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A Study of Stakeholders of Gray Market

导  师: 王强东;曾鸣

学科专业: 020101

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 广东省社会科学院

摘  要: 全球贸易日益频繁的今天,灰色市场引发的问题逐渐凸显。而高速发展的信息技术又为灰色市场插上了隐形的翅膀,使其高速扩张、无孔不入。目前,对灰色市场的研究多聚焦于对品牌商的影响,以及从品牌商或政府一方的利益立场来谈论对策或政策,而忽略了对灰色市场运作主体如代理商、经销商、消费者和非品牌拥有的生产商的研究。 灰色市场介于白色市场和黑色市场的中间地带。在特定环境和时段内,灰色市场的活跃有一定意义,如:丰富便利了消费者的购买选择;向品牌商提供信号,警示其不完善的市场布局与营销运作;有利于发展中国家的技术引进,加快全球技术趋同步伐;提供就业机会,促进经济繁荣;增加市场竞争,一定程度上削弱个别企业一家独大、市场垄断地位。但是,长期而言,灰色市场对知识产权的冲击,会减低品牌商研发的积极性,延缓科技进步,而且灰色市场还是黑色市场滋生的温床,因此灰色市场的蔓延不利于市场的健康运行。近三十年,法律学界、经济学界和政界研究人员密切关注灰色市场引发的系列问题,相关研究成果经常发表。各国也根据具体的国情不断地调整应对灰色市场现象的措施,有美国等发达国家所采取绝对限制的做法,也有欧盟主张在会员国内遵循权利用尽原则而完全支持灰色市场活动。一些学者认为政府对灰色市场活动最好的态度就是不置可否,任其各利益相关者互相制衡。然而,这种做法的冒险之处在于,最终的均衡结果很可能向灰色渠道商和不法黑色市场商的利益严重倾斜,从而造成市场混乱,威胁社会和谐稳定。因此,如何激励政府与品牌商共同协作来规范市场交易、保障消费者权益,是一个亟待解决的重要问题。 鉴于上述情况,本文以灰色市场参与者之间的利益博弈为出发点全面地寻找利益相关者参与灰色市场的内在需求和外在动力,从博弈过程与博弈均衡的角度分析灰色市场的成因、灰化程度以及向黑色市场的转化。本文把落脚点放在透析市场主体之间的影响作用;同时,提示品牌商和政府在解决灰色市场问题上,可以通过改变自身行动的时间或者内容来影响整个灰色市场的利益格局,从而得到有利于自身利益与社会发展的均衡路径和均衡结果。 As thegrowth of globaltrade,problemscaused bythe gray markethave becomeincreasingly prominent.The rapid development of information technology equips thegray market to expand more rapid and pervasively.Currently, research on the graymarket mostly focused on the impact on brands, and the strategies or policies in theinterest of the brand owner or government. Unfortunately, these researches ignore themain playersof the gray market such as agents, distributors, consumers andnon-branded manufacturers. Gray market is in the middle areabetween white and black markets. Under certainconditions, the gray market has positive impact, for instance:it facilitates consumers'purchase; provide a signal to the brands, warning its imperfect market distribution andmarketing operations;In favor of the introduction of technology to developingcountries, accelerate the pace of global technology convergence; provide jobsopportunities and promote economic prosperity;Increases competition in the market,weakensthe monopolistic position of dominant enterprises. However, in the long run,the negative impact of the gray market on intellectual propertywill reduce R/&Dinitiative of enterprises, slow down technological progress.Moreover, the gray marketis the seedbed of black market. Therefore, the spread of gray market is not conduciveto the healthy operation of the market.In the past three decades, legal scholars,economists and politicians had paid close attention to a series of problems caused bythe gray market, and relevant research results are frequentlypublished.States alsoconstantly modifiesrules and law to deal with the gray market, for example: UnitedStates strictly limit the grey market, while in other developed countries, for instance,in the EU,its Member States advocates the principle of exhaustion of rights fullysupported gray market activities. Some scholars believe that the best attitude adoptedby governments toward gray market activityshould be leavingthe variousstakeholdersalone in hoping of the autonomous equilibriumthrough checks andbalances between themselves..However, the risk of this approach is that the finalequilibrium outcome is likely heavily tilting towards the interests of unscrupulousdealers of the black market, resulting in confusion in the market and the threat ofsocial harmony.So, how to motivate government and brands to make joint efforts inregulating market transactions and protect consumer’s rights and interests is animportant issue to be solved. In view of the above, this paper is committed to comprehensively find theintrinsic andextrinsic motivation of stakeholder of gray market by studying the gameamong thegray market participants,and analyze the causes of gray marketand conversion of it toblack market.This paper will focus on the analysisof the influence between marketplayers for suggesting brands and government in solving problems on the gray marketthatthey can change the time or the content of their actions to affect the interests of theentire gray market, so guiding the equilibrium path and results in the interests ofthemselves and social development.

关 键 词: 灰色市场 博弈 利益相关者 知识产权

分 类 号: [F723]

领  域: [经济管理] [经济管理]


作者 王加文
作者 蓝满榆
作者 李克杰
作者 敖芬芬
作者 段文


机构 暨南大学
机构 华南理工大学
机构 中山大学
机构 华南理工大学法学院
机构 华南师范大学


作者 廖刚
作者 张为
作者 张丽丽
作者 张丽娟
作者 张丽娟