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Analysis on the Identification and Procedure Regulation of Civil Malicious Lawsuits

导  师: 张继承

学科专业: 0351

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南理工大学

摘  要: 随着市场经济的发展,合同在市场经济中出现的频率越来越高,其在市场经济中也扮演着越来越重要的角色,但是与此同时利用合同获取非法利益的现象和行为越来越多,主要可以概括为合同诈骗和合同欺诈。合同诈骗和合同欺诈虽然有很多相同的地方,例如行为人主观都具有故意的心理状态,但是两者仍有极大不同,不仅在程度上不同,而且在构成、主观以及客观方面都有很大区别。两者的区别总而言之体现在各个方面,对此,本文将在文章的后半部分进行详细论述。 在文章的结构上,本文主要分为五个部分,在第一章绪论中,笔者将对本文选题的背景以及选题的意义,本文的主要研究方法、创新点还有本文将要讨论的主要内容进行简单明了的介绍,从研究内容看,本文的研究内容包括合同诈骗和合同欺诈的内涵以及各自的特征和实践区分合同诈骗和合同欺诈的要点;在文章的第二部分合同诈骗与合同欺诈的区分及意义部分,本部分笔者从合同诈骗以及合同欺诈的概念、构成要件等出发,从法律以及实务角度对合同诈骗及合同欺诈做一个简单的梳理,这样做的目的是为后文的进一步展开论述做好铺垫。这部分主要对合同欺诈与合同诈骗的概念、法律构成进行界定,从理论上对二者的相同点和不同点进和区分,为实践提供理论和法律支持。可以说,合同欺诈在某种程度上是合同诈骗的基础性概念,要更好的理解合同诈骗罪,就必须首先对合同欺诈有一个整体性的认识;在文章的第三部分合同欺诈与合同诈骗的实务判定部分,笔者对合同诈骗和合同欺诈在实践上作了一个区分,主要通过实际案件的列举具体分析不同的因素在认定两种行为中的意义,分析两种行为认定中的关键因素,在本部分,笔者提出,合同欺诈和合同诈骗区分的关键点不在于行为的程度,而在于行为人是否具有非法将财物占为己有的目的;在本文的第四部分,笔者通过总结,提炼出实务中合同欺诈和合同诈骗判定难点问题,正如笔者在上一部分提出的观点,因为合同欺诈和合同诈骗区分的关键性因素在于判断行为人是否具有将财物非法占为己有的目的,因此,笔者认为合同欺诈和合同诈骗判断的难点在于对非法占有的认定上,包括如果确定非法占有的目的,行为人非法占有财物达到何种数额才能被认定为非法占有,非法占有的时点以及行为人非法占有的时间长短是否影响对行为人非法占有的认定等等,对于非法占有的认定,在司法实践中,有人认为应当从行为人采取的手段出发,根据行为人是否采用了《刑法》规定的欺骗手段来判断行为人的行为是否构成以非法占有为目的,是否构成合同诈骗罪,但实际上,一则犯罪手段千变万化,二则《刑法》根本无法穷尽对欺骗手段的规定,因此,以手段为准判断行为人是否构成合同诈骗,是否构成以非法占有为目的是不现实的。具体判断非法占有为目的的标准应该结合案例具体情况具体分析,虽然具体的情形无法一一列举,认定的方法仍然有迹可循。行为人既可以对财物实施实际占有,也可以不对财物实施实际占有,而采用其他方式进行占有。对此,应当对《刑法》第224条规定的非法占有做出法律范围内的扩张解释,只要行为人排除了合法的占有人对于公私财物产管领、控制的效力,对于占有的认定,实际上,可以借鉴民法的一般理论,即如果行为人将某一财物置于自己的实际支配和控制下,总而言之,在文章的这一部分,笔者详细介绍了非法占有在司法实务中认定的几个关键点。最后是本文的结论,通过文章的分析总结出具体区分二者的因素,并对文章研究的不足及未来的发展方向进行总结和展望。通过搜集有代表性的案例,分析具体的案例了解区分二者的关键因素是本文拟解决的关键问题。如何通过理论的阐释和案例的分析总结出二者之间区别的实质,将复杂的法理理论用简单的标准表述出来,使总结出来的经验为司法实践所用,并且可以更好地处理实际中遇到的各种案件。 前文以及述及有关非法占有的基本理论问题,在具体的司法实践中,如何认定非法占有是一个关键性的问题,同时也更具有实践意义,由于非法占有本身含义的复杂性,在司法实践中,如何认定非法占有,向来都是仁者见仁智者见智,非法占有含义的不甚明确,导致了在司法实践中出现对非法占有的不同理解。而非法占有的认定在区分合同欺诈和合同诈骗时又有着十分重要的作用,故要区分合同欺诈和合同诈骗,需要总结出一套认定非法占有的方法。在司法实践中,执法和司法人员往往通过行为人提供的口供或者表面证供判断行为人是否具有非法占有的目的,一般情况下,很少有行为人会直接承认自己有非法占有的目的。总而言之,非法占有目的的认定在司法实践中是一个难题,这需要司法人员不断学习,提高自身的理论修养和实践技术,这样才能更好的判断行为人是否具备非法占有的目的。 With the development of market economy, more and more appear in the frequency of thecontract in the market economy is higher, its in the market economy is playing anincreasingly important role, but at the same time, use of a contract to obtain illegal interestsphenomenon and behavior more and more, it can be summed up in the contract fraud andcontract fraud. Contract fraud and contract fraud, although there are a lot of the same place,the behavior person has intentionally subjective mental state for example, but they still havegreat different, not only in different degrees, but there are great differences in subjective andobjective aspects, form. The difference between the two is reflected in every aspect to make along story short, to this, this paper will discuss in detail in the latter part of the article. In the article the structure, this paper is divided into five parts, in the first chapter ofintroduction, the author will on the background of the topic and the significance of the topic,the main contents of the main research methods, innovation points of this paper and will bediscussed in this paper are simple introduction, from the research content, the researchcontents of this paper include contract fraud and contract fraud and the connotation of therespective characteristic and between the practice point of contract fraud and contract fraud;in the second part of the 'contract fraud and contract fraud distinction and significance of'part, in this part the author from the concept of contract fraud and contract fraud, the elementsof law and practice, from the angle of contract fraud and contract fraud to do a simple sort,the purpose of doing so is to the further foreshadowing for the. This part mainly gives thedefinition of contract fraud and contract fraud concept, legal constitution, the same point totwo in theory and different points into and distinguish, provides the theory and legal support,for the practice of contract fraud can be said, to some extent, is the foundation of the conceptof contract fraud, to better understand the contract the crime of fraud of contract fraud, wemust first have a whole understanding; in the third part 'the contract fraud and contract fraudpractice decision' part, the author of the contract fraud and contract fraud made a distinctionin practice, mainly through the actual case cited specific analysis of different factors in thedetermination of two kinds of behaviors the significance, key factor analysis identified twotypes of behaviour, is proposed in this part, the author, the key point of the contract fraud and contract fraud behavior distinction does not lie in the degree, which is whether the actor hasto have the purpose of illegal property for himself; in the fourth part of this paper,summarized by the author, extracted from the practice of contract fraud and contract fraudjudgment difficult problems, as presented in this part of the point of view, because thecontract fraud and contract fraud Division The key factor is to judge whether the actor has theproperty illegally for himself some objective, therefore, the author thinks that the contractfraud and contract fraud judgment difficulty lies in identifying illegal possession, including ifit is determined that the purpose of illegal possession, illegal possession of property behaviorto what amount can be recognized as illegal possession, whether or not the length time ofillegal possession and illegal possession point behavior of human influence on the behaviorof the cognizance of illegal possession and so on, for illegal possession, in the judicialpractice, some people think that people should be taken from the behavior means of view,according to the behavior of people whether to adopt the 'criminal law' provisions of thedeception to determine whether the behavior of people conduct constituted for the purpose ofillegal possession, whether constitutes the crime of contract fraud, but in fact, the myriads ofchanges a criminal means, two 'criminal law' there is simply no exhaustion of deceptionrules, therefore, by means of quasi judgment whether to constitute a contract fraud, for thepurpose of illegal possession is not realistic. The concrete judgment for the purpose of illegalpossession of the standard should be combined with the specific case analysis of the specificcircumstances, although the specific circumstances not one one lists, identification method isstill traceable. Behavior person can implement the actual possession of the property, also cannot implement the actual possession of property, but by other means of possession. Therefore,should the illegal possession of 'criminal law' the provisions of article224th make legalexpansion of the scope of interpretation, as long as the behavior of excluding lawfulpossession of people for the validity of public or private property estate kanrei, control, for'possession' of that, in fact, can learn from the civil law general theory, namely, if a personwill be a a property in their actual domination and control, to make a long story short, in thispart of the article, the author introduces in detail the illegal possession of a few key points,identified in the judicial practice; the last is the conclusion of this paper, through the analysisof the article summarizes the specific distinction between the two factors, and the deficiency of the research and the direction of future development of summary and outlook. Through thecollection of representative cases, case analysis to understand the key factors of the differencebetween the two is the key to solve the problem. The distinction between the essence of howto through the analysis and explanation of theory and case summary two, the legal principletheory of complex with simple standard stated, the experience for the judicial practice, andcan better deal with all cases encountered in practice.The preamble and the illegal possessionof the basic theory and related problems, in judicial practice, how to identify illegalpossession is a key issue, but also more practical significance, because of the complexity ofthe meaning of illegal possession of itself, in the judicial practice, how to identify the illegalpossession, is always different people have different views, illegal holds the meaning was notclear, resulting in the judicial practice appears different understanding of illegal possession.Illegal identification of possession and plays a very important role in the distinction betweencontract fraud and contract fraud, so to distinguish between contract fraud and contract fraud,need to summarize a set of identification method of illegal possession. In judicial practice,law enforcement and judicial personnel often through the behavior of people provideconfession or surface evidence judging whether the actor has the purpose of illegal possession,under normal circumstances, there is little behavior will directly admit to having the purposeof illegal possession. To make a long story short, the purpose of recognition in the judicialpractice is a problem of illegal possession, which requires the judicial personnel constantlylearning, improve the theoretical accomplishment and practice of technology itself, so that wecan better judge whether the behavior of people with the purpose of illegal possession.

关 键 词: 合同诈骗 合同欺诈 非法占有

分 类 号: [D924.3]

领  域: [政治法律] [政治法律]


作者 朱山川
作者 向明华
作者 吕少勇
作者 谢根成
作者 高猛


机构 华南理工大学
机构 深圳大学法学院
机构 中山大学法学院
机构 华南理工大学法学院
机构 广东外语外贸大学


作者 康秋实
作者 廖伟导
作者 廖芳
作者 张万坤
作者 张光亚