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Astudy of Stylistic Markers in Written Title Language

导  师: 盛永生

学科专业: 050103

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 暨南大学

摘  要: 通过对文艺语体、科技语体、公文语体、新闻语体的标题语言进行统计研究,发现标题语言也是有语体分化的,即标题语言的词语、短语、句子等层面都有明显的语体标记成分。 词语层面,最明显的语体标记成分是文种词的使用,其次是一些非文种词:科技语体多是表“言谈评说”义的;文艺语体是回忆感想类、曲事传纪类和态度记行类的;新闻语体是访问类、发现类和看见类的;公文语体介词“关于”“对”出现频率最高。第三体现在标题常用词方面:科技语体多用术语;文艺语体多是表称谓、真假人名地名、事物名称的名词;新闻语体多是数字、真实的人名地名企业名;公文语体通常是国家机关名或政府名。第四是单个词语作标题构成了文艺语体的标记标题,其他三种语体没有。 在短语层面,定中式是四种语体常见的标题短语结构方式,但在构成成分上有所区别。其次是并列式标题短语:科技语体和文艺语体常用“及”“和”“与”“或者”“或”和标点符号表并列;公文和新闻语体常用空格号表并列。再次是主谓式标题短语,在新闻语体中最常见,可确定为新闻语体的标记特征,文艺语体和公文语体主谓结构标题出现频率差不多,但也只有10/%左右,科技语体最少,只有2.13/%,可忽略不记。 在句子作标题方面,公文语体没有句子作标题;新闻语体常用“感叹句+疑问句”或“感叹句//疑问句+短语”;科技语体常用“疑问句+破折号+短语”;文艺语体常用简单的疑问句或感叹句。 Through statistical study of the artistic style, technological style, official document style andnews writing style’s title language, it’s discovered that there is also style differentiation in thetitle language in terms of word, phrase, and sentence. In the word level, the most obvious stylistic marker is the use of language word, and thensecondly the use of non-language word. The title of technological style prefers use the words thatmean discourse comment; the title of artistic style uses words related with memories and feelings;the title of news writing style chooses words of visit, discover or see; the title of the officialdocument style uses prepositions like “about” or “for”. The third aspect is the frequently usedwords: the technological style often uses terms in the title; the artistic style often uses nouns ofappellation, names, and nouns of things in the title; the news writing style often uses figures andreal names in the title; the official document style often uses the government and the nationalorganization’s names in the title. Asingle word as title is only used in the artistic style. In the phrase level, the “attributive+center-word” structure is the most common structure.But the attributive and center-word are different. The second frequently used structure is theparallel structure. The title of technological style and artistic style usually uses “and”,“or”, andpunctuation. The title of official document style and the news writing style usually uses blankspace. The third frequently used structure is the subject-predicate structure, which is the mark ofthe news writing style’s title. In the sentence level, there is no sentence as title in the official document style. The title ofnews writing style usually uses “exclamatory sentence+interrogative sentence” or “exclamatorysentence//interrogative sentence+phrase”. The title of technological style usually uses“interrogative sentence+dash+phrase”. The title of artistic style usually uses simpleinterroga

关 键 词: 语体 语体标记 标题语言

领  域: [语言文字]


作者 鄢秋月
作者 张永平
作者 范颖
作者 邵长超
作者 刘凤玲


机构 暨南大学
机构 暨南大学华文学院
机构 肇庆学院文学院
机构 广州大学人文学院
机构 华南师范大学文学院


作者 彭川
作者 彭晓春
作者 徐云扬
作者 成海涛
作者 曾小敏