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Basic on O2O E-commerce Model to Network Platform of Sports Lovers Planning Study

导  师: 唐东平;李战旗

学科专业: 1201

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南理工大学

摘  要: 本文首先对构建基于O2O电子商务模式的球友网站这个项目进行了可行性分析,从宏观环境和市场需求进行论证分析,并对广州市的几家乒乓球场馆以及乒乓球爱好者进行需求调研,运用改进的SWOT方法对项目的战略进行了定位,为项目的可行性提供了支持。然后通过访谈和问卷调查的方法,对网站平台的功能需求进行数据收集,并分析和依据需求数据为对平台进行了规划设计,包括平台的整体框架结构、技术架构和平台的详细功能的规划以及平台主要流程的设计。 然后在理论研究的基础上,应用QFD方法理论,将问卷收集到的数据,构建了用户需求质量指标和网站特性质量指标的二维表,并且实现了重要度的转换,目的是将用户不可控的需求转换成网站服务可控的因素,并对质量指标的权重输出进行了分析。并将23个质量特性指标按照卡诺需求模型进行了分类,并提出了网站的服务架构,得出了网站可以从保证服务、灵活服务和个性化服务三个方面对质量特性指标进行控制,从而提高网站的服务水平。 最后通过O2O的案例分析,结合球友网站的实际情况,对网站的商业模式进行了探讨,包括网站的服务定位、核心竞争以及盈利模式的分析。另外还确定了项目的实施步骤和推广方式,识别了项目的风险并提出了应对措施。 本文主要从平台的功能规划、服务架构以及商业模式这三个方面对平台进行了规划研究,为平台的实施提供了一个可行性的方案。 This paper firstly analyzed the feasibility of the project which is for the construction ofthe sports lovers based on the pattern of O2O e-commerce web platform. Then Analyzed thereasoning from macro environment and market demand.And then do the demand research onthe several of the Guangzhou table tennis stadium and table tennis enthusiasts. It providedsupport the feasibility of the project by using the improved method of SWOT strategicpositioning project. Then using the method of interviews and questionnaires analyze andcollect data in the functional requirements of the web platform. This paper gives the planningand design for the web platform, including the platform’s overall framework structure,technical architecture and platform functions as well as detailed design of the main process inthe platform. Then based on literature review, the paper finds user’s needs with QFD method, whichwas used for designing questionnaire, for calculating the importance of user’s demandelement and finding the difference in website demand among different characteristic. Thenbuild QFD model with the combination of user’s needs and website indicators, on the purposeof converting the uncontrollable user needs into controllable website indicators. Then thepaper divided the quality characteristics of the23indicators into three types under Kano modeland proposed website service architecture. It comes to the conclusions that to better improvethe website service level needs to control the quality characteristics of the indicators in threetypes from the website warranty service, flexible service and personalized service. Finally the paper discussed the website’s business model, including service location, thecore competitiveness and profitability model, combined with the analysis of O2O case and theactual situation of the web platform. It also determined the implementation steps and the waysto promote project. And it identified the project risks and proposed countermeasures at theeng. Overall,the paper conducted a planning study for the platform into three aspectsincluding the functional planning, service architecture and business models to provide afeasible solutions for the implementation of the web platform.

关 键 词: 可行性分析 网站设计 服务架构 商业模式

分 类 号: [F724.6 F274]

领  域: [经济管理] [经济管理] [经济管理]


作者 梁根元
作者 赵红丹
作者 蔡奕强
作者 赵卫军
作者 何万松


机构 中山大学
机构 华南理工大学
机构 广东外语外贸大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 暨南大学管理学院


作者 廖刚
作者 张为
作者 张丽丽
作者 张丽娟
作者 张丽娟