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Universal Postal Letter Service Research in Guangzhou

导  师: 张树旺

学科专业: 1252

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南理工大学

摘  要: 随着社会经济的不断发展和各种通讯设备的更新换代,普遍规制的邮政信函普遍服务与公众日益变化的通讯需求之间的矛盾日益突出,邮政信函普遍服务如何转型才能满足现代公众对信函及时化、电子化等需求,这不仅是公共管理学科及邮政行业管理者亟需研究的问题,也是中国邮政信函普遍服务实现可持续发展的关键。 本文以公共管理理论为基础,以广州地区邮政信函普遍服务为研究对象,采用文献研究法、问卷调查法、深度访谈法、比较分析法等研究方法,深入分析国内外有关邮政信函普遍服务的理论研究和现实情况,并对广州地区邮政信函普遍服务现状进行了全面、深入的分析,通过分析找出存在的问题,然后通过公共管理理论指引和对比国内其他地区的普遍服务优先进管理模式和方法,得出广州地区邮政信函普遍服务可持续发展可借鉴的方法,提出适合广州地区邮政信函普遍服务转型的建议:一是完善法律法规体系,创造和谐营商环境;二是构建ISO9001服务体系,提升公共服务质量;三是优化网点布局,确保公共服务均衡;四是加快与新媒体融合,促进普遍服务转型;五是精准锁定受众,加强普遍服务宣传;六是整合社会资源,加快普遍服务创新。 本文利用公共管理学的相关理论全方位、多视角对邮政普遍服务理论、国内外邮政普遍服务情况、广州地区信函普遍服务现状进行分析,比较深入地分析广州地区邮政信函普遍服务存在的问题,针对这些问题,本文从法律法规建设、政府规制、行业管理、公共服务提供者本身等角度,提出了在新形势下提升广州地区邮政信函普遍服务的对策和建议。 With the development of social economy and various communications equipmentrenewal, the contradiction between the communication requirements of postal letters ofuniversal service and widespread public regulation increasingly change have becomeincreasingly prominent, postal universal service in order to meet the public on how totransform the modern correspondence promptly, electronic and other needs, it is notonly the discipline of public administration and postal industry managementresearchers need to study the issue, the key is Chinese postal universal service torealize sustainable development. In modern society increasingly fierce competition in the commercial environment,general regulation of the postal service and corporate business philosophy can becompatible, postal commercial operation how to transform to meet market change is anissue we need to study to explore, and it is key of China development. This paper is based on the theory of public management, taking Guangzhou areapostal universal service as the research object, using literature research method,questionnaire, depth interview, comparative analysis methods to analysis thetheoretical and the reality of the situation in Guangzhou, and then through the publicmanagement theory guidance and compared with other domestic regions, get themethods that postal letters of universal service of sustainable development can be usedfor reference, put forward suitable for Guangzhou area suggestions: the first is toimprove the the system of regulations, creating a harmonious environment; the secondis to build a ISO9001service system, enhance the quality of public services, the next isto optimize the network layout, ensuring the public service equalization; the fourth isto accelerate the integration with the new media, promoting transformation; the fifth isto find correct customer, strengthening the publicity of universal service; the sixth isthe integration of social resources, speeding up the universal service innovation. In this paper, using the related theory of public management all-round, multiangle to analyse the postal universal service theory, domestic and foreign universalpostal service, the Guangzhou region correspondence universal service, deeplyanalysing the problems of postal universal service in Guangzhou. For the problems,from the regulations of government, industry management and the public serviceprovider itself and other point of view, put forward the suggestions in the new situationof Guangzhou.

关 键 词: 邮政信函 普遍服务 信函

分 类 号: [F618]

领  域: [经济管理]


作者 谢哲峰


机构 华南理工大学


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