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Performance Evaluation System of Law Enforcement and Supervision Ability on Work Safety

导  师: 陈国华;邓伟风

学科专业: 081903

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南理工大学

摘  要: 随着安全生产执法监察工作深入开展,安全生产执法监察工作重心由最初的建设执法监察机构队伍,培训队伍会执法、敢执法,逐步进入了执法监察规范化、标准化建设的阶段,在安全监管工作中发挥了重要的作用,但执法监察工作成效究竟取得成效如何,目前尚没有一个可以量化的指标进行评估,各地安全生产执法监察工作好坏难分,无法进行系统的量化对比,从而查找不足,进而持续改进。进行安全生产执法监察能力绩效评价体课题研究,能够解决当前安全生产监管监察无法量化对比的问题,能够促进执法工作水平持续提高,对于加强安全生产工作、促进安全生产形势持续稳定好转具有重要的意义,同时也丰富了安全生产监管监察的理论体系。本文针对安全生产执法监察能力评价要素的特点,构建了AHP-模糊综合评价法模型,提出了应用AHP-模糊综合评价法对安全生产执法监察能力绩效进行评价。 本文在充分调研的基础上,确定了反应安全生产执法监察能力水平的5项一级指标、30项二级指标和100项三级指标,并选取了省、市、县(区)执法机构和企业、技术服务机构等8个单位的调研数据,应用AHP-模糊综合评价法,使用Matlab程序和Excel电子表格进行数据处理,对每一项指标权重进行赋值。根据每项指标的权重赋值,创新建立了“安全生产执法监察能力绩效评价指标体系考核评分标准”,对每项指标进行量化评分。致力于建立一个科学客观、真实可靠、指标均衡且可操作性强的一个绩效评价体系。 As safety production supervision of law enforcement work in depth, safety productionsupervision of law enforcement focus on the initial law enforcement agencies team building,training of law enforcement teams which dare to enforce the law. Gradually,supervision oflaw enforcement entered the standardization of construction phase.Monitoring institutionsplay an important role in safety supervision, but how effective about the supervision of lawenforcement is not clear, currently there is no quantifiable indicators to assess thesupervision.Throughout the safety production supervision of law enforcement work hard todistinguish good or bad, can not be quantified comparison in system,so look for weaknessesand continuous improvement.Evaluation of the ability of safety production supervision of lawenforcement, to address the current problem of safety production supervision impossible toquantify.Italso can promote the level of safety production supervision continue to improve.Itis significant for strengthening safety production work, promoting steady improvement insafety production situation, but also enriched the theory of safety production supervision andmonitoring system.This paper consider the characteristics of evaluation factors for lawenforcement capacity of safety production to built the AHP-fuzzy comprehensive evaluationmodel. Using the application of AHP-fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method for evaluatingthe law enforcement capability of safety production. On the basis of full investigation, law enforcement capacity of safety production levelsreflect from the5first level indicators,30secondary indicators and100third indicators.Selected8Unit’s Survey data in province, city and county /(district/) law enforcement agenciesand business, technical services.Apply this data to AHP-fuzzy comprehensive evaluationmethod,using Matlab and Excel spreadsheet program for data processing, for each indexweight assignment.According to the right of each indicator reassigned, innovation to establisha 'law enforcement capacity of safety production performance evaluation index systemassessment scoring criteria' for each indicator to quantify rating.Committed to establishing aperformance evaluation system which is scientific,objective and reliable, indicator balancedand workable.

关 键 词: 安全生产 执法监察能力 绩效评价 模型与应用

分 类 号: [D922.54]

领  域: [政治法律] [政治法律]


作者 蔡汉悦
作者 崔凤
作者 陈予力
作者 卓木波
作者 刘大千


机构 华南理工大学
机构 中山大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 华南师范大学
机构 华南农业大学


作者 康秋实
作者 廖伟导
作者 廖芳
作者 张万坤
作者 张光亚