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Analysis on Electricity Trading and Price of Transmission of Electricity from Yunnan to Guangdong

导  师: 陈皓勇;杜松轩

学科专业: 0808

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南理工大学

摘  要: 南方电网西电东送是国内起步最早、规模最大、效益最好的电网之一,是贯彻落实国家西部大开发战略,解决广东、广西、贵州、云南四省(区)电力资源分布与负荷分布不平衡,实现东西部资源优化配置的一项重要举措。其中,云南送广东电力交易作为十二五及今后南方区域西电东送最重要的交易之一,其交易电量合约完成率,上网和输电电价水平等都将对整个西电东送产生较大影响。本文针对现行云南送广东框架协议电量完成率波动较大的特点,分别从送受双方利益格局,以省为实体的管理体制,价格机制现状等方面深入分析原因,结合近几年西电东送交易各方利益诉求,提出可以有效提高西电东送履约率的多项措施和履约机制改进建议,促进西电东送可持续发展。云广特高压直流工程的上网和输电电价执行云南送广东网对网送电价格,现行上网电价未完全考虑电源开发所引发的外部成本因素,实际上存在利益分配失衡的情况,这还需要国家出台相关环境和社会补偿标准,以实现资源开发与环境保护协调发展。通过对云广直流输电价格水平进行测算,提出了现行按单条线路核定输电价的方法已不能完全适用南方电网西电东送发展现状的问题,现行的单一制电量电价模式也没有充分体现西电东送电网价值,基于以上分析提出在西电东送实行两部制电价或峰谷电价模式的必要性,利用两部制输电电价理论对云广直流工程输电价格进行测算。最后建议云南送广东上网及输电电价应根据成本补偿原则适时进行调整,构建合理收益的西电东送电价机制。 Transmission of electricity from the western to the eastern region of China SouthernPower Grid is one of the earliest start,the largest scale and the best benefits in power grid.It isan important initiative to implement the country's Western Development Strategy and solvethe Guangdong、Guangxi、Guizhou and Yunnan provinces(regions)power imbalance inresources distribution and load distribution and achieve resource optimization in east and westconfiguration.Among them, the electricity trading of Transmission of Electricity from Yunnanto Guangdong as one of the most important trading of transmission of electricity from west toeast in southern region in and future Eleventh Five-Year.electricity trading contractcompletion rate,the level of electricity price and transmission price will have a greatinfluence on the power transmission from west to east.In this paper, aiming at the existingfrom Yunnan to Guangdong framework agreement power completion rate fluctuationscharacteristics, analysis of the reasons from the pattern of interests both sending and receiving,the province as the entity of management system,and the price mechanism and so on. Inrecent years with the power transmission from west to east trading parties interests,weproposed can effectively improve several measures of the performance rate of powertransmission from west to east and some suggestions for improving compliance mechanism.To promote sustainable development of power transmission from west to east.The electricityand transmission price of Yunnan to Guangdong UHVDC project according to net-to-netpower transmission price of Yunnan to Guangdong. The current electricity price not fully takeinto account the external costs caused by power development. In fact, the existence of theimbalance in the distribution of benefits, it’s requires the countries to introduce relevantenvironmental and social standards of compensation, in order to realize the coordinateddevelopment of resource development and environmental protection.By calculating the levelof transmission price of Yunnan to Guangdong UHVDC project,we found the problem is thatthe method of approving transmission price by a single line can not be fully applicable to thecurrent situation of the development of SCG. The single electricity price model did not fullyembody the value of the power grid which transmission electric from west to east. On thebasis of the analysis mentioned above, using the two-part tariff or peak and valley price model in thepower transmission from west to east is necessary,and calculating the transmission price of Yunnan toGuangdong UHVDC project by two-part tariff theory. Finally,suggestions for the electricityprice and transmission price of Yunnan to Guangdong should be timely adjusted according tothe principle of cost compensation,to construct a reasonable return price mechanism of power transmission from west to east.

关 键 词: 西电东送 电力交易 电价机制

分 类 号: [F426.61 F274]

领  域: [经济管理] [经济管理] [经济管理]


作者 顾洪源
作者 张勉荣


机构 华南理工大学
机构 华南理工大学电力学院
机构 法律系


作者 廖刚
作者 张为
作者 张丽丽
作者 张丽娟
作者 张丽娟