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The Design and Applied Research on Simulated Device of MA Mixture

导  师: 张肖宁

学科专业: 082301

授予学位: 博士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南理工大学

摘  要: 钢桥面铺装层受复杂多变的自然环境影响以及繁重的交通负荷作用,工作条件十分复杂,一直受到国内外学术界与工程界的高度重视与关注。现阶段,国内外钢桥面铺装方案主要有双层SMA类、浇注式类(分Mastic Asphalt及GussAsphalt二种,分别简称MA、GA)、环氧类和ERS类。与其他铺装方案相比,MA(Mastic Asphalt)具有密水、耐老化、抗疲劳和随从变形能力好等优点,其生产工艺是将原材料在Cooker车连续拌和,拌和时间较长(4~6小时),施工效率较低,不能很好满足项目工程量大、施工期紧的要求。而GA(Guss Asphalt)采用沥青拌和楼对所有原材料进行集中拌和生产,连续施工,施工效率较高,但GA混合料的稳定性略逊于MA混合料。 因此,为了充分发挥MA混合料的性能稳定优势和GA工艺的工效优势,本文提出利用沥青拌和楼拌和MA混合料的方法有助于解决上述问题。但作为一种全新的工艺,其中可能存在的问题包括:(1)目前试验室内采用的常规沥青混合料拌和设备不能满足要求,有必要研制室内小型相似拌和设备。(2)为了确保利用模拟设备生产MA混合料具有优良的使用性能,确定合理的拌和工艺参数,发挥各自优势有必要进行研究。(3)利用模拟设备生产MA的混合料的实际性能路用如何,有必要采用加速加载试验,验证利用足尺设备生产的MA、与利用模拟设备生产MA混合料的性能进行对比。 基于此,本文开展了MA混合料的试验设备研制与利用模拟设备生产MA混合料的应用研究,为该工艺的推广以及全面运用于实体工程生产提供理论依据和技术支持。本文开展的主要研究工作及所得结论如下: (1)提出了既能充分发挥MA级配的性能稳定优势,又能发挥GA工艺的工效优势的沥青拌和楼拌和MA工艺,介绍了本文拟用的MA混合料评价方法与技术指标,用试验结果说明研制室内试验设备的必要性。。 (2)针对目前室内搅拌设备无法准确模拟拌和MA混合料的工况,MA混合料的室内试验研究结果有很多局限性,为满足MA混合料的试验要求,设计并试制了MA混合料室内小型搅拌设备。叶片安装角为30°时,混合料的宏观和微观均匀度最好;拌缸温度控制在220°时搅拌效果更优于其他温度;长宽比小于1的宽短形搅拌缸比长宽比大于1的窄长形搅拌缸搅拌效果更好。 (3)Cooker拌和工艺对浇注式混凝土的性能影响很大。而目标配合比设计以及大量的室内研究单次需要混合料的数量很少,如采用常规Cooker运输车来生产将造成极大的浪费。通过对常规保温搅拌运输车Cooker的结构、机理进行分析,通过相似理论设计方法,研制出室内模拟Cooker设备供试验室进行MA混合料室内试验使用。 (4)利用小型搅拌设备与模拟Cooker组合对MA混合料进行了室内试验研究,重点研究拌和工艺对MA混合料性能的影响,从MA混合料的触变特性、老化性和工作性方面考虑,适宜的拌和参数为拌和温度220℃,拌和时间1.5小时,转速为7转//min。 (5)采用加速加载试验对利用两种生产方式生产的MA混合料的高温性能和疲劳性能进行比较研究,结果表明:采用不同生产方式生产的MA混合料的实际路用性能接近。 Being affected by complicated natural environment and heavy traffic loading, the workcondition of steel deck paving is very complex. It has been paid more attention and given highlyconcern by academic and engineering circles domestic and abroad. At this stage, the domestic andabroad steel deck paving scheme mainly has double-layer SMA, MA, epoxy and ERS and so on.Compared with other paving schemes, MA has its advantages, such as waterproof, ageingresistance, anti-fatigue and concomitant deformability. However, it can’t meet the requirements ofthe big amount of project and the tight construction period, because its production process is to putraw materials in Cooker to mix continuously, the time of mixing is long /(4-6hours/), and theefficiency of construction is low. GA uses asphalt mixing plant to central mix all raw materials, itcan also work continuously and construction efficiency is high, but the stability of GA mixture isnot good as MA mixture. Therefore, in order to give full play to the advantages of stable performance of MA mixtureand work efficiency of GA technics, in this paper, it proposes to take advantage of asphalt mixingplant to mix MA mixture to solve the problems above. But as the all new technics, it may havesome problems./(1/) The using of conventional mixing plant of asphalt mixing in current laboratorycan’t meet the requirements, it is necessary to develop an indoor small similar mixing plant./(2/) Inorder to insure the excellent performance of MA mixture which is produced by simulated device,it is necessary to study the reasonable mixing technics parameters and their own advantages./(3/)How is the actual performance of MA mixture which is produced by simulated device, it isnecessary to use accelerated loading test to compare the performance of MA that is produced byfull scale device with the performance of MA mixture that is produced by simulated device. Based on this, this paper carries out the study of experimental device of MA mixture and theapplied research of MA mixture that is produced by simulated device. It provides theoreticalfoundation and technical support for the promotion of this technics and full application in entityproject production. The main research works and conclusions are as follows: /(1/) It provides asphalt mixing plant mixing and MA technics, which can both fully play thestable performance of MA gradation and work efficiency of GA technics. It introduces evaluationmethods and technical indicators of MA mixture and indicates the necessity of studying the indoortesting devices by test results. /(2/) The current indoor mixing plant can’t accurately simulate the condition of mixing MAmixture, so there are many limitations for indoor testing research results of MA mixture. To meetits test requirements, it designs and tries to manufacture indoor small mixing device of MAmixture. When the setting angle of blade is30°, the macroscopic uniformity and microcosmicuniformity of mixture are the best; when the temperature of mixing tank is controlled at220°, itsmixing effect is better than that in other temperatures; the wide and short mixing tank whichlength-width ratio is less than one is better than narrow and long mixing tank which length-widthratio is greater than one. /(3/) The Cooker mixing technics has great effect on poured concrete’s performance. However,the target mix design and plenty of laboratory investigations need a small number of mixture for asingle time, for example, it will cause great waste if we use conventional Cooker truck to producemixture. By analyzing the structure and mechanism of conventional heat retaining mixing Cookertruck and the design method of similarity theory, it develops indoor simulated Cooker device forlaboratory to test MA mixture. /(4/) It uses the combination of a small mixing device and simulated Cooker to test and studyMA mixture in laboratory. It focuses on the impact of mixing technics on MA mixture’sperformance. Considering from thixotropy, aging performance and working performance of MAmixture, the appropriate mixing parameter is mixing temperature220℃, mixing time is1.5hoursand rotation rate is7turns//min. /(5/) By using accelerated loading test to compare the high temperature performance andfatigue performance of MA mixture that produced by two modes, it gives the result that, the actualroad performance of MA mixture that produced by different production methods is similar.

关 键 词: 混合料 模拟设备 相似理论 拌和工艺 加速加载

分 类 号: [U415.52]

领  域: [交通运输工程]




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