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Study of Bidding Decision-making in Transformer Project

导  师: 孙延明;徐志宏

学科专业: 1201

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南理工大学

摘  要: 进行综合能力评价,是衡量企业强弱的重要标准,是对企业进行现代化管理的重要手段。目前,我国供电企业综合实力主要通过综合能力好坏进行评价的。 而X供电企业综合能力是以广东省电网公司下达的15项关键指标为评价标准,并对这15项关键指标进行对标分析,从而来衡量企业的供电综合能力。此评价方式,以成为广东省电网通用的现代化经营管理的常态手段,已对提升供电企业经营管理水平产生了积极影响并发挥了重要作用。但是由于原有综合能力评价指标少,没有考虑到地区之间外部因素对各供电企业带来的影响等问题,无法真正的分解出更核心问题,评价方式也仅限于常规评价,仅囿于简单刚性量化,尚缺乏更为公平、科学、合理、全面的柔性修正,亦不能满足精细化、个性化评价需求。 本研究通过对X供电企业6个多月的深入调查,从X供电企业发展现状、外部环境、内部能力三个方面进行深入分析。通过层次分析法,将评价指标划分为三个层级共92项评价指标,对每项指标设置权重,运用无量纲化对这些指标进行处理,并在原有综合能力评价体系上,引入外部因素补偿因子和提升因子新理念,建立新型综合能力评价模型,对采集数据进行计算分析,从而实现对供电企业综合能力进行更加合理精准的评价。 Comprehensive capacity assessment is an important criterion to measure the strength ofthe enterprise and an important means of modern management for the enterprise. At present,the power supply enterprise·s comprehensive strength is mainly evaluated by the quality ofcomprehensive ability. The evaluation criteria of the X power supply enterprise·s comprehensive ability is basedon15key indicators of Guangdong Power Grid Corporation, and analysis these15keyindicators of the standard to measure the power supply enterprise·s comprehensive ability.This evaluation methods has become the norm means of Guangdong Power Grid genericmodern management, it has a positive impac on enhancing the power supply enterprisemanagement level and play an important role. However, due to the small capacity of theexisting comprehensive evaluation and without taking into account external factors impactingon power supply enterprises between the various regional impact and other issues, we can·treally break down the more central issue, the evaluation method is limited to regularevaluation, only confined to simple rigid quantify, lack of fairer, scientific, rational,comprehensive, flexible correction, and also can·t meet the fine and individualism·sevaluation requirements. This passage has an In-depth study on the X power supply enterprise more than sixmonths, analyze form the current situation X power supply enterprise development, theexternal environment, internal capabilities. By AHP, this passage divides92evaluatedindicators into three levels set the weight of each indicator, process these indicators by usingdimensionless, introduce the new concept of external compensation factor and enhance factorbased on original comprehensive ability evaluation system, establish a new comprehensiveevaluation model, calculate and analyze the collected data, and then achieve a morereasonable and ability precise evaluation to the comprehensive capacity of power supplyenterprises.

关 键 词: 供电企业 评价模型 综合能力 提升因子 补偿因子

分 类 号: [F426.61]

领  域: [经济管理]


作者 庞菊香
作者 康秋实
作者 康超
作者 廖伟导
作者 廖刚


机构 中山大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 华南师范大学
机构 华南理工大学
机构 广东外语外贸大学


作者 廖刚
作者 张为
作者 张丽丽
作者 张丽娟
作者 张丽娟