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The Study on the Figure of Speech System in Modern Chinese from a Cognitive Perspective

导  师: 曾毅平

学科专业: 050103

授予学位: 博士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 暨南大学

摘  要: 本文在对比分析前人现代汉语辞格分类系统的基础上,采用定性分析、对比统计分析、图表展示等方法试图从认知角度重新构建辞格体系。通过界定辞格性质、对辞典和论著中的辞格进行比较甄别,论文确认了138个辞格并进而依据大同归并、大异分立的原则将之梳理为72个作为本文的研究对象。 从生成的角度看,辞格是特定修辞动机、思维方式等形成的认知模型向不同辞格物质要素投射形成的“认知——语辞”关系模式。本文在模拟辞格言语生成过程的基础上,综合分析认知模型,修辞动机、辞格结构、修辞效果等要素,认为认知模型在辞格生成过程中起着关键的贯通作用,上承表达者的修辞心理动机、下接言语的特定结构,是研究辞格的很好平台,故以认知模型为分类标准,将72个辞格分成基于隐喻认知模型形成的辞格、基于转喻认知模型形成的辞格、基于序列认知模型形成的辞格、基于分合认知模型形成的辞格、基于逻辑认知模型形成的辞格、基于变焦认知模型形成的辞格、基于摹拟认知模型形成的辞格等7类。最后,具体分析每类辞格的特征,形成二级辞格系统。 论文的创新价值:一、从认知角度界定辞格的本质;二、构建认知模型平台,沟通辞格生成的心理机制与语辞结构,以之为标准构拟了新的辞格分类系统,较好地解决了以往分类系统中“问题辞格”的归属。三、在梳理辞格成员的基础上形成本文的辞格对照表。 This thesis attempts to reconstruct the figure of speech system in modernChinese from a cognitive perspective based on a comprehensive study of the existingsystems, in the light of simultaneously qualitative and comparative analysis anddiagram illustration. By defining the rhetoric nature and property and comparing theChinese figure of speech in dictionaries and academic writings,138figures of speechhave been indentified and then72of them have been established as the targets of thisstudy in accordance with the principles of categorizing those with similarity into onegroup and those with major differences into a separate group. A figure of speech is considered as the cognitive-speech relationship schema,which forms from the projection of cognitive model arising from specific rhetoricmotivation and thinking approaches, etc. towards the different substances elementsfrom a generative perspective. Based on simulating the generative process of figuresof speech, the dissertation makes a synthetic analysis of the key elements like theircognitive models and rhetorical purposes and effects, and further contends that thecognitive model should be a good research platform because it could link uppsychological motivation of figures of speech with their specific structures Having established this cognitive model as a criterion, the72targeted figures ofspeech can be categorised into7types of cognitive models including the metaphoric,the metonymic, the serial, the acrostic, the logical, the deviated focus and thesimulated. Finally, the further second-tier classification system is thus constructed inaccordance with the specific analysis of every targeted figurative lexicon. The innovative aspects in this thesis are as follows. First, the nature andproperties of figures of speech are defined in the generative perspective. Second, thecognitive model platform is established to connect the psychological mechanism to itsspeech-rhetoric structure, through which a new figurative classification system isformulated so that the “problematic figures of speech” are given a more appropriateseats within the internal system of figures of speech. Third, the comparison table of figures of speech is formed on the basis of sorting out all the targeted forms of figuresof speech.

关 键 词: 辞格 认知 分类

分 类 号: [H15]

领  域: [语言文字]


作者 潘杨
作者 罗毅
作者 戴婷
作者 程恒
作者 常晓玲


机构 暨南大学
机构 华南师范大学
机构 暨南大学华文学院
机构 中山大学
机构 华南师范大学文学院


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作者 彭晓春
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作者 成海涛
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