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Research on Risk Management of an IOT Project in a Tobacco Enterprise

导  师: 万江平;宋国钦

学科专业: 120202

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南理工大学

摘  要: 物联网(Internet of Things,IOT)是最近几年十分流行火热的概念,是继PC、互联网后又一革命性产业。本文研究的项目属于烟草行业典型的物联网项目典型应用案例,且该项目首次实施时正是由于其风险管理意识不足等方面的原因导致项目失败。因此,有针对性地研究物联网系统项目的风险因素并进行有效的风险管理和控制,对提升该类项目的成功率、提升企业的管理水平和经济效益具有十分重要的意义。 本文基于项目风险管理理论以及系统思维分析理论(Systematic Thinking),针对某烟草公司引入物联网技术的仓库智能化改造项目进行研究,运用专家调查法(头脑风暴)梳理出该项目中各类核心风险点,然后将各类风险因素之间的内在关系运用系统思维的视角分析出群体利益关系、输入输出分析、推进困难的多重原因、项目实施的实体关系、系统循环等进行分析,再利用模糊综合评价法(Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation,简称FCE)对各风险因素进行定量分析,得出项目风险的总体度,并对风险的防范和应对措施进行了深入研究和探讨,以促进物联网项技术及应用的良性循环发展。 本文研究的主要问题如下:/(1/)物联网项目的风险都有哪些,有什么特殊性;/(2/)物联网项目实施过程中各风险的形成机理及各风险之间的深层逻辑;/(3/)通过定量分析,得出该项目的主要风险以及总体风险程度值;(4)物联网项目的风险防范及应对措施。 同时,本文阐释了风险项目管理理论以及系统思维方法论概念,研究结果表明:(1)企业本身在为各部门进行物联网项目应用中应用持续风险管理有助于此类项目的成功开展。(2)制定具体而有执行性的风险管理措施,如建立多模式的沟通渠道,成立财务审计组,引入集成项目风险管理流程等,有助于烟草企业信息部门的运作稳定。(3)风险应对与控制有助于企业信息部门尽早发现项目潜在的风险,避免由于风险发生后对企业造成的不良影响及投资损失。(4)物联网项目实施风险数据库的建立是该企业信息部门风险管理的重要基础,有助于企业在实施不同项目时参考与借鉴。 综上所述,本文应用系统思维分析法和模糊综合评价法(FCE)去分析烟草行业物联网项目实施过程的风险因素的深层逻辑以及风险问题的根源,得出物联网项目在烟草行业的应用总体风险属于中等偏上,进而提出相应的风险应对方法,目的是改进物联网这一新兴技术在烟草行业落地时的风险管理方法,进而为企业信息化升级提供一定的帮助,使其能够更好地为企业和客户服务。 The Internet of things /(Internet of Things, IOT/) is a concept in recent years very popularhot, is the PC, the Internet after a revolutionary industry. This paper studies the projectbelongs to the tobacco industry of typical network project of typical application cases, and theproject was first implemented when it is due to the lack of awareness of risk management andother aspects of the resulting in the failure of the project. Therefore, there are risk factors forof Internet of things system project and risk management and effective control, is veryimportant to promote the project success rate, and improve enterprise management level andeconomic benefit of significance. In this paper, the project risk management theory and system analysis based on the theoryof thinking /(Systematic Thinking/), the research of intelligent storage transformation projectfor a domestic tobacco companies into the Internet of things technology, using expertinvestigation method /(brainstorming/) sort out all kinds of core risk point of the project, andthen all kinds of risk factors of the intrinsic relationship between the use of systems thinkinganalyzed from the perspective of a relationship between interest groups, input output analysis,advancing difficult multiple reasons, the implementation of the project entity relationship, thecirculation of the system were analyzed, and then using the fuzzy comprehensive evaluationmethod /(Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation, referred to as FCE/) for the quantitative analysis ofthe risk factors, the overall degree that project risk, and the risk prevention and measurescarried out in-depth study and discussion, in order to promote the benign cycle ofdevelopment of IOT technology and application. The main problem of this study are as follows:/(1/) what are the risks of IOT project, whatis the particularity of;/(2/) the formation mechanism of deep logic between each risk ofInternet of things in the process of project implementation and the risk;/(3/) through thequantitative analysis, obtains the degree of risk of the project;/(4/) risk prevention networkproject and countermeasures. At the same time, this paper explains the project risk management theory and themethodology of systematic thinking concept, the results of the study indicate that:/(1/) theenterprise itself in the network project of various departments for the applications, continuousrisk management contributes to the success of the project to carry out such./(2/) theformulation and execution of specific risk management measures, such as the establishmentof multi mode communication channels, the establishment of financial audit group, tointroduce the process of risk management integrated projects, operation stability contributes to the Information Department of tobacco enterprise./(3/) the risk response and control helpsenterprise information department as soon as possible to find the project potential risk, avoidbecause of adverse effects on the enterprises after risk and investment loss./(4/) theestablishment of risk database implementation network project is an important foundation ofInformation Department of the enterprise risk management, help enterprise in theimplementation of different project reference. In summary, analysis using the system thinking method and fuzzy comprehensiveevaluation /(FCE/) roots deep logic of risk factors to the tobacco industry network projectimplementation process of risk analysis and problem, draw the network project of applicationof overall risk in tobacco industry belongs to high, and then put forward the correspondingrisk response method, the purpose is to risk management method to improve things of thisemerging technology in tobacco industry of landing, and then provide some help for theinformatization of enterprise upgrading, so that it can better serve for enterprise and customer.

关 键 词: 烟草行业 物联网 风险管理 系统思维 模糊综合评价

分 类 号: [F426.8 TP391.44 TN929.5]

领  域: [经济管理] [自动化与计算机技术] [自动化与计算机技术] [电子电信] [电子电信]


作者 赵晔炜
作者 曾少斌
作者 汤俊
作者 郭智慧
作者 贺婷


机构 华南理工大学
机构 中山大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 广东工业大学
机构 华南理工大学工商管理学院


作者 毕凌燕
作者 王和勇
作者 谢惠加
作者 孟显勇
作者 杨涛