导 师: 钟永红
学科专业: 020204
授予学位: 硕士
作 者: ;
机构地区: 华南理工大学
摘 要: O2O模式被公认为是当前改变中国企业经营的一种普遍和重要的商业模式而受到了普遍重视。有别于传统线下模式或纯粹的网络线上模式,O2O企业把线上的消费者带到现实的商店去到线下享受服务,强调了线上互联网与线下业态的融合和互动,强调消费闭环的业务运营、产品运营和服务运营,展现了令人瞩目的发展潜力。同时也因为采用O2O模式运营,企业在线上线下都需要大量资源投入,对融资的需求比传统模式企业更加急迫。 一方面,O2O企业大多数是处于创业初期的企业,很难提供足够的运营数据或财务报表来帮助企业顺利完成融资行为;另一方面,O2O企业采用的O2O模式运营会对融资产生更加巨大的需求,这样就需要分析影响企业融资的O2O运营能力,以帮助投融资双方从运营能力方面更全面的达成共识。然而大多数发展时间短的初创企业,存在不可避免的初期快速发展变化和业务剧烈调整的诸多不确定性,财务资源和投入的相对匮乏,这时如果测算和分析企业的偿债和盈利能力,不仅难以提供详细足够的财务数据,就连基础财务数据也存在缺失。因此相比偿债和盈利能力分析,O2O运营能力对于希望尽快实现企业融资的创业初期的O2O企业来说,评估O2O运营能力来促成创业融资的行为甚至会更加有效,分析O2O运营能力对融资影响也更加必要,同时也可采取针对性的措施快速提高企业的O2O运营能力。 本文阐述了O2O模式的运作特点,O2O发展现状与O2O初创企业融资需求,从商务行为(营销能力、交易能力、消费体验)、产品设计(商务逻辑、操作体验、数据服务)、组织文化(创新能力、迭代能力)和运营支撑(学习培训、质量体系、实施监控、客服运维、现场服务、数据化能力)四个方面的能力分析O2O运营能力对初创企业融资的影响,并通过本文作者所在O2O初创企业的融资案例进一步研究分析,从案例企业的各个方面验证O2O运营能力对初创企业融资的影响。本文证明运营能力对O2O初创企业融资成败的具有关键性影响,不同投资风格的投资方对4个运营能力会有不同的关注习惯,但通常以组织文化或产品设计为首要关注内容。在能力方面,商务行为更看重消费体验,产品设计最关注商务逻辑,组织文化重视迭代能力,运营支撑看重数据化能力。 O2O mode is considered to be a common and important current change of enterprisemanagement in China's business model attracted popular attention. Unlike traditional pureonline mode or offline mode, O2O enterprise realities of consumers to shop online to offlineservices, emphasizing the Internet online and offline retail integration and interaction,emphasizes the consumption of closed-loop business operations, products, operations andservices operations, showed remarkable growth potential. And because the O2O modeoperation, that online and offline businesses require substantial resources, demand forfinancing is more urgent than the traditional model of enterprise. On one hand, O2O enterprises are mostly at the beginning, it is difficult to providesufficient operational data of financial statements to help businesses successfully completefinancing. On the other, the O2O mode operations will create greater demand for financing,which requires analysis of the impact of business financing O2O operation capabilities, tohelp finance more comprehensive consensus in the parties from operation capabilities.However, most of the short development time of start-ups, there are inevitable early fastdevelopment and drastic adjustment of business uncertainty, lack of financial resources andinputs, then if the calculation and analysis of debt and profitability of enterprises, not onlyunable to provide detailed enough financial data, lack of even basic financial data also exists.So compared to debt service and profitability analysis, O2O operation capacities for hopeO2O for starting enterprises ' financing business enterprises as soon as possible, assess O2Ocapacity to promote venture capital financing behavior is even more effective, analysis O2Ocapacity impact on financing is also more necessary, while also adopting targeted measures toquickly improve the O2O operation capabilities. Paper described has O2O mode of operation features, O2O development status and O2Ostart-up enterprise financing needs, from business behavior /(marketing capacity, and tradingcapacity, and consumption experience/), and products design /(business logic, and operationexperience, and data service/), and organization culture /(innovation capacity, and Diegogeneration capacity/) and operations support /(learning training, and mass system, andimplementation monitoring, and customer service shipped dimension, and site service, and data of capacity/) four a aspects of capacity analysis O2O operation capacities on start-upenterprise financing of impacts, Proven operational competence O2O impact is crucial to thesuccess of start-up finance, O2O start-up financing where the authors of this paper and casestudy analysis from case verified O2O in all aspects of operations impact on start-upfinancing.
分 类 号: [F715.5 F724.6]