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导  师: 孟建

学科专业: 050407

授予学位: 博士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 复旦大学

摘  要: 20世纪90年代以后,就在“黄祸”、“东亚病夫”、“睡狮”等一个个国族符号逐渐淡出历史舞台的时候,“中国威胁论”这一新的形象话语又成为了中国当代史上的一个新的话语神话和形象标志。从最初日本、美国等部分国家的个别知识分子、政经团体的片言只语,到今天世界性的统治话语,“中国威胁”形象在世界范围内经历了一个不同地域、不同语言、不同文明间的复杂的跨文化传播过程。与此同时,中国的政经界、知识界,以及民间舆论界也近乎狂热般地频繁使用这个带有强烈贬义色彩的“外来”话语和形象符号来描述中外关系以及想象中国。一个不争的事实是,不论是在异域还是在本土,“中国威胁论”俨然已成为一个具有严重本质主义倾向的“霸权”话语,它的出现与“定格”不仅严重影响了他者看中国的目光,也遮蔽了中国观照他者以及审视自我的理性之光。 因此,如何打破“中国威胁论”的话语迷思,并从新的历史视角出发,在自我与他者的互动中刻画出“中国威胁”形象的生成和发展轨迹,从而揭示其背后的生产机制,对于我们理性的认识他者和自我无疑都有着至关重要的意义。鉴于以上考虑,本研究主要围绕了下述问题进行展开:1.世界的“中国威胁”形象是如何被呈现又是如何被生产出来的,其背后的生产机制是什么?2.“中国威胁”形象如何参与了自我与他者的现代性想象?3.在“中国威胁论”的话语生产过程中,当代新闻媒体扮演了什么角色,又是如何发挥作用的? 通过对“中国威胁论”话语谱系、历史脉络、生产机制的挖掘和考察,笔者发现,20世纪90年代以来的中国形象并不是西方强加的产物,而是两者互动的产物。当然,这并不意味着在异域没有真正的仇华人士;事实上,在异域的确有那么一小撮人始终抱着特殊目的在叫嚣“中国威胁论”。不过,不论是在异域还是在本土,也不论是在知识界、舆论界抑或政经界,都并不存在着一个统一的“中国威胁”形象。就异域而言,不同的想象背后折射出来的其实是它们自己的各自想象;就本土而言,中国各种文本中呈现出来的“中国威胁”形象也已不复原来的本来面目——在自我的现代性想象中,不同的利益群体已经在很大程度上挪移并重建了他域的“中国威胁”形象。在这过程中,我们不仅可以观察到自我与他者的紧张关系,也可以看到自我和他者的内部较量。但是由于媒体的参与,却改变了这一切,并且在很大程度上遮蔽了当代中国形象本应呈现的历史动态性和空间多元性,从而促成媒体上的中国形象走向了化约主义和本质主义,“中国威胁论”这一霸权话语也由此而形成。在这过程中,发挥影响作用的既有媒体的选择机制,更有国家利益的外在驱动和建构国族认同的内在需求等因素。 Derogatory metaphors for China such as "the Yellow Peril","the sick man of Asia" and "the sleeping lion" gradually faded out after the1990s. However, the "China threat theory" has now emerged as a new emblem of the mythological discourse about China's image. The image of China as a threat has undergone a complex intercultural communication process from its early beginnings as a mantra used by a few Japanese and American intellectuals, politicians and economists to its current domination of discourse across different regions, different languages and different civilizations. At the same time, ordinary Chinese and Chinese in political, economic and intellectual circles are now frequently using this derogatory mantra to describe China's national image and its relationship with other countries. Indisputably,"the China threat theory" has become a "hegemonic" discourse with essentialist undertones. The emergence of this mantra not only influences how other countries perceive China, but also influences how China sees both itself and other countries. In order for China to rationally understand itself and other countries, it is therefore crucial to unravel the myth of "the China threat theory" and to map out its development trajectory, and, in doing so, reveal its underlying production mechanism from a new historical perspective. In this regard, this study focuses on the following issues: 1. How did the image of China as a threat come into being and how has it been presented? What is the underlying production mechanism of this theory? 2. How does the image of China as a threat influence both China and other countries' imagination of China? 3. What role do contemporary news media play in the production of "the China threat theory"? And how do they play this role? Through studying the historical development of "the China threat theory", I found that China's image since the1990s was not imposed upon China by the West, but was a product of the interaction between China and the West. Of course, it doesn't mean there is no people really with hatred of China on the foreign lands; actually, there are indeed a small bunch of people abroad making clamor of "China Threat Theory" with some special intention all the time.I also discovered that there is no unified image of China as a threat in intellectual, media, political and economic circles domestically and abroad. The different images that foreign countries have of China as a threat reflect their own individual imaginations. On the other hand, the different images of China as a threat that I discovered in different Chinese texts are not the same images that are seen in the West. Rather, different interest groups in China are, to a large extent, appropriating these images and reconstructing them. This process of appropriation and reconstruction shows not only the tension between the West and China, but also the contestation between them. However, the involvement of the media has changed this process and blocked the spatial diversity and dynamism of China's image. As a result, the media's portrayal of China tends to be reductionist and essentialist, leading to the hegemonic "China as a threat" discourse. Media selection mechanisms, national interests and the construction of national identity have all played a role in this process.

关 键 词: 国家形象 中国威胁论 东方主义 话语生产 新闻媒体

分 类 号: [G206]

领  域: [文化科学]


作者 杨萍
作者 施爱国
作者 李欣蔚
作者 彭月梅
作者 徐永东


机构 暨南大学
机构 暨南大学新闻与传播学院
机构 中山大学
机构 广东外语外贸大学
机构 华南理工大学


作者 庞菊香
作者 康超
作者 廖燕萍
作者 廖荆梅
作者 张丽娟