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Research on Different Purchasing Management of D Nuclear Company Base on Material Classified

导  师: 张咏莲;明向军

学科专业: 120202

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南理工大学

摘  要: 受到2011年日本福岛核电站核泄漏事故的影响,目前中国核电启动项目少,且在2013年国家发改委核定全国核电标杆电价,限定了核电单价。在有限的市场环境下、在国家政策的制约下,核电设备制造业竞争空前激烈。面对如此行业环境,作为一家核电设备制造企业,D公司也在思索如何提高市场竞争力。而市场竞争从表面上看是产品价格的竞争,实际是成本高低的较量,因此降低采购成本、简化采购步骤、提高采购效率就成为增强企业竞争力的重要手段。 本文以D公司为研究对象,首先对采购管理理论和物料分类方法的理论知识进行了阐述及分析。通过对传统的物料分类方法ABC分类法及卡拉杰克(Kraljic)矩阵法的利与弊的分析,结合核电设备制造企业物料的特殊性,提出了基于聚类分析法的物料分类方法,通过采购风险和成本价值两个维度,建立了评价指标体系,通过1-9标度法和德尔菲法(Delphi)确定评价指标,构建判断矩阵。 在此基础上,本文采用聚类分析法和Kraljic矩阵分类法相结合的方法,根据D公司的采购历史数据,将D公司采购物料分为四大类:战略型物料、杠杆型物料、瓶颈型物料、普通型物料。通过分析不同类型的物料特征,提出对应的采购决策管理、库存策略管理以及供应商关系管理三个方面的改进建议,并分析了预期的效果。希望最后能够成功运用于D公司乃至整个核电设备制造行业,以提高核电设备制造企业的竞争力。 Affected by the accident at the Fukushima nuclear power plant in Japan in2011, China nuclear power project launched less than before, and the nationaldevelopment and Reform Commission approved the national nuclear powerelectricity price benchmarkingin2013, Defining the price of nuclear power.Sothe nuclear power equipment manufacturing industry competitive because ofthelimited market environment and the control of national policy. In the face of such industry environment, as a nuclear power equipmentmanufacturing enterprises, D company also in thinking about how to improve themarket competitiveness.In the market competition, it is the product pricecompetitionon the surface, but it is the cost competitionactually. Therefore,to reduce procurement costs, simplifying the procurement procedures, improveprocurement efficiency is an important means to enhance the competitiveness ofnuclear power equipment manufacturing factory. This paper take D company as the research object, firstly, theory researchof procurement management and the classification method of materials wasdescribed and analyzed on this paper.By the analysis of the advantages anddisadvantages of material classification method to the traditional ABCclassification method and Kraljic matrix method andaccording to the materialcharacteristics of nuclear power equipment manufacturing plant,this paper putforward material classification method based on clustering analysis,establishes the evaluation index system by the two dimensions of procurementrisk and cost,determine the evaluation index andconstructing judgment matrixby the1-9scaling method andDelphy method. This paper using method of the cluster analysis method and Kraljic matrixclassification combination, D company procurement of materials are divided intofour categories according to the purchase history data of D company, they are:strategic material, leverrage material, bottleneck material, non-criticalmaterial.This paper put forward threeSuggestions for improvement of procurement strategy management, inventory management and supplier relationship managementaccording to different material based on the classification, and the analysisof the expected effect.I hope finally able to successfully applied in D companyand even the entire nuclear power equipment manufacturing industry, toenhancethe competitiveness of nuclear power equipment manufacturing enterprise.

关 键 词: 核电 采购管理 物料分类 聚类分析法 差异化采购

分 类 号: [F426.23 F426.61 F274]

领  域: [经济管理] [经济管理] [经济管理] [经济管理]


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机构 华南理工大学工商管理学院


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