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Researching Problems of Rural Mass Incidents in Guangdong under Efficiency and Fairness

导  师: 曾学龙

学科专业: 120301

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 仲恺农业工程学院

摘  要: 随着改革开放的进一步推进,经济快速发展,当前社会已进入转型阶段,社会思潮和价值观念呈现多元化,各种利益格局也发生着新的变化,新的问题、新的矛盾不断出现且呈现逐渐增多的趋势,各种社会矛盾和利益诉求受到社会管理机制体制不完善等客观条件所限制,没有通过有效渠道及时解决,由此而引发了群体性事件。当前我国发生的群体性事件,绝大多数都是对权利和权益的诉求,属于人民内部矛盾,但群体性事件对经济健康发展和社会和谐稳定造成严重的负面影响,甚至对安定有序的政治秩序造成冲击。 剖析农村群体性事件的发生诱因须从多方面入手,经济方面,当前靠传统农业种植维持家庭经济收入微薄,农民负担重,压力大;政治方面,基层民主自治不规范,在村“两委”(村委与支委)、经济联社等组织的民主选举过程中存在贿选、舞弊等行为、干群关系紧张;其他方面,包括宗族派系利益矛盾,宗教信仰冲突,历史遗留的包括宅基地、山地、林地等权属纠纷问题,环境污染问题,征地拆迁问题等。基层政府往往在面对这些棘手问题处理问题方法不当、执法管理行为方式简单,部分地区在处理诸如社会治安、民间纠纷、行政执法等问题上方法方式不当而带来的负面影响,都易成为群体性事件发生的导火索。当前,我国正努力朝着全面建成小康社会的目标奋斗,必须正确把握和处理好改革、发展及稳定三者之间的关系,努力构建和谐稳定的社会政治局面。没有农村的稳定就没有全国的稳定,研究农村群体性事件,是维护农村社会稳定的需要,新形势下,我国群体性事件发生的次数和参与人数均呈上升趋势,广东作为发展中国特色社会主义的排头兵,深化改革开放的先行地,探索科学发展的实验区,如何正确面对和处置群体性事件已成为摆在眼前急需解决的重点、难点问题。本文在广东农村群体性事件定量资料的基础上,另辟蹊径,主要从“效率与公平”的视角出发,综合分析农村群体性事件的现状问题,对如何坚持“效率与公平”价值导向,妥善治理农村群体性事件供探究性的对策建议。 With the further reform and opening up, the rapid economic development, restructuringthe current society has entered the stage of social thought and values diversified, variousinterest pattern also occurred with the new changes, new problems, new conflicts emergingand presented gradually increasing trend, various social contradictions and interest demandsby social management mechanism and system limitations imperfect objective conditions,there is no effective channels through timely resolution, thus triggering mass incidents. Thecurrent group events occurred in China, the overwhelming majority of the rights and interestsof the demands, which belongs to the internal contradictions among the people, but massincidents caused serious negative impact on economic development and social harmony andstability, health, and even the stability and orderly political order of impact. Analysis of the occurrence of mass incidents in rural incentives from multi-prongedapproach is required, the economy, the current by maintaining traditional farming meagerfamily income, farmers' burden heavy pressure; political, grassroots democraticself-government does not regulate, in the village "two committees" existence of a democraticelection process /(Cunwei and Zhiwei/), Jingjilianshe other organizations in bribery, fraud andother acts, tensions between cadres; others, including conflicts of interest clan factions,religious conflicts, including historical homestead, mountain, forest and other ownershipdisputes, environmental pollution, land acquisition and resettlement issues. Local Governmentin the face of these difficult issues often deal with the problem of improper methods of lawenforcement management behavior in a simple manner, the negative impact of improperhandling parts of the community policing approach way, civil disputes, administrative lawenforcement and other issues such as brought in, are vulnerable to groups fuse of the incident.At present, China is working towards the completion of a comprehensive well-off society inachieving the goals, we must correctly handle the relationship between grasp and reform,development and stability among the efforts to build a harmonious and stable social andpolitical situation. Without stability in rural areas will be no stability of the country, of ruralmass incidents, the need to maintain social stability in rural areas, under the new situation, thefrequency and the number of participants of mass events showed an upward trend, as thedevelopment of socialism with Chinese characteristics in Guangdong the vanguard of reformand opening to the first to explore the experimental area of scientific development, how toproperly dispose of the face and the plain of mass incidents has become the focus of urgentand difficult problem. Based on Guangdong rural mass incidents quantitative data on the newpath, mainly from the perspective of "efficiency and fairness," the starting ComprehensiveAnalysis of the rural mass incidents, how to adhere to the "efficiency and equity"value-oriented, good governance in rural areas Suggestions for group events to explore nature.

关 键 词: 效率 公平 广东农村 群体性事件 治理

分 类 号: [D631.43 D422.6]

领  域: [政治法律] [政治法律] [政治法律] [政治法律]


作者 谢伟杰
作者 郭晓桐
作者 娄拥军
作者 张治国
作者 欧湘庆


机构 中山大学
机构 华南理工大学
机构 华南师范大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 广州大学


作者 康秋实
作者 廖伟导
作者 廖芳
作者 张万坤
作者 张光亚