业大学管理学院
机构 华南理工大学公共管理学院


作者 廖刚
作者 张为
作者 张丽丽
作者 张丽娟
作者 张丽娟