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导  师: 谢佑平

学科专业: 0351

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 复旦大学

摘  要: 非法证据排除规则是现代法治国家普遍采用的一项刑事诉讼证据规则,在刑事诉讼以正当程序和保障人权为发展方向的今天,非法证据排除规则的确立及研究是一项不可或缺的内容。由于立法技术的限制,我国刑事诉讼法对非法证据排除规则长期以来处于一种流于口号式宣誓的立法状态。两高三部于2010年5月30日联合制定的两个《证据规定》首次对非法证据排除规则作出了具体、详细的规定,明确了非法证据的内涵和外延,并设置了具体操作程序。但由于在我国刑事诉讼基本法层面的缺失,非法证据排除规则仍没有真正意义上在我国确立。2012年3月14日,引发社会各界广泛讨论的刑事诉讼法修正案经过全国人大会议表决通过,此次刑诉法修正理论性成果亮点较多,其中最为闪耀的当属确立了非法证据排除规则。然而由于具体操作性条款的缺失,难免使这些亮点因受到遮挡而显得暗淡。故本文将以新刑诉法的规定为指导,通过对立法的解读,结合司法实践中的具体问题,分四章节论述我国现有法律框架下的非法证据排除规则之理解和适用问题。 第一章是对非法证据排除规则基本问题的研究。通过对非法证据排除规则的涵义、历史渊源与发展、理论基础和制度价值的分析研究,来初步认识并理解这一证据规则的理论价值和现实意义。 第二章是对世界主要法治国家非法证据排除规则的比较研究。通过对美国、英国、德国、日本的非法证据排除规则的比较研究来进一步加深对该规则的理解。同时充分参考这些国家的立法经验,启发我们如何在我国具体适用该证据规则。 第三章是对非法证据排除规则“中国化”历程的研究。先分析非法证据排除规则长期以来在我国不能“落脚”的现实阻碍,再指出该证据规则在我国确立的现实意义,最后梳理我国确认该证据规则的立法历程。 第四章是对我国现有非法证据排除规则理解、适用的研究。密切关注新刑诉法的规定并充分结合两高三部两个《证据规定》的具体实施规则,逐步分析非法证据排除规则的实体性规则和程序性规制,以期该规则在司法实践中运作顺畅,充分体现其保障人权及正当程序之价值。 The Exclusionary Rule of Illegally Obtained Evidence is a widely adopted rule of evidence of criminal proceedings in modern countries ruled by law. As proper procedures and the guarantee of human rights constitute the development trends of criminal proceedings nowadays, the establishment and research of the Exclusionary Rule of Illegally Obtained Evidence has become an indispensible element. Due to the restrictions of lawmaking techniques, the Exclusionary Rule of Illegally Obtained Evidence in the Criminal Procedure Law of China has remained in the legislative status of mere slogan and oath for a long period of time. The two Evidence Stipulations, jointly promulgated by the "Two Supreme Judicial Departments and Three Ministries"/(namely the Supreme People's Court, Supreme People's Procuratorate, Ministry of Public Security, Ministry of State Security, and Ministry of Justice/) on30May,2010, make detailed prescriptions for the Exclusionary Rule of Illegally Obtained Evidence, clarifying the inner and outer meaning of illegally obtained evidence and setting forth detailed procedures of operation. However, due to the lack in the basic level of the Criminal Procedure Law of China, the Exclusionary Rule of Illegally Obtained Evidence has not yet been established in China in its real sense. On14March,2012, the amendment to Criminal Procedure Law was adopted by vote at the National People's Congress, provoking widespread discussions in all circles of society. This amendment achieves many remarkable results, the most noticeable of which is the establishment of Exclusionary Rule of Illegally Obtained Evidence. Nonetheless, due to the lack of detailed terms of operation, the results are inevitably overshadowed. Therefore, guided by the provisions of the new Criminal Procedure Law, this paper intends to discuss the understanding and application of the Exclusionary Rule of Illegally Obtained Evidence under the existing legal frame of China in four chapters, in combination with the detailed problems in judicial practice. Chapter1studies the basic issues of the Exclusionary Rule of Illegally Obtained Evidence through an analysis and study of the meaning, historical origin and development, theoretical basis and value of system of the Exclusionary Rule of Illegally Obtained Evidence, therefore gaining a preliminary understanding of the theoretical value and real significance of this rule of evidence. Chapter2is a comparative study of the Exclusionary Rule of Illegally Obtained Evidence of the world's major countries ruled by law, including the USA, UK, Germany and Japan, so as to enhance the understanding of this rule, and learn from the legislative experience of these countries in respective of the detailed application of this rule of evidence in China. Chapter3studies the localization of the Exclusionary Rule of Illegally Obtained Evidence in China. It first analyzes the real hindrance to the "implementation" of the Exclusionary Rule of Illegally Obtained Evidence in China, and then points out the real significance of the establishment of this rule of evidence in China, and finally reviews the legislative history of the establishment of this rule of evidence in China. Chapter4studies the understanding and application of the current Exclusionary Rule of Illegally Obtained Evidence in China. Focused on the provisions of the new Criminal Procedure Law and combined with the detailed rules of implementation for the two Evidence Stipulations of "Two Supreme Judicial Departments and Three Ministries", this chapter analyzes the substantive and procedural rule of the Exclusionary Rule of Illegally Obtained Evidence by steps, so as to realize the smooth implementation of this rule in judicial practice and fully reflect the value of guaranteeing human rights and proper procedures.

关 键 词: 非法证据排除规则 非法言词证据 非法实物证据 毒树之果非法证据排除程序

分 类 号: [D925.2]

领  域: [政治法律] [政治法律]


作者 陈海
作者 李胜豪
作者 熊伟
作者 蒲维
作者 胡征南


机构 中山大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 华南理工大学法学院
机构 中山大学法学院
机构 佛山科学技术学院政法学院


作者 康秋实
作者 廖伟导
作者 廖芳
作者 张万坤
作者 张光亚