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Research on Construction of Forest Culture

导  师: 姚顺波

学科专业: 120302

授予学位: 博士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 西北农林科技大学

摘  要: 1998年生态建设开始成为林业发展的主要任务,森林成为生态环境的主体。森林文化的建设,能够发挥其对林业生态建设和林业产业发展的引领、服务和保证等作用。生态文明背景下森林文化的建设,提上了议事日程,也是本文的研究主题。 本文以文化生成发展的历史实践论、文化功能理论、生产要素的演化变迁理论、需要层次理论、社会资本理论和边际收益理论等理论为基础,对以下几方面进行了研究。 第一,通过文献综述,分析有关森林文化及其建设的现有研究成果,发现在森林文化建设中存在的问题,诸如建设愿景、建设参与主体、建设路径选择和建设着力点等。 第二,文化的生成发展有其根源,森林文化也不例外,本文剖析了传统文化中的生态伦理,以期对森林文化建设的愿景规划有所借鉴。文化的生成与发展一直以人与自然的解放与发展及其相互关系为主题的历史没有变化,人的可持续生存、自由、全面发展与自然的可持续生存、多样性、高度发展二者之间的双赢目标一直是人类不懈的追求。因此,本文不仅梳理了传统文化中森林文化的生态伦理思想渊源,而且就传统文化融合下移民间社会从而形成森林文化的特征和主旨进行专章分析。 第三,森林文化,不仅有其传统生态伦理的思想渊源,还有其社会生产生活的现实实践,就此,调查研究了贵州农村多民族森林文化以及与民众生产生活息息相关的茶文化、竹文化。调查分析发现,不仅森林文化拥有渗透生产生活的现实留存,而且,其建设的参与主体是多元的,除政府外还有分享森林生态效益、经济效益和社会效益的市场及社会其他受益民众。 第四,文化在人的社会实践中生成,而其实践从来不是轻而易举的,森林文化在中国发展林业的过程中,其生成与发展历经曲折。本文就林业的管理制度环境、发展战略与决策、组织与领导以及监督控制机制等方面,对中国林业各个历史时期的特点进行剖析,厘清了森林文化的历史进程;同时,还就尼泊尔和菲律宾森林文化遭受践踏的国际案例进行分析,洞察了森林文化作为社会资本对林业的深远影响。由此发现,森林文化建设,其路径受政治、经济、文化甚至国际局势等因素的影响,路径的选择须尊重民间历史积淀的森林文化社会资本所表现的理性,从而减少政府决策的武断性,避免对所谓现代化或所谓现代文明的盲目崇拜。 第五,森林文化价值,即森林的科学、文化、历史等所蕴藏的社会效益,系森林社会效益的一个重要组成部分。森林社会效益的内容,主要包括因为森林而产生的就业机会价值、森林游憩价值和森林文化价值(森林的科学、文化、历史等价值)等三项。2000—2011年林业数据的核算分析表明:森林提供就业机会产生的社会效益历年呈上升的趋势,但是历年就业人数整体呈下降的趋势;森林提供游憩的社会效益及森林公园每年接待的旅游人次,历年呈上升的趋势;我国森林文化价值或森林文化社会效益,历年呈上升的趋势。因此,森林文化建设,要以森林社会效益为着力点,致力于民生林业,从而满足民众对林业就业、森林游憩和森林人文消费等多样化的需要。 第六,最后就森林文化建设提出相应的对策与建议。森林文化建设,要加强森林文化建设的愿景规划,传承森林文化优秀传统;引导更多的市场主体共建共享森林文化,将顶层设计与民众参与相结合;尊重民间森林文化中的理性来选择建设路径,并对所谓现代化或所谓现代文明进行过滤;以社会效益为着力点,发展民生林业。 森林文化,作为生态文化不可或缺的部分,既属于森林社会效益又是林业发展的重要社会资本,是林业经济增长、发展的基础,而森林文化的建设,将促进生态林业和民生林业国家战略的实现。 Since1998ecological construction has been the top priority of forestry development, forestis the main part of ecological environment. The construction of forest culture plays the role ofguiding, service, and guarantee in the forestry ecological construction and forestry industrydevelopment. The construction of forest culture based on ecological civilization, the focus of thisdissertation, has been put on the agenda. Based on the historical practice of culture development, Culture Function Theory,Evolutionary Transition of Production Elements, Need Hierarchy Theory, Social Capital Theoryand Theory of Marginal Benefit, detailed studies are the following aspects. Firstly, in the part of Literature Review, current research results on forest culture and itsconstruction has been analyzed and found out some problems existing in the construction of forestculture, such as the perspectives of construction, the main body of participating, alternatives ofconstruction and key points of construction. Secondly, the development of every culture has its own foundation, forest culture is noexception. The ecological ethics of traditional culture is explored to draw lessons for the design ofthe perspectives of construction in forest culture. The history of cultural foundation and culturaldevelopment, centered on the liberation and development of human and nature and itsinterrelations, remained unchanged. The win-win target between sustainable existence, liberation,overall development of human beings and sustainable existence, diversity and highly developmentof nature has always been the unflagging pursuit which human beings are aiming for. Therefore,the sources of ecological ethics on forest culture, the features of forest culture and substance hasbeen detailed in the chapter. Thirdly, as we know, forest culture has not only the thought origin of traditional ecologicalethics, but also the real practice in social productivities, hence the multiracial forest culture inGuizhou rural areas, the tea culture and bamboo culture which have close relations with folkproduction and living have been fully investigated. It is found that forest culture has not only thereal remaining about production activities, but also the main participations involved are multiple,in addition to governments, markets and beneficiary masses that share forest ecological interests,economic interests and social interests. Fourthly, culture has been formed through human’s difficult social practice, the formation of forest culture has been zigzagged in China forest development. Forestry regulation systems,development strategy and decision, organization and leadership, supervision and controllingmechanism have been discussed. China forestry features of various periods have been fullydiscussed, Clarified the historical process of forest culture. Furthermore, the far-reaching impactsof forest culture, a kind of social capital, on forest have been explored through the cases of Nipaland Philippines where the forest culture have been trampled upon, therefore, the constructions offorest culture are affected by politics, economics, culture even international situations, the choicesshould consider the rationality of the folk forest culture and social capital, and reduce arbitrarinessof government decisions and slavish devotion to modernization or so-called modern civilization. Fifthly, the value of forest culture, in other words, the social values from the science of forest,culture, and history, is an important component of forest social values. The forest social valuescan be subdivided into employment opportunity value, forest recreation value and forest culturevalue. The analysis of forestry data /(from year2000to2011/) shows that the social value throughopportunity by forestry is increasing, while the overall employments in the years are decreasing,and that social recreation value through forestry and total number of travelers through park forestis on the rise, and that the social value of forest culture is on the rise. Therefore, the constructionof forest culture should orient on the forest social value, work towards the livelihood of forest.Hence, the construction of forest culture should meet people’s various demands in employment,recreation and human consumptions. Conclusively, related countermeasures and suggestions on the construction of forest culturehave been proposed in the final chapter. The establishment of forest culture should strengthen thedesign of perspectives of construction and inherit fine tradition of forest culture. More sides ofparticipation should be involved in the construction of forest culture. The top-level design shouldbe combined with the community participation. The rationality of folk forest culture should beconsidered in choosing ways of construction, and reconsidered the so-called modernization ormodern civilization. The development of livelihood of forest should orient on social values. Forest culture, an indispensable part of ecological culture, is vital to both forest socialbenefits and social capital. Forest culture is the foundation of forestry economy and development,hence promoting the realization of ecological forestry and livelihood forestry.

关 键 词: 森林文化 建设 民间习俗 社会效益

分 类 号: [F326.2]

领  域: [经济管理]



机构 中山大学
机构 广州大学人文学院


作者 廖刚
作者 张为
作者 张丽丽
作者 张丽娟
作者 张丽娟