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Industrial Aggregation, Knowledge Spillover and Regional Innovation Capacity

导  师: 王鹏

学科专业: 020202

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 暨南大学

摘  要: 在全球经济一体化和知识经济突飞猛进的背景下,任何企业都不可能掌握自己所属行业的一切知识和信息资源,企业要想获得最新的创新知识和信息资源,需要通过企业内部或企业间的相互学习或知识扩散等渠道来获取。产业集聚、知识溢出对区域创新能力的影响是至关重要的,目前有关产业集聚、知识溢出和创新的研究主要集中于某一产业知识溢出效应对创新绩效的作用,考察对象大多是以省域或沿海经济发达区域或大城市。本文以高技术产业为例,基于知识生产函数构建以产业集聚、知识溢出和区域创新能力为变量的数理模型,考察产业集聚、知识溢出对东、中、西部地区创新能力的影响。 本文在相关文献研究的基础上,深入剖析产业集聚对区域创新能力的作用机理以及知识溢出与区域创新能力的关系。高技术产业在特定范围内的集聚会在区域内产生竞争和分工协作两种行为,集聚区主要通过技术扩散和人力资本积累两种方式来提升区域创新能力。此外,在产业集聚外部性理论的基础上,分析高技术产业集聚所产生的知识溢出在区域内外的溢出渠道(模仿学习、人员流动、技术合作、技术引进、产学研合作等)。本文认为知识溢出能让企业之间进行更好地沟通和交流,并从中获取和利用有助于企业创新发展的信息,以此来降低企业的创新成本和创新风险,进而提高企业的技术创新水平。 在理论分析和实证结果的基础上,研究结果表明,首先,多样化溢出和专业化溢出对我国创新能力的提升均有显著的推动作用,但多样化溢出对创新能力的推动作用强于专业化溢出的影响。其次,高技术产业的知识溢出对区域创新能力的影响存在区域差异,多样化溢出对东部地区创新能力有显著地提升效应,对中、西部地区创新能力的提升则无显著影响。除此之外,对东、中、西部地区而言,研发经费投入均是影响各地区创新能力提升的重要因素,而产权制度对推动创新能力则无显著作用。最后,文章在之前理论与实证分析的基础上针对全国和各地区资源禀赋、产业优势的差异分别提出促进区域创新能力提升的政策建议。 In the context of global economic integration and rapid growth in knowledge economy, anybusiness can’t grasp all the knowledge and information that belong to their industry, if they wantto get the latest information on innovation, which should learn from each other or use knowledgediffusion within the enterprise or between enterprises. Industrial agglomeration and knowledgespillovers have a critical impact on enhancing regional innovation capability, currently the studyabout industrial agglomeration, knowledge spillovers and innovation largely focused on theknowledge spillovers of high-tech industry cluster how to affect innovation performance, andmost inspection object is provinces or economically developed coastal regions or cities. Basedon the knowledge production function, this paper investigates the effects on innovation capacityofEastern, Middle, and Western by high-tech industrial agglomeration, knowledge spillovers. On the basis of a literature review of industrial agglomeration and regional innovationcapability, knowledge spillovers and regional innovation capability and regional innovationcapability, the paper analyzes the interaction mechanism between industrial agglomeration andregional innovation capability, and the relationship between knowledge spillovers and regionalinnovation capability. High-tech industry cluster produces competition and division of labor in aspecific range, this region mainly depends on technology diffusion and human capitalaccumulation to enhance regional innovation capacity. Furthermore, this paper inspects theoverflow channels /(imitation learning, mobility, technical cooperation, technology transfer,research cooperation, etc./) by knowledge spillovers of high-tech industry cluster. This paperargues that knowledge spillover affects enterprises through technological innovation to improvethe innovation in the region, which helps to reduce innovation costs and innovation venture. On the basis of theoretical analysis and empirical results, the study results showed that,firstly, diversification and specialization overflow have a significant role in promoting theinnovation capacity of our country, the diversification role in promoting innovation capacity isstronger than specialization. Secondly, the effects on regional innovation capacity by knowledgespillover of high-tech industry exist regional differences, diversification overflow hassignificantly effects on improving innovation capacity in eastern but not in middle or western. In addition, in terms of eastern, middle and western regions, the R/&D expenditure is an importantfactor to enhance the innovation capacity, but property system has no significant effect onpromoting innovation capability. Finally, the article gives some suggestions about enhancingregional innovation capacity according to regional differences in resource endowments andindustrial advantages.

关 键 词: 产业集聚 知识溢出 区域创新能力 高技术产业

分 类 号: [F273.1 F276.44]

领  域: [经济管理] [经济管理] [经济管理] [经济管理]


作者 郭嘉仪
作者 张倩男
作者 夏丹
作者 徐毅
作者 戴俊杰


机构 暨南大学
机构 暨南大学经济学院
机构 中山大学
机构 华南理工大学工商管理学院
机构 华南师范大学


作者 廖刚
作者 张为
作者 张丽丽
作者 张丽娟
作者 张丽娟