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The Study on Wei Su's Social Activities

导  师: 陈广恩

学科专业: 060106

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 暨南大学

摘  要: 危素是元末明初重要文人之一,他一生仕宦元明二朝。从危素家世生平来看,其家世显赫,为官之人较多;但是危素个人的生平曲折坎坷,出身贫寒,却才华横溢,官于贰朝,并且爱好交游,在元明嬗替时期是一个重要的历史人物。然而迄今为止,学界对于危素的研究仅局限于文学、学术思想、心态等方面,而很少论述危素交游概况。本文在考述危素家世生平的基础上,以危素交游为研究线索,选取危素的师辈、同僚与方外友人作为研究对象,探讨危素交游情况,力图展现危素曲折变化的人生轨迹及交游脉络,并试图挖掘交游对危素求学之路、宦途之路及心态方面所产生的影响,从而管窥当时士人的生活状态和社会风貌,以其弥补危素研究之不足。 Wei Su was one of the important literatus during the period from the late Yuan tothe early Ming, he achieved his career in the late Yuan and early Ming dynasties.From the view of Wei Su’s family and lifetime, he had a famous family, a lot ofpeople in his family had achieved their career; nevertheless, Wei Su’s personallifetime was rough and winding, born in poverty, but he was full of talent andachieved his career in the late Yuan early Ming dynasties, at the same time, he paidmore attention to make friends, in a word, he was an important historical characters inthe late Yuan and early Ming dynasties. Up to now yet, most of writings has beenmade from the viewpoint of lterature、academic thought、psychology,but littlediscussed about Wei Su’s friends. So this thesis is based on Wei Su’s family andlifetime, takeing Wei Su’s friends as study clue, which select Wei Su’s teachers、colleagues、taoist priests as research object to probe into Wei Su’s social activities.thisthesis strives to show Wei Su’s curves lifetime and social activities, trying to excavatehow Wei Su’s social activities have an effect on his studies、official careers andpsychology,thus having a restricted view about scholars’s lifetime and socialenvironment, to make up to the academic blank.

关 键 词: 元末明初 危素 交游

领  域: [历史地理] [历史地理]


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机构 暨南大学
机构 暨南大学文学院
机构 华南师范大学历史文化学院
机构 暨南大学文学院中国文化史籍研究所
机构 中文系


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