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A Comparative Study of the Strategic Transformation of Traditional Retailers

导  师: 王洪光

学科专业: 0254

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 暨南大学

摘  要: 自世纪之交的萌芽阶段后,中国各类电子商务市场经过十几年的发展,从B2B到C2C,再到B2C,市场不断扩大、不断细分。电子商务模式也不断创新,各类专业型、自主品牌型电子商务网站出现。与阿里巴巴在B2B市场、淘宝网在C2C市场、天猫在垂直型B2C市场的绝对垄断地位不同,自建型B2C市场的竞争格局要复杂的多。2006年以来,中国电子商务市场的总体战略布局开始往自建型B2C模式倾斜,传统零售商在激烈竞争下也逐渐开始谋求战略转型。线上线下双线发展的模式已经成为一种新的趋势,因此本文主要对传统零售商的战略转型进行研究,通过运用图表、案例对比的方式对各传统零售商历年的电子商务经营数据、方针、策略、业务模块等进行分析。本文希望通过对苏宁电器与国美电器的转型比较,总结传统零售商在转型存在的问题,并为其它将要进行转型的传统零售商提供参考性建议。 After ten years of development, E-commerce types in China has developed intovarious types, B2B, C2C, B2C, O2O. There have been various types of e-commerce sites inChina with the market expanding. Different from the monopoly state for Alibaba in B2Bmarket, Taobao in C2C market, the competition in independent B2C sales market is moreintensely. Since2006, the overall strategic layout of the Chinese e-commerce market beganto tilt toward self-type B2C model, traditional retailers are also seeking strategictransformation. Parallel development of online and offline mode has become a new trend.sothis paper mainly focus on studing the strategic transformation of traditionalretailers.Through using charts,analysising the data,policy and strategy of Suning andGome,this paper aims to summarize the problems in the transition,and hope to offer somereference recommendations to other traditional retailers who are going to make a transition.

关 键 词: 传统零售商 转型 比较分析

领  域: [经济管理]


作者 李举伟


机构 暨南大学


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