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Study on the Construction and Landscape Developing Characters of the Ancient City of Yongzhou

导  师: 吴庆洲

学科专业: 081301

授予学位: 博士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南理工大学

摘  要: 永州当五岭百粤之交,为历史边郡地区,地理位置特殊,自古受楚、粤文化和中原文化等多种文化影响。永州古城位于湘江与潇水汇合处,始建于汉武帝元朔五年(前124年),建城史在湖南省仅次于长沙,是湖南省首批公布的四大历史文化名城之一。本文以清末以前的永州古城与建筑景观为研究对象,以建筑历史理论为基础,运用多学科交叉等研究方法,史论结合,综合研究了永州古城营建与景观发展特点。 研究从“文化审美”的三个层面展开。宏观层面立足于城市发展中的城市营建研究,突出永州古城营建的生成环境系统;中观层面立足于指导城市建设的文化传统和文化核心要素研究,突出地方古城规划建设的文化内涵、价值取向和发展动因;微观层面立足于城市建设中的具体景观要素研究,突出永州古城形态主要构成要素的建设与发展特点,体现古城及其景观建设的地域特征。 系统分析了永州古城选址的自然、社会和人文等环境特点,指出:古城的生态安全环境是其选址与持续发展的决定因素;中国古代城市的安全防御体系是物质防御体系与精神防卫体系的统一;当代城镇建设可以借鉴古城选址的生态安全思想。 从“时间维度”上研究了永州古城形态发展演变特点,基本还原了南宋以前的西汉泉陵城和汉唐零陵郡城的形制与规模,认为南宋以前,零陵县治与零陵郡治同城,为四门方形单城;推测:古泉陵侯国城的周长约为1600m左右;汉唐零陵郡城周长约为3600m左右,为中等规模的郡城。“空间维度”上,从区域整体性层面研究了永州古城营建与景观发展特点,揭示了地方古城规划建设的文化内涵、价值取向和发展动因;揭示了古代沿水城市空间形态演化与自然、交通、政治、经济、文化等因素发展变化的关系;揭示了永州古城形态演变的动力机制和明清时期永州城发展滞后的原因;揭示了明清时期永州城市形态主要构成要素的建设与发展特点,在比较中突出了地区城市现存古代祭祀建筑与塔建筑等建筑景观的文化内涵和地域特征。指出:政治统治与军事防御是地区城市形成的原动力,战争与经济发展是推动城市后期建设的两个主要原因;交通地位提高和经济持续发展是地区城市空间拓展的主动力;地方城市始终为自守之城,非盛民之城;清末以前,永州地区是一个相对独立的小“文化龛”。研究中发现,古代城门外的月城和寺庙也是城市风水建筑的重要内容。 结合永州城“山水文化景观”的发展研究,较为系统的梳理了“八景”文化的历史渊源,并对《潇湘八景图》出现的时间作了存疑探讨,史书记载表明,《潇湘八景图》至少在唐五代末北宋初已经出现,并非宋迪首创。研究指出:若从中国风景“八景”景观集称文化出现的时间先后看,“永州八记”应是中国自然山水景观“八景”集称文化的滥觞。 城市史研究工作可视为建立可持续性城市的一个关键因素。本文转变研究范式,从多学科交叉融合层面,在“时间”和“空间”两个维度上展开,不仅研究永州古城形态演变的特点与动力机制,而且研究古城形态主要构成要素的建设发展特点,在比较中体现古城及其景观建设的地域特征,对今后的相关研究具有一定的启发意义。 Yongzhou is located in the southwest of Hunan Province, combined with Guangdong andGuangxi Provinces. Historically, Yongzhou was the border area, its geographical position isspecial. since ancient times, Yongzhou was influenced by Chu culture, Guangdong culture andthe Central Plains culture. Yongzhou city is located at the confluence of Xiangjiang River andthe Xiaoshui River, Was founded in124B.C. is one of the four major historical and culturalcity in Hunan Province. The history of it ranked second in Hunan Province that be after theChangsha city, only. Based on the architectural history and its theory, this dissertation takes ancient Yongzhoucity and architectural landscape as research object which were before the end of QingDynasties, and studies, comprehensively, the characteristics of city construction and landscapedevelopment of Yongzhou from interdisciplinary fusion. The study takes place from three levels of “cultural aesthetic”. At a macro level, thisdissertation researches the characteristics of city construction based on Yongzhou citydevelopment, highlights the generation environment system of Yongzhou ancient cityconstruction. At a meso level, this dissertation researches the cultural traditions and culturalcore elements which guided the city construction, highlights the cultural connotations, valueorientation and development motivation of the local ancient city planning and construction. Ata micro level, this dissertation researches the specific landscape elements of the city,highlights the construction and development characteristics of the main elements of ancientcity morphology of Yongzhou, embodies the local characters of ancient city construction andlandscape construction of Yongzhou. This dissertation analyses, systematically, the environmental characteristics of natural,social and human of site selection of ancient city of Yongzhou, points out that the ecologicalenvironment of ancient city was the determinant factor of city site selection and sustainabledevelopment, that the security defense system of ancient Chinese city was one unity ofmaterial defense system and mental defense system, that we may draw lessons from the ideaof ecological security of ancient Chinese city site selection. This dissertation researches the morphology evolution characteristics of ancient city ofYongzhou from “time dimension”, restores, basically, shape and scale of Queling city ofWestern Han Dynasty and Lingling County city of Han and Tang Dynasty. This study deemsthat the government agency of Lingling County and Lingling county were in the same rampart,it was a medium-scale, tetragonum city with gate on each side, infers that the rampartperimeter of Queling city of Western Han Dynasty was about1600m, the rampart perimeter ofLingling County city of Han and Tang Dynasty was about3600m. This dissertation researches,on the whole, the characteristics of city construction and landscape development of Yongzhoufrom “space dimension”, uncovers the cultural connotations, value orientation anddevelopment motivation of the local ancient city planning and construction, clarifies therelationship between space form evolution of ancient city along the water and changes of nature, politic, economy, culture, transportation, and so on, reveals the motive mechanism ofancient city of Yongzhou and the reasons for slow development of Yongzhou city in the Mingand Qing Dynasties, reveals the construction and development characteristics of the mainelements of ancient city morphology of Yongzhou in the Ming and Qing Dynasties. The studyhighlight analyses the local characters of deities architectural landscape and pagodasarchitectural landscape of ancient cities in Yongzhou in the Ming and Qing Dynasties. Pointsout that political rule and military defense were original driving force for the formation ofancient local cities, that war and economic development were two main reasons for promotingthe city building in the late stages, that the traffic status improved and sustained economicdevelopment were main powers for the regional urban space expanding, that as the center oflocal political rule, the city was the reflection and maintaining political power tools, was to beself protection city from beginning to end, not to protect the peoples, that Yongzhou belong toa relative independent small “cultural niche” before the end of Qing Dynasties. The studyfound that the small city out of city gate and temple were also important contents of cityfengshui architecture. Combines the developmental research of “shan-shui cultural landscape” of ancient cityof Yongzhou, this dissertation systematically combs the historical origin of “Eight Sights”culture, probes into the appearance time of “Eight Sights Painting of Xiaoxiang”. Historicalrecords shows that “Eight Sights Painting of Xiaoxiang” has already emerged in late TangDynasty, the following Five Dynasties and early Northern Song Dynasty, and was not theoriginal with Di Song. The study points out that from the appearance time order of “EightSights” set called culture of Chinese scenic, Liu Zongyuan’s “Yongzhou eight essays” shouldbe originate of “Eight Sights” set called culture pattern of Chinese natural shan-shuilandscape. The research of urban history may be thinked of as a key factor of building sustainablecity. This dissertation shifts research paradigms, from interdisciplinary fusion, from twodimensions in both “time” and “space”, not only studying the characteristic of ancient citymorphology evolution and the motive mechanism of ancient city of Yongzhou, but studyingthe construction and development characteristics of the main elements of ancient citymorphology of Yongzhou in the Ming and Qing Dynasties. This dissertation studies the localcharacters of ancient city and its landscape construction in comparison, may inspire somesimilar studies in the future.

关 键 词: 永州古城 营建 建筑景观 发展特点 地域特征

分 类 号: [TU984.2]

领  域: [建筑科学]


作者 欧越男
作者 潘世炜
作者 钟远明


机构 深圳大学经济学院
机构 中山大学
机构 嘉应学院
机构 广州番禺职业技术学院
机构 暨南大学


作者 张勇
作者 张萌
作者 冯琼
作者 谢冠一
作者 刘高勇