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The Effects of Metacognitive Strategy Training on English Reading Comprehension in Rural Junior High School's Students

导  师: 丁怡

学科专业: 0451

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 广州大学

摘  要: 七十年代末心理学家Flavell提出元认知这个概念,此后,众多语言研究者对元认知及其理论高度重视,继而完善了元认知的概念及其他相关理论和实验研究。同时,有些研究人员更关注于阅读理解中的元认知研究。近年来,国内外关于元认知英语阅读策略教学的可行性及作用的理论性探讨也越来越多。然而,这些研究中关于这种教学方式是否能真正提高学生的英语阅读水平的实证研究却很少,特别是以农村地区八年级学生作为研究对象的实证研究更是寥寥无几。 本研究以此为切入点,根据以下研究问题设计并完成了一学期的实验研究: 1.英语阅读元认知策略培训是否有助于提高农村初中学生的阅读能力水平? 2.元认知策略培训能不能提高学生的元认知策略意识水平? 3.假设在阅读中善读者和不善读者的元认知策略意识水平存在差别,差别如何? 本研究意在探讨在阅读教学中进行元认知策略培训的效果。研究对象为广东省梅州市洲瑞镇实验学校八年级的两个平行班的学生共80名,并随机地将其中一个班作为实验组,另一个班为控制组。实验首先通过问卷调查的形式从元认知策略的四个维度——计划、选择性注意、监控和评价,来了解现阶段农村初中学生英语阅读方面的元认知策略意识水平。问卷调查结果表明,农村地区初中学生具有中等水平的阅读元认知策略意识。随后,研究人员对实验组和控制组进行了英语阅读能力测试作为前测,前测结果的平均值分别为:实验组22.25(总分的44.50/%),控制组22.30(总分的44.60/%),显示这两组的英语阅读能力水平接近而且都很低。因此,本研究设计了为期八周的针对实验组的阅读元认知策略培训。八周后,实验组和控制组均进行了阅读理解能力测试后测,实验组还再进行了问卷调查后测。随后对实验组的十位同学进行了半开放式的访谈,其中五位善读者——在阅读考试中取得较好成绩,而另五位则是阅读成绩低下的不善读者。 结果发现:1.实验组的阅读水平较实验组有显著提高;2.元认知策略培训确实能够提高学生的元认知意识水平。而且,访谈结果表明,善读者在元认知知识、元认知体验和元认知监控这三个方面的表现均优于不善读者。因此,本研究表明,元认知阅读策略培训不仅能够提高学生的阅读能力,对学生的元认知策略意识也起着重要的作用。 虽然本研究在时间和实验设计上有缺陷,但是它为阅读理解教学和阅读理解学习都提供了有益的参考。 At the end of1970s, the psychologist Flavell put forward the concept of metacognition.Since then, a great number of language researchers have paid attention to this theory. Theseresearchers improved the concept of metacognition and other related theories andexperimental researches. Meanwhile, some researchers paid more attention to metacognitionin reading comprehension. In recent years, there are more and more researches about thefeasibility of metacognitive reading strategies training in English and the role of theoreticaldiscussion. In these studies, however, there are quite a few empirical researches about whetherthis teaching method can really improve the students' English reading ability, especially thereare few researches about junior high school students in rural areas as the research subjects. So on basis of above, this research is designed and attempts to find answers to thefollowing research questions: 1. Can metacognitive strategy training improve students’ reading ability in rural juniorhigh schools? 2. Can metacognitive strategy training improve students’ awareness of metacognitivestrategy? 3. Assume there are some differences between the effective readers and ineffectivereaders on metacognitive strategies in reading, what are they? In the current research, the effect of the metacognitive strategy training in reading isexplored. The subjects in the present study come from two natural classes, Grade Eight, inZhourui Experimental School with total number of80, in which one class is randomly chosenas the experimental goup and the other one as the CG. The experiment was firstly carried outby a questionnaire, which includes these four sub-categories of planning, selective attention,monitoring and evaluation, to find out the applying state of metacognitive reading strategiesawareness in rural junior high school. And the questionnaire result turned out that the currentsituation of metacognitive reading strategies awareness in rural junior high students is in themedium level. Then the researcher had an English reading comprehension exam for them as apre-test, the means of the pre-test in EG is22.25/(44.5/%of the total score/) and in CG is 22.30/(44.6/%of the total score/), which shows that their reading performance is similar andare both not low. Thus, the researcher designed an eight-week metacognitive strategy trainingin reading to the EG. After that, both the EG and CG took the post-test to check whether thetraining does work or doesn’t work on their reading performance and the EG took thepost-questionnaire. A follow-up semi-structured interview was conducted, ten students werechosen as the interviewees, five were effective readers who were doing well in their readingtests and five were ineffective readers who were doing bad. Several main outcomes are obtained as follows. First, the reading performance of theexperimental group, compared with the CG, is significance improved. Second, metacognitivestrategy training does improve students’ awareness of metacognitive strategy, and theeffective readers are advanced than the ineffective readers in all three aspects: metacognitiveknowledge, metacognitive experience and metacognive supervision. Hence, the currentresearch implies that metacognitive reading strategies training not only promotes students'reading performance, but also crucial to develop students' metacognitive strategies awareness. Although the study has some limitations such as the time span and research design, somesuggestions are provided for vocabulary teaching and learning.

关 键 词: 元认知策略 阅读理解 农村初中生 策略培训

分 类 号: [G633.41]

领  域: [文化科学]


作者 曾小青
作者 陈志旗
作者 朱艳华
作者 甘丽华
作者 岑润桃


机构 华南师范大学
机构 广州大学
机构 中山大学
机构 华南师范大学公共管理学院
机构 嘉应学院外国语学院


作者 庞菊香
作者 康超
作者 廖燕萍
作者 廖荆梅
作者 张丽娟